Boehner Caves In On Tax Bill

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Old 12-22-2011, 11:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Boehner Caves In On Tax Bill

Well, President Obama won a victory over Cry Baby Boehner today. It does show you that Republicans do listen to constituents once in a while.

President Obama is now just about guaranteed a victory in November.
Old 12-23-2011, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Default how do you figure that?

the Republicans wanted the cut extended for a year, not two is the senate that would only agree to the two how do you figure that all helps Pres Obama? besides, the decrease in tax only decreases the benefits for social security in the anyone thinking about that?
Old 12-23-2011, 07:28 AM
Posts: n/a

A victory? Is that what a two month reprieve of an ongoing major problem is called?

The total and complete absence of a longer term solution to a very major problem has been allowed to continue. Why? Because the priority has been to be out campaigning instead of tending to the needs of the people?

One could view that Boehner played Obama and the dems, highlighting and reminding Obama that he too had asked for a one year extension and flipped to settle for two months.

Before you hang out the victory flag let's wait and see what happens in two months when this will hit the fan AGAIN!!!

Does ANYBODY really expect there will be a solution? In case you forgot just look at the complete failure of Obama's super duper committee. All that does is allow TALKING about the problem...action taken? assign it to a committee...they will take care of it.

In the current case, they come up with a two month solution that allows all the rich politicians to go away on vacation with a good conscience....problem solved....short term solution.

Mark your calendar and let's just recall the bloated value of this "victory" when the same fecal matter hits the same fan.

The issue was not addressed and the problem not resolved by the congress and Obama. Victory? You certainly jest!

Old 12-23-2011, 08:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Oh Boy, Billethbik, did you hit the nail on the head.

A little reported news item yesterday that I will bet most everyone did not hear about. On the first day of Winter, December 21,2011, the United States' now owes more that our annual GDP. I did see any of our elected criminals talking about that. Only let's "kick the can down the road" statement again and again. That statement is really getting tiresome to hear. Let's hear some real soluations on getting our financial house back in the black before its to late for all of us.

I would hang on for I think that 2012 will be a really "fun" year.
Old 12-23-2011, 09:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by chachacha View Post
the Republicans wanted the cut extended for a year, not two is the senate that would only agree to the two how do you figure that all helps Pres Obama? besides, the decrease in tax only decreases the benefits for social security in the anyone thinking about that?
Only if you are older and selfish.
Old 12-23-2011, 10:13 AM
Posts: n/a

some of you along with Fox can spin this anyway you want but this is a small victory for Obama and what could be a rather big loss for the Repubs. They looked stupid,had no real plan and changed their thinking daily. Unfortunately for most of us nothing really changed. As long as they are allowed to add other bills to existing ones(the pipeline stuff)and show no real voting guts and the 60 vote stupidity in the senate and the real stupid supreme court ruling that made corporations people(look up super pacs)we the people are just wasting our time.Billy and I disagree on some stuff but he is right on when he says our system has failed.
Old 12-23-2011, 10:48 AM
Posts: n/a

the two months extension does not solve is like heading toward the falls of Niagra in a boat with no motor and being thrown a stick to slow down the boat....the boat is still headed for the falls.

A politician would say they saved you from going over the falls and go about their business...remember they are not in the boat so it is easy to fake claiming "A victory".....for the moment....solved....nothing!!

Old 12-23-2011, 12:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Wouldn't surprise me at all to see a revolt in The House, and Cantor become the Speaker.

Boehner's "leadership" is a total failure.
Old 12-23-2011, 12:42 PM
Posts: n/a

originally posted by chachacha:
"the Republicans wanted the cut extended for a year, not two is the senate that would only agree to the two how do you figure that all helps Pres Obama? besides, the decrease in tax only decreases the benefits for social security in the anyone thinking about that?"

response by dalemn:
"Only if you are older and selfish."

my thoughts:
yes i am older BUT i am anything but selfish. i, like many others on the board, grew up without friday nite pizza! we gave up things like a new bike for christmas and were thrilled with a used one; our dolls did not cry 'mama'; school and play clothes had to be well taken care of as they had to be worn by 2 younger sisters. i did not get to this stage of my life without being FRUGAL - NOT SELFISH. ask the woman in my maine vacation town who will receive a heating oil delivery today because my husband and i made a charitable donation to make it happen!

i am sick and tired of having to have my limited income redistributed for corporate welfare, bailouts and to the slugs next to me at the race track who were planning their next outing there as soon as the welfare checks were received! the reduction of social security funding seriously impacts my future financial security - and yours!

and as for the republican house help for shows that he, too, can flip flop from demanding a 1 yr extension to being pressured and strong-armed by the democratic senate...and no one will ever believe that a 2 month extension is going to create a job anywhere! it just shows, again, that he still cannot lead and can only follow.
Old 12-23-2011, 12:53 PM
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From a Brielle Beach Bum.........great post. You hit it out of the park. Must be a Jersey thing.
Old 12-23-2011, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
From a Brielle Beach Bum.........great post. You hit it out of the park. Must be a Jersey thing.
Old 12-23-2011, 01:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Many of you can only talk about repubs losing and Obama winning when the real story is either way THE PEOPLE have lost!
So at least now we can rest easy and sleep at night knowing everything is figured out for TWO MONTHS.

Wow! These guys are good.
Old 12-23-2011, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by notlongnow View Post
Many of you can only talk about repubs losing and Obama winning when the real story is either way THE PEOPLE have lost!
So at least now we can rest easy and sleep at night knowing everything is figured out for TWO MONTHS.

Wow! These guys are good.
Just curious as to why you feel the people lost.
Old 12-23-2011, 03:28 PM
Posts: n/a

The American people lost because once again Congress placed politics ahead of "we the people".There is not a solid idea among them for solving the problems of our economy.

May I poltically incorrectly say

Merry christmas and a Happy New Year.
Old 12-23-2011, 03:48 PM
Posts: n/a

The American people lost because once again Congress placed politics ahead of "we the people".There is not a solid idea among them for solving the problems of our economy.

May I poltically incorrectly say

Merry christmas and a Happy New Year.
What he said!

And also because it was all just a bunch of one upmanship as far as I can see. This was nothing for the people, just a way to score points for theirs parties. Just so happens it was this bill we are talking about. You can substitute any bill at any time and get the same result.
It will always be one of them and, if only by chance and accident, we win once in a while but that was was not really their main goal.
If you think it is, well, I am sorry it has little to do with, in this case, $20-$40 dollars!

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