Ben Carson and it goes on and on

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Old 11-06-2015, 05:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Ben Carson and it goes on and on

Politico reported Friday that Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson did not — as he has claimed repeatedly — receive a full scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

In fact, Carson’s campaign admitted that not only was the former neurosurgeon not accepted into the prestigious military academy, but he never actually applied. This concession came after Politico obtained evidence from a West Point spokesperson that the academy has no record of Carson’s application or his admission — calling into question a key piece of the presidential hopeful’s personal history.
Old 11-06-2015, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Politico reported Friday that Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson did not — as he has claimed repeatedly — receive a full scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

In fact, Carson’s campaign admitted that not only was the former neurosurgeon not accepted into the prestigious military academy, but he never actually applied. This concession came after Politico obtained evidence from a West Point spokesperson that the academy has no record of Carson’s application or his admission — calling into question a key piece of the presidential hopeful’s personal history.
This is what, the THIRD THREAD on this one subject ?????????

1. Too bad there was not as much interest into the past of our President in 2007/2008 as for Ben Carson who will not get the nomination and never had much of a chance.

2. Too bad there is not this much interest on this forum when a thread on Syria, Iran or real topics confronting this world. I suppose THREE threads on talking about this guy speaks to the kind of posters we have, hey ?
Old 11-06-2015, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
This is what, the THIRD THREAD on this one subject ?????????

1. Too bad there was not as much interest into the past of our President in 2007/2008 as for Ben Carson who will not get the nomination and never had much of a chance.

2. Too bad there is not this much interest on this forum when a thread on Syria, Iran or real topics confronting this world. I suppose THREE threads on talking about this guy speaks to the kind of posters we have, hey ?
I think the problem here is people like you that are so republican blind that nothing will change you mind about voting otherwise. Go back and see Obama was scrutinized. If Hitler was running as a republican you would vote for him.
Old 11-06-2015, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I think the problem here is people like you that are so republican blind that nothing will change you mind about voting otherwise. Go back and see Obama was scrutinized. If Hitler was running as a republican you would vote for him.
Hitler IS running as a Democrat.....or is that Hilary....same difference.

You liberals are so blind, that you believe a report without investigating it. Politico has already changed that story on Carson three times and is walking it back.

So, Carson embellishes in a book and you label him a liar. OK. Don't vote for him. Hilary lies consistently and you worship her. She lied when she allowed four people in Benghazi get killed. She stood there and lied to the parents, right to their faces. And you worship her. And yet, you have the audacity to claim Republicans are biased? Of course we are. WE can recognize evil when we see it. We have had two terms of it and hope to make it through the end of the second term with America still intact.
Old 11-06-2015, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I think the problem here is people like you that are so republican blind that nothing will change you mind about voting otherwise. Go back and see Obama was scrutinized. If Hitler was running as a republican you would vote for him.
What other option is there? Hillary Clinton? She is a known liar and self-serving elitist who is under criminal investigation by the FBI.
Old 11-06-2015, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I think the problem here is people like you that are so republican blind that nothing will change you mind about voting otherwise. Go back and see Obama was scrutinized. If Hitler was running as a republican you would vote for him.
Whomever you are, you sure are uninformed. It is not worth it to revisit all the controversery surrounding the media and what was NOT reported on President Obama, but start with Bill Ayers. He, and the party, loudly said he only met this man and his wife Doran, both terrorists. YET after the election it was found how close they really were. Obama had covered the fact that Doran had worked with Michelle at a law firm and he failed to mention that fact while he was saying how he did not know these folks. Media ignored it in 2007 and 2008. You need to read about Ayers to understand this importance.

The media tried to kill the Rev Wright stuff and it took over a year...over a year for the mainstream media to even report that Obama's mentor was preaching hate of white people and that Obama thought of him as a mentor, advisor and friend.

There are a lot more, but obviously you have no idea so best just to let it sense in unearthing that stuff again.

I also find it ironic that someone who is obviously a democrat would even suggest "so republican blind that nothing will change you mind about voting otherwise."

The Democratic party takes great and loud pride in how they can get out the vote, but them in, etc and they will vote how they are told. It is a democratic tradition actually. They are world famous for that, and to even suggest such a thing with Hillary Clinton going to be at the top of your ticket is actually quite funny. This is a woman who has multiple books written about her EVIL, not accomplishments. This is a woman who has never denied any of those allegations. This is a woman who has been bashed by secret service folks, not only in Washington but in Arkansas. No you are not even close to firm ground, but again it is a democratic tradition to not care about character.
Old 11-06-2015, 08:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Well, deflection is in full swing, the Obamas, Hillary, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and his wife, that democrat Hitler, Benghazi, and the FBI. Same old.
Old 11-06-2015, 09:00 PM
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"If Hitler was running as a republican you would vote for him."
Great line and how true.
Old 11-06-2015, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well, deflection is in full swing, the Obamas, Hillary, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and his wife, that democrat Hitler, Benghazi, and the FBI. Same old.
I was not deflecting. Nothing to deselect.

