Biased media? You decide

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Old 04-17-2010, 09:26 PM
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Default Biased media? You decide

White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?'

After More Than A Year, CBS 'Early Show' Does First Full Story on Tea Parties

Hulse Lets Clinton Smear Tea Party Protests as Lighting Fuse for Next Oklahoma City Bombing

Media Confusion: Why the Protest? Not High Taxes, but Government Expansion
'Tax Enough Already' movement isn't necessarily upset over increasing taxes, but 'other side of the coin,' as in the growth of government, says CNBC's Rick Santelli.

CBS Gives Tea Partiers Top Billing, But Sees 'Inconsistency' in the FNC-Watching, White Gun Owners

Times Polls Tea Partiers, Finds Them Educated, But Also Angry and Inconsistent

Networks Fail to Report on VAT Tax Since Volcker Call for Tax Increases
White House adviser calls 15-25 percent European tax 'not as toxic an idea;' some online news media praise consumption tax as 'efficient,' 'only option.'

On Hardball: Slamming Republicans as 'Un-American' Is Fine, But Don't Dare Talk About Obama That Way

MSNBC Anchor Touts Journalist Who Compared Palin to Larry the Cable Guy: 'It Is a Good Line'
Old 04-18-2010, 09:03 AM
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Default There is no decision to be made.

The bias is demonstrated as much by what they DO NOT report as well as what they do report.
Remember in one of the Batman movies where Jim Carey played the joker and the little antennae he had on his head and viewers had in their homes? That is what the media wears and has on their sets to get the word(s) of the day from the WH.

We all know even the best groups have their elements and of course the media will seek out the 1% participant and present it as a majority.

If they were doing an article on TV they would/could make it sound like the suburbs of the current crime spree in Chicago.....that is how they focus...they target the world through a straw (think about it!).

Old 04-18-2010, 09:46 AM
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Default Traitorous

Joan Walsh on Hardball calls Palin un-American and traitorous.

How quickly they forget how they said that protesting was Patriotic:

Old 04-18-2010, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Donna2 View Post
Joan Walsh on Hardball calls Palin un-American and traitorous.

How quickly they forget how they said that protesting was Patriotic:
Hillary is right....I am a very proud anti-war protester who has been confronted with comments about "Not supporting the troops", "America Love it or Leave It and many single finger salutes. But why are the pictures of Hillary so bad....could the source have found some other nicer pictures. We all have the right to protest. I may not agree with the Tea Party but they have the right to protest.

But have to ironic you reference someone calling Palin UN-American and traitorous. What have you all been saying about Obama? The majority of the Tea Party believes he isn't an American. You constantly call him a socialist. Least we forget the comments made by Rush and Beck.

Its kind of like pot calling the kettle black.....
Old 04-18-2010, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Hillary is right....I am a very proud anti-war protester who has been confronted with comments about "Not supporting the troops", "America Love it or Leave It and many single finger salutes. But why are the pictures of Hillary so bad....could the source have found some other nicer pictures. We all have the right to protest. I may not agree with the Tea Party but they have the right to protest.

But have to ironic you reference someone calling Palin UN-American and traitorous. What have you all been saying about Obama? The majority of the Tea Party believes he isn't an American. You constantly call him a socialist. Least we forget the comments made by Rush and Beck.

Its kind of like pot calling the kettle black.....
Is that a racist remark?
The irony is that when Bush was president Clinton and her gang said protesting was patriotic. Those same nitwits are now saying protesting is un-American. Unbelievable- but expected from these known hypocrites.
Old 04-18-2010, 10:52 AM
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Default Biased Media

The media IS, WAS, WILL BE, and has always been biased to the left. It is the popular front to support. Politics will always be what it is and the supporters of each side will form the battle lines filled with hate, prejudiced thoughts, meaningless statements, marches, etc, etc. The days of treating each other civilly has ended, now we face each other staring into each others muskets. Politics is a dirty business and seldom do the right people end up running for the correct office. We have taken the slam, the opportunity to badger, to stop listening, blindly support candidates that voice the party line and stop believing what they say the day after elected into office. There was a time when the New York Times motto, "only the news that's fit to print," really meant something. Now it is only words backed up by nothing but who pays for the advertising.
Old 04-18-2010, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Donna2 View Post
Is that a racist remark?
The irony is that when Bush was president Clinton and her gang said protesting was patriotic. Those same nitwits are now saying protesting is un-American. Unbelievable- but expected from these known hypocrites.
Is that a racist remark? LOL Were you a child at one time?
Old 04-18-2010, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Hillary is right....I am a very proud anti-war protester who has been confronted with comments about "Not supporting the troops", "America Love it or Leave It and many single finger salutes. But why are the pictures of Hillary so bad....could the source have found some other nicer pictures. We all have the right to protest. I may not agree with the Tea Party but they have the right to protest.

But have to ironic you reference someone calling Palin UN-American and traitorous. What have you all been saying about Obama? The majority of the Tea Party believes he isn't an American. You constantly call him a socialist. Least we forget the comments made by Rush and Beck.

