Bigots in The Villages

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Old 06-13-2016, 07:53 PM
Posts: n/a

This is a conversation. It is interesting.
Old 06-13-2016, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some people like to hear themselves talk, and it spills over to their written comments on forums!
The people that always insult and never provide a link or back what they say expect the reader to believe them. Because they said so. They like to hear themselves talk and hopefully a couple of like minded friends will listen and add emoticons or come to their defense.
Old 06-13-2016, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some people like to hear themselves talk, and it spills over to their written comments on forums!
Sorry but not an original or relevant comment .
Old 06-13-2016, 08:13 PM
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Some religions are based upon the worship and veneration of departed ancestors .
My daughter was a competitive figure skater . Many of the other young girls were of Asian heritage . There Mothers were highly educated either MDs or PHDs . They would scold their 10 year old daughters for not working hard enough telling them in anger " you insult your ancestors by not working " . " Get back out there or no food for you " !
My favorite was " you hurt ancestor -- you sleep on floor ! " .
So Bigotry is an individual belief system . It works for many people and gets them through life day to day .
Old 06-13-2016, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sorry but not an original or relevant comment .
It might be relevant.

When someone calls another a petulant child they see themselves as an authority figure. But where are they an authority figure? In their own home? When they were boss and others had to suck it up and laugh at their jokes? With their children?

Certainly not in the villages, we have all survived and know what they know, maybe even more.

They lack respect for their peers. They think they are better then the rest. Opposing honest opinions are very uncomfortable.
Old 06-13-2016, 08:33 PM
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I get your point .
Old 06-13-2016, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some religions are based upon the worship and veneration of departed ancestors .
My daughter was a competitive figure skater . Many of the other young girls were of Asian heritage . There Mothers were highly educated either MDs or PHDs . They would scold their 10 year old daughters for not working hard enough telling them in anger " you insult your ancestors by not working " . " Get back out there or no food for you " !
My favorite was " you hurt ancestor -- you sleep on floor ! " .
So Bigotry is an individual belief system . It works for many people and gets them through life day to day .
I have a similar story about a Korean family I knew. Where is the bigotry? Who hates who?
Old 06-14-2016, 04:51 AM
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Sorry, but there isn't a law against being a bigot, YET. I realize that Obie's AG is attempting to convince him to write an E.O. that stipulates a law against "hate speech." But, that will be shot down by the Supreme Court, if it happens, even a liberal Supreme Court.

Being a bigot is legal as long as it does not interfere on how someone is treated in the work place.

Is being a bigot an evil thing? The Pope and other religious leaders are bigots because they HATE sin. Muslims are bigots because they hate gays and infidels. Obama is a bigot because he hates Republicans and white folks. But, are they really bigots? To be a bigot, one must be INTOLERANT. Putting Muslims aside, many folks are tolerant but do not condone. I love my gay relatives and friends but do NOT condone their gay practice. I tolerate them because of that brotherly love. But, for a libtard to insist that you either welcome and embrace their sin or you are a bigot, makes them WHAT? Gays want the church to endorse their behavior when it is against almost EVERY religion in the world. If you suggest that homosexuality is not normal, then you are immediately considered a bigot. That is the only defense of the gay community. They wish to be take seriously and then they make themselves appear ridiculous with their gay pride parades. What is the logic in that? If the left wishes to redefine the term "bigot" then that is their weak position and prerogative.

Bigots in The Villages? Sooo??? Still no law banning it. If you consider me a bigot, then don't associate with me, don't play golf with me, or pickleball with me, or bocciball with me. But, it is still a free country. And, accuse me of wearing a white sheet and hood to my face, be prepared to defend your position on the subject.....from the ground. Because I am not part of a radical group, such as the KKK, or the Wall St cretins, or Black lives matter, or even the Tea Party (which I agree with).
Old 06-14-2016, 05:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sorry, but there isn't a law against being a bigot, YET. I realize that Obie's AG is attempting to convince him to write an E.O. that stipulates a law against "hate speech." But, that will be shot down by the Supreme Court, if it happens, even a liberal Supreme Court.

Being a bigot is legal as long as it does not interfere on how someone is treated in the work place.

Is being a bigot an evil thing? The Pope and other religious leaders are bigots because they HATE sin. Muslims are bigots because they hate gays and infidels. Obama is a bigot because he hates Republicans and white folks. But, are they really bigots? To be a bigot, one must be INTOLERANT. Putting Muslims aside, many folks are tolerant but do not condone. I love my gay relatives and friends but do NOT condone their gay practice. I tolerate them because of that brotherly love. But, for a libtard to insist that you either welcome and embrace their sin or you are a bigot, makes them WHAT? Gays want the church to endorse their behavior when it is against almost EVERY religion in the world. If you suggest that homosexuality is not normal, then you are immediately considered a bigot. That is the only defense of the gay community. They wish to be take seriously and then they make themselves appear ridiculous with their gay pride parades. What is the logic in that? If the left wishes to redefine the term "bigot" then that is their weak position and prerogative.