I was simply defending myself from a standard democratic mock about voting for Hitler.

It is, for some reason, an obsession for democrats.

Frankly, if you are able to read, NO...NO....NO (and now I say a very few) democrats or liberals EVER..EVER post on the issues of the day. From ISIS to the Iran deal to Syria or whatever the issue, EVERY DEMOCRAT on this forum will eventually go for the attack on character with the curptsey little sayings.

No....I stand ready to debate on this forum any issue facing this country. I challenge democrats or liberals to do the same without a personal attack on either the poster or some candidate.

No need for any deflection at all. You come on here and say Carson has no shot, and I might agree with that, but after you people say he has no shot, you spend your time on here ignoring everything but jump on any thread that attacks some one, ignore the lunacy that is the media, and start with your Hitler nuances.

How about you people post on the threads concerning Syria, Iran, Isis, economy, anything.......nope....seems if you cannot attack another person who registers another party, then you are silent..totally silent.

I am not deflecting in want to use Hitler analogies. Go through the various topic driven is what you will find..either no comment or a change to attack another.

That is just the way you do it. Not just words, YOUR TOTAL SILENCE ON ISSUE DRIVEN THREADS is startling. YOUR RABID, CHILDISH and almost joyful participation in those thread attacking a person is clear.

BUT, your use of those cute little icons is just so cute and heartwarming.
Old 11-06-2015, 09:42 PM
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Amazing how the liberal media and news sources will cruify black republician, but let's know lair's, racists, and socialists walk on water.

Carson is gaining in the polls. The liberal media will dig up anything to cruify him, Lilly white halo b itch gets free pass. Amazing
Old 11-06-2015, 09:49 PM
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I would bet the Christian Evangelicals of Iowa will be taking these lies of Ben Carson in and remembering them on the Caucus votes.

They do not forget or forgive.
Old 11-06-2015, 10:34 PM
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No, Evangelicals will still come to Benny since he seems sincere about being Christian.

The main stream Republicans are going to leave Benny in droves with his lies about West Point and the stories about being a violent youth.

By the way, Benny didn't apparently know the entire education is free at West Point. No such thing as a "full scholarship" there since no cadet pays anything.

Also, Benny made references in his book to Congressional Medal of Honor "winners". Wrong again, Benny. They are recepients!
Old 11-06-2015, 11:27 PM
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Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? You should really refrain from posting such nonsense on a public forum. So sad ....

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"If Hitler was running as a republican you would vote for him."
Great line and how true.
Old 11-07-2015, 05:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, Evangelicals will still come to Benny since he seems sincere about being Christian.

The main stream Republicans are going to leave Benny in droves with his lies about West Point and the stories about being a violent youth.

By the way, Benny didn't apparently know the entire education is free at West Point. No such thing as a "full scholarship" there since no cadet pays anything.

Also, Benny made references in his book to Congressional Medal of Honor "winners". Wrong again, Benny. They are recepients!
Having a conversation with yourself again?

Does Dr. Carson bother you? Were you EVER intending to vote for anyone other than a Socialist? Give it a break and let the adults converse.
Old 11-07-2015, 08:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, Evangelicals will still come to Benny since he seems sincere about being Christian.

The main stream Republicans are going to leave Benny in droves with his lies about West Point and the stories about being a violent youth.

By the way, Benny didn't apparently know the entire education is free at West Point. No such thing as a "full scholarship" there since no cadet pays anything.

Also, Benny made references in his book to Congressional Medal of Honor "winners". Wrong again, Benny. They are recepients!
Wow we are really bottom feeding. Hillary said she landed under fire while visiting a middle east area. Not so. Obama said he would cut our national debt in half. Not so. There have been numerous fibs and misrepresentations by every candidate in every political position in every election ever held. So now that they are all on a somewhat level field regarding this let us look into their qualifications to be President. And don't tell me that Obama was more qualified than Carson or any other candidate when he first ran. A community organizer and a short short uneventful time in Congress is certainly not superior to any a candidate running now. So whats left. The intelligence and common sense of a candidate. This becomes a personal decision for each of us. Let us all try to make this decision without this unfortunate bottom feeding.

academy, ben, military, point, west, carson’s, carson, politico, presidential, obtained, evidence, concession, history, applied, spokesperson, personal, calling, admission, question, key, piece, hopeful’s, record, application, accepted

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