The Boston Globe Op on Donald Trump.

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Old 12-14-2016, 08:33 AM
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Default The Boston Globe Op on Donald Trump.

From the Boston Globe:
There are so many reasons to be fearful of a Trump presidency, but the ease with which he uses his bully pulpit to lash out at practcially anyone who displeases him should send chills up the back of any freedom-loving American. These are the actions of an authoritarian, one backed up by his unquestioning supporters, who are all too happy, it seems, to translate his words into actions. Worst of all, there is evidently no one who can tell Trump to knock it off. Not the coterie of sycophantic aides who indulge his childish animosities; not cowardly congressional Republicans too fearful of upsetting Trump’s supporters or inflaming the man himself; and not the cable news networks and mainstream media who treat Trump’s actions as a topic of political debate rather than as evidence of his derangement.
Agree with this to a point. His family seems to reign him in a little bit but this man's ego is colossal with very little of a conscience holding his actions back. God help us.
Old 12-14-2016, 08:41 AM
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Trump is simply a megalomaniac, who actually believes that he has a mandate to be a King/Dictator.

Can't wait to see his screaming and whining Twitter rants, after many of the more intellectual members of his own party...slap him down like the petulant 2 year old he is.

It should be very entertaining to watch.
Old 12-14-2016, 08:59 AM
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We do acknowledge that after 8 years of limp wrist, linguine spined, following from behind, anybody with a more pro-active stance against the establishment, domestically and abroad would come across to some as a bully.

This misinformed notion is driven by the loser supporters, the crony establishment and the other national and international players with something to lose by disrupting the comfort of the self sustaining status quo.

With all of this "trumped" fear mongering amplified by the parroting media.
Old 12-14-2016, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We do acknowledge that after 8 years of limp wrist, linguine spined, following from behind, anybody with a more pro-active stance against the establishment, domestically and abroad would come across to some as a bully.

This misinformed notion is driven by the loser supporters, the crony establishment and the other national and international players with something to lose by disrupting the comfort of the self sustaining status quo.

With all of this "trumped" fear mongering amplified by the parroting media.
Against the Establishment? You have to be kidding. He has loaded the swamp with the meanest creatures in it and they are now in his Cabinet. And many of them seem to do the bidding of Putin or are very much under his influence.
Old 12-14-2016, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
Against the Establishment? You have to be kidding. He has loaded the swamp with the meanest creatures in it and they are now in his Cabinet. And many of them seem to do the bidding of Putin or are very much under his influence.
This is almost funny. Rick Perry as Energy secretary. Any thought in that man's brain is unencumbered.


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Old 12-14-2016, 10:09 AM
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Calm down libtards, calm down. I empathize with you. I felt the same way when Obama was elected. Gloom and doom and the world would surely end. He did wound America but now we have a chance to patch it up again. Don't worry, in four years you can trot out PokaNotus or some other radical weirdo and run them for the slot of first seat. Maybe you will once again be able to damage America some more. Maybe this time, you will get your wish and lower it to the European standard that you THINK you want it to be.
Old 12-14-2016, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Calm down libtards, calm down. I empathize with you. I felt the same way when Obama was elected. Gloom and doom and the world would surely end. He did wound America but now we have a chance to patch it up again. Don't worry, in four years you can trot out PokaNotus or some other radical weirdo and run them for the slot of first seat. Maybe you will once again be able to damage America some more. Maybe this time, you will get your wish and lower it to the European standard that you THINK you want it to be.
No...actually, I think it's too late. There are too many now and the future is certain...Mexico II.

Much of Europe is better than here as far as "quality of life" goes, they're...for the moment anyway...whiter. Diversity has destroyed everywhere it has been tried...everywhere. The influx of ME minorities is slowly destroying Europe too. Diversity destroys, when are you women going to get it through your heads?

The standard the liberals are going to get for all the promoting of minorities is...a Mexico II. It's a mathematical certainty.
Old 12-14-2016, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Calm down libtards, calm down. I empathize with you. I felt the same way when Obama was elected. Gloom and doom and the world would surely end. He did wound America but now we have a chance to patch it up again. Don't worry, in four years you can trot out PokaNotus or some other radical weirdo and run them for the slot of first seat. Maybe you will once again be able to damage America some more. Maybe this time, you will get your wish and lower it to the European standard that you THINK you want it to be.
Ya gloom and doom. Bush handed him an economy that was a disaster, unemployment at 10% and a stock market at 8,000. Now he's cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 and the stock market is booming. That dam Kenyan!

I don't want to call you an idiot.........but.......... I can't help myself.
Old 12-14-2016, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ya gloom and doom. Bush handed him an economy that was a disaster, unemployment at 10% and a stock market at 8,000. Now he's cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 and the stock market is booming. That dam Kenyan!

I don't want to call you an idiot.........but.......... I can't help myself.
And the sun comes up in the morning it is still daylight at noon and all ships sail at the same elevation.......all during Obama's time in Washington.

Obama has done about as much to create any of the above as Bush did to create the so called disastor handed to Bush.

Some things just have to be acknowledged that it does not matter who is in what office.....some things....when left alone.....just happen.
Old 12-14-2016, 01:15 PM
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The Boston Globe is simply another wing of the democratic party. It is one of the most liberal newspapers int he country.

The op-ed in the OP is absurd. This is typical fear mongering of the left. Nonsense!
Old 12-14-2016, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ya gloom and doom. Bush handed him an economy that was a disaster, unemployment at 10% and a stock market at 8,000. Now he's cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 and the stock market is booming. That dam Kenyan!

I don't want to call you an idiot.........but.......... I can't help myself.
Presidents often get too much blame and too much credit for the economy. We all know that the unemployment number is fictitious. I wonder how much better the stock market might have improved and the economy might have grown if not for the policies of the Obama administration.

As we all know, or at least should know, the economy is somewhat cyclical. When we have an event such as 9/11 the stock market goes down and the economy shrinks. Both will usually come back on their own. How fast and by how much can be influenced by the policies of the politicians. This is the slowest and weakest recovery from a recession in history. If we had someone like President Elect Donald Trump in office over the post eight years, we might be in a much better position both in terms of the economy and security.
Old 12-14-2016, 01:41 PM
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The Boston Globe is just another paper which has been bleeding a lot of " red-ink " financially and will no doubt have to make huge changes in order to survive much longer .

The so called " Main Street Media " is imploding on itself . They are generating more Red Ink than Black-Ink . Due to their advocacy of " Indoctrination " instead of "Education " few of their minions under the age of 50 bother to purchase a read a daily paper .
Ironically they will soon become the victims of their own creation .
Old 12-15-2016, 06:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ya gloom and doom. Bush handed him an economy that was a disaster, unemployment at 10% and a stock market at 8,000. Now he's cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 and the stock market is booming. That dam Kenyan!

I don't want to call you an idiot.........but.......... I can't help myself.

Did Bush hand Obama a bad economy? Seems like Obama made a lot of promises to fix things when he ran for the job. He volunteered, begged for the job. It's not like he was surprised. Besides, if you look at the record, Bush had a great economy with full employment UNTIL the last two years of his administration when America gave him a Democrat controlled congress. Remember, he tried several times to get Fanny/Freddy audited because he was sure it was going to fail. IT DID!

His reaction to 9/11 kept a second attack from happening. That is what the captured terrorist Khalid Sheik Mohammed claimed. He said they had a whole series of attacks planned, but "cowboy" Bush foiled their plans.

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