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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Candidate Palin
Just wondering...
How can people be be so enamored with Sarah Palin as they watch her single item agenda unfold, that of non-stop baiting and ridiculing the President? The latest 'hopey, changy' remarks are adolescent enough, but again today she used that knockout punch - reminding us that Obama uses a teleprompter. She did this while referring to the three words she had written on the palm of her hand to make sure she could remember how to answer a simple question about national priorities. Let's not even count the past stuff about her questionable practices as governor, mother and VP candidate who could not answer simple questions about national affairs without extensive coaching. Let's just look at her recent 'campaign'. Please, anyone out there, explain to me how Ms Palin can be an intelligent, positive, creative, effective candidate for ANY office, much less for President. (I'm looking for good solid reasons. Please don't criticize me for 1) Having the gall to ask the question, 2) being an Obama lover or a socialist, 3) not appreciating Ms Palin for being an attractive, single-minded, 'breath of fresh air', etc. |
Hum... well, I'd say she's just as qualified as our current president who by the way was only a senator for about a year. Before that he was a community organizer with zero business or governing experience. ZERO.
So Sarah wrote a couple notes on her hand. Big wow. Obama can't even address school children without his teleprompter. How is that impressive? I didn't see the state run media jumping all over him for it. The man can't leave his office without his prompter. Quote:
Honestly I don't think you're looking for solid reasons. You don't like her and that's the end of that. No solid reason given by anyone would change a thing about how you feel. I can answer this though. I do know why she is despised and attacked by the left unmercifully since day one. Because she scares the hell out of them... especially when she draws larger crowds than Obama. Watch who the left attacks and you'll find out who they are afraid of. |
Sarah Palin has executive experience as a Mayor and Governor. What kind of executive experience does the First Telepromtper have?
I bet Sarah at least knows how to pronounce corpsman.
Better than Osama
Betcha Sarah could give a speech to first graders without using two teleprompters. Go Sarah.
I just wish that those folks who have the time and make the effort to come on this board to bash Sarah Palin would give the same effort and make the time to discuss what is really happening in this country, in congress and the WH, AND YOU WILL FIND WHY PALIN'S VOICE IS BEING HEARD.
You have the time and opinion on only this one woman.....that, to me is very strange ! |
You wonder WHY Sarah Palin's voice is being heard ?
William Murchison captures much of it..... "Did Sarah Palin bring down the house in Nashville, Tenn., at the big tea party bash and the next day at a Rick Perry rally in Texas? By virtue of her considered views on Federal Reserve reform or transportation policy? Nothing of the sort. She laid into the Washington politicians, calling for "another revolution." Wow. That's pretty stern talk. And the crowd loved it. On Monday, a Rasmussen Poll indicated why. Seventy-five percent of likely voters, the polls said, are "at least somewhat angry at the government's current policies." That's both parties in the government. Sixty percent, according to Rasmussen, believe "that neither Republican political leaders nor Democratic political leaders have a good understanding of what is needed today." Just 52 percent thought that way in November. Forty-nine percent are worried not that the federal government will do too little to "help" the economy -- rather that it will do too much. Fifty-nine percent favor tax cuts over increased federal spending. For the size of the deficit, 83 percent blame Congress rather than want-it-all taxpayers. In an interview before the Super Bowl, President Obama announced a Feb. 25 half-day "bipartisan health care summit" that he said would be televised live. The president said he wanted to see what Republicans could bring to the table -- except he won't allow them to propose taking time to start over again. No way, it seems, are we going to hit reset. We're going to figure a way to meld two bills that nobody anywhere likes very much. Obama's aggressive tone to Republicans -- "How do you want to make sure that the 30 million people who don't have health insurance can get it? What are your ideas specifically"? -- pretty much dooms the event, save as an occasion for Democratic and media bashing of Republicans. On the other hand, that may not matter. Polls show Americans opposed to health care in its present big government configurations. Attempts to cram -- the precise the word for it -- health care down the nation's throat will meet a popular hostility, for which it seems to me the Washington establishment isn't prepared. You can bash the can deny all you want what is happening in Washington, but IT IS REAL and it IS happening. |
More proof
Sarah Palin is riding a wave she can't understand.
Quite frankly, it's the same mistake Obama (and plenty of other Democrats) made. That mistake is in thinking the discontent of the populace is an endorsement of person pointing it out. Sarah Palin's experience as mayor means nothing - have you seen the interview with Wasilla's mayor when she basically says the town does nothing (all the police and fire are state-based) and that the town employess show up once a week for their paychecks? Then there is her experience as governor. ...of the biggest welfare state in the Union. She's never had a budget crisis because of all the oil money flowing in from Exxon, BP, et al. Every citizen gets a check from the government. EVERY CITIZEN OF ALASKA - and the longer you're a resident, the more you get paid. I mean, here's a woman who think that her folsky "hockey mom" support is something that can translate to effective politics. She derides Obama for reading a teleprompter, yet apparently can't afford index cards and has to write on her hand. She decries political correctness, until someone ELSE uses the word "retarded" (and not even referring to people with mental handicaps) and then she's all "he ought to resign". On the Democrat side, you have a charismatic orator who can move the masses and get a Nobel Peace Prize out of the deal, but apparently lacks the same skill with his own party enough to get things done. On the GOP side you have incessant partisan politics (as in not voting for a bill you co-sponsored just because the President suddenly agreed with you) and flip-flops (I'm talking to you Senator McCain). If that's not an argument for having a viable third party, term-limits, electoral reform and perhaps not voting for a single incumbent, I don't know what is. |
Pretty much what I was trying to say......folks appear to get hung up on THE MESSENGER, her family, how she looks, etc., instead of the message that is getting through ! Wake up to what is going on in Washington !!!! |
Nobel Peace Prize? That has to be the biggest joke in history. The First Teleprompter will go down in history as the biggest mistake the Lamestream Media pulled on the citizens of the United States. |
Donna2: Did you not catch my criticism of Obama in there?
My point was that there do not seem to be ANY politicians that are worth anything. When the GOP was in charge, the Dems looked like the Great Hope. Now that the Dems are in charge, the GOP is trying to look like the Great Hope. They're both focused on each other, it seems, and not on doing anything for the country. |
Ms Palin is NOT smart. There is simply overwhelming evidence of her woeful lack of knowledge about the country and the world. Ms Palin has NOT been particularly successful as a mayor or governor. djplong's post is a pretty good summary. I don't think the Alaskans who know her best would agree Ms Palin always practiced good christian values in her dealings there. Ms Palin IS conservative, but I don't understand how that EXPLAINS why she is a good candidate for public office. It is as much a qualification as one's height or weight. Finally, Ms Palin IS UNDENIABLY attractive. In fact one could argue she may be the most physically attractive national candidate person ever. So how is that more relevant than her height and weight? The problem is that physical attractiveness is absolute magic in America. Literally millions of voters have been and will continue to be mesmerized by 'Hollywood types' simply because they are pretty. Add to that a 'shoot from the hip' mouth and a 'common person' image and you have Madison Avenue's perfect candidate. If you look at our history there are tons of examples of how attractive people with polished images were chosen to all kinds of positions primarily because of these characteristics. Democrat or Republican, it just hasn't mattered. What amazes me is that so many people look at phenomena like the tea parties and Ms Palin's statements and convince themselves that THIS IS THE ANSWER. They hear that the current administration may be struggling to get things done and conclude that everything about that administration must be wrong, and the Ms Palin's must be right. Unfortunately this simplistic view of politics will always limit our chances of being represented by the BEST people. But when you add the magic ingredient, physical beauty, millions more than usual will be blinded and there is virtually no chance of electing the most qualified candidates. Back to my question. Can someone EXPLAIN why Ms. Palin is a good candidate for important public office? |