Its kind of like pot calling the kettle black.....
PLEASE BEFORE YOU POST CHECK YOUR FACTS. Some of your ideas are good but you spoil all of that when you make statements that are wrong and you know they are wrong.

To say "The Majority of theTea Party believes he isn't an American" is a typical hate comment. How can we rely on anything you say in the future.
Old 04-18-2010, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by cashman View Post
PLEASE BEFORE YOU POST CHECK YOUR FACTS. Some of your ideas are good but you spoil all of that when you make statements that are wrong and you know they are wrong.

To say "The Majority of theTea Party believes he isn't an American" is a typical hate comment. How can we rely on anything you say in the future.
Cashman....that quote come from a poll that I saw. I will look for the poll on-line.
Old 04-18-2010, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Cashman....that quote come from a poll that I saw. I will look for the poll on-line.
Typical hate comment

The only thing typical is the the left's response to normal protesters.

The world has never seen ordinary American people so disgusted with the direction the left is trying to take us that they would actually leave their house and show their contempt.
The left's only response is to attack the messengers. The left is so contemptible and very irresponsible.
Old 04-18-2010, 05:30 PM
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LYING MEDIA= Fox entertainment
Old 04-18-2010, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by waynet View Post

First of all, you will not find me defending Fox news...not necessary,,,more folks listen to them than anyone; they sure dont me to defend them.

Nor would I expect you to defend MSNBC. Oh, and by the way, should you want the entire interview that you posted...I mean the transcript rather than an edited video here it is..,2933,590963,00.html

My question for you Wayne, as you seem to be obsessed with Fox is WHY ?

I really dont get it. I have always recognized that Fox had many conservative hosts to counter the MSNBC/CNN liberal bent. I dont think there are many on earth who does not know that and thus watch or listen and know it. I dont get my news from the cable news channels or the networks so I surely dont get as caught up with it as you and the President.

Unless you can deny somehow that MSNBC for example does not cater to the left and if you can please tell us how you could possibly say that...why is all the critique aimed at Fox....why dont we hear except when defending Fox comments on Olberman and Maddow, two of the most liberal and viscious folks on tv today (not a criticism Wayne....they are and that is their call and MSNBCs decision to air them).

It just seems sort of one sided especially as their ratings grow...from the President to you....they all seem to either worry or fret about this network.
Old 04-18-2010, 06:47 PM
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I am interested in the truth not some made up garbage that Fox seems to present. I do think that is the difference. You may not like them but at least Olberman and Maddow try to tell the truth. The clip I presented in my previous post is freaking ridiculous. The guy has the no.1 show on cable TV and sits there and lies to a U.S. senator and the next night laughs about it. Fox is the #1 station,should they not at least try to report the truth. If Obama and the Dems are so bad why do they have to make up stuff? That idiot that reported on ACORN,climategate,atomic treaty symbol,prison for the uninsured wher do the lies stop?
Old 04-18-2010, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by waynet View Post
I am interested in the truth not some made up garbage that Fox seems to present. I do think that is the difference. You may not like them but at least Olberman and Maddow try to tell the truth. The clip I presented in my previous post is freaking ridiculous. The guy has the no.1 show on cable TV and sits there and lies to a U.S. senator and the next night laughs about it. Fox is the #1 station,should they not at least try to report the truth. If Obama and the Dems are so bad why do they have to make up stuff? That idiot that reported on ACORN,climategate,atomic treaty symbol,prison for the uninsured wher do the lies stop?
Sorry have about the most bias attitude that I have ever seen. You believe in Maddow and Olberman and therefore they are telling the are then beyond any discussion. You are right and the rest of the world is !

As I said not defending Fox.....but asked a question of you and got more of the left wing diatrabe that always comes out flying. If you were at least original !!! But all you spout is the garbage fostered by MOVEON. You dont have anything but their opiinion. You appear to be one of the loyal party hacks that adores and worships at the feet of the Obamas and Pelosi etc.

Good luck Wayne and I mean that. Without an open mind on ANYTHING there is nothing more to say !

While I am FOR SURE and absolute anti Obama.....I can see both sides of any are flat out unable ! summarize...those fine folks over at MSNBC...Olberman and Maddow..poor folks they are out there telling the truth and have been for years...their personal attacks are just truths. They offer no opinion...just the truth and those dirty rats at Fox...they spend the day lying and decieving. I got it....thanks Wayne
Old 04-18-2010, 07:38 PM
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I didn't answer your question? Here is your question.Why is the critique aimed at Fox.? Please read the first answer in my post. That's my answer to your question or did you somehow miss it.
Your holier than thou attitude is comical.Anything you don't agree with is left wing diatribe.
I.m answering your question about the lies spread by Fox and do you prove me wrong,do you refute my examples? No,you go off on some ridiculous tangent about how you can see both sides and have no bias and I'm this and I'm that and I get my info from a place I've never heard of.
About the only thing you got right was the last paragraph.

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