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Old 06-14-2009, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
If some consensus can be reached that the temperature of the earth is rising, whether it be normal long-term climate change or the product of mankind, is there anything that mankind should do about it in order to possibly artificially reverse the trend?

In fact, I think we could say goodbye to Tokyo, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Calcutta, Buenos Aires, Manila, Rio de Janiero, and on and on. Add San Francisco, Miami, Houston and Washington to New York and Los Angeles, which would all be underwater if the oceans rose by 80 feet.

Too bad none of us will be around to find out.

How bout we build an ark? Sorry K