Bigots in The Villages? Sooo??? Still no law banning it. If you consider me a bigot, then don't associate with me, don't play golf with me, or pickleball with me, or bocciball with me. But, it is still a free country. And, accuse me of wearing a white sheet and hood to my face, be prepared to defend your position on the subject.....from the ground. Because I am not part of a radical group, such as the KKK, or the Wall St cretins, or Black lives matter, or even the Tea Party (which I agree with).
President Obama is not a bigot - by your definition, he is not intolerant of Republicans and white people. Get a grip.

Back to the original post, the bigot everyone is referring to is clearly looking for attention, so probably the best way to discourage him/her is to ignore and not engage with the drivel he/she spouts. As far as meeting people like that in The Villages, they are everywhere in our society. I have personally met at least 2 people like that in TV. They're nice enough when you start talking with them, but involve alcohol or some other trigger, they go off on the racist/bigot rants and you see what you're dealing with.
Old 06-14-2016, 06:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Whereas 38% of Americans said gay and lesbian relations were morally acceptable in 2002, that number has risen to 63% today. And while 35% of Americans favored legalized same-sex marriage in 1999, 60% favor it today." I guess you are in the minority in your thinking according to this Gallop pole.
This is from the media BOMBARDING us with gay couples, mixed couples, and all kinds of nasties.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
" Gallop Pole " What kind of a pole is that --- for climbing or fishing ?

I think you meant " Gallup Poll " .
No, it's the pole he likes to suck. Freudian slip.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The racial hierarchy, with White groups of European origin at the top and people of color at the bottom, serves important functions for society and for certain categories of people. It ensures, for example, that some people are available to do society's dirty work at low wages. The racial hierarchy has positive consequences for the status quo: It enables the powerful to retain their control and their advantages. Racial stratification also offers better occupational opportunities, income, and education to White people. These advantages constitute racial privilege (Eitzen et al., 2011:209).Chapter 8:* Racial & Ethnic Inequality

Don't bigots believe in racial hierarchy with them at the top?
Hierarchies form naturally due to ability. White europeans created a modern civilization...blacks are STILL living in mud and grass huts digging for roots and grubs.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Bigotry does not have any structured or consistent rules . It is an individual belief system .
It's a BS word twisted by minority groups to make US seem like the weird ones...when it's THEM who are strange. Just because you refuse to tolerate mental sickness, it doesn't make you wrong or a "bigot".

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
President Obama is not a bigot - by your definition, he is not intolerant of Republicans and white people. Get a grip.

Back to the original post, the bigot everyone is referring to is clearly looking for attention, so probably the best way to discourage him/her is to ignore and not engage with the drivel he/she spouts. As far as meeting people like that in The Villages, they are everywhere in our society. I have personally met at least 2 people like that in TV. They're nice enough when you start talking with them, but involve alcohol or some other trigger, they go off on the racist/bigot rants and you see what you're dealing with.
They're just being honest and have lost the political correctness. What about what they say is incorrect? Liberals always complain about what "we" say...but they can NEVER come back with a reasonable explanation of how we're wrong...we just ARE.
Old 06-14-2016, 06:39 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
President Obama is not a bigot - by your definition, he is not intolerant of Republicans and white people. Get a grip.

Back to the original post, the bigot everyone is referring to is clearly looking for attention, so probably the best way to discourage him/her is to ignore and not engage with the drivel he/she spouts. As far as meeting people like that in The Villages, they are everywhere in our society. I have personally met at least 2 people like that in TV. They're nice enough when you start talking with them, but involve alcohol or some other trigger, they go off on the racist/bigot rants and you see what you're dealing with.
That's what I said, if you read it all. I am sorry if my means of communicating my thoughts are not quite so intelligible or coherent. My suggestion was that anyone that does not like, condone or appreciates a group, is considered a bigot by the left. But, I also said that in order to be a bigot, there is a requirement of being intolerant. I'm sorry if I did not make my thought on the matter clear enough for some to make sense of it.

And I believe that I DO have a "grip" on it.

I guarantee that if I was to disparage Trump or berate the Republicans, there would be no one on here calling me a bigot. If I was to demean the church or Christianity, there would be no protest from the left, but there would be if I was to suggest a negative thought regarding the Muslim/Islamic faith.

A "bigot" is all in the eyes of the beholder and most of the beholders are on the left, in this case. I have never ever heard a conservative call anyone a "bigot." I have heard them call Obama a racist, and I have also. And I still believe it.

person, villages, bigots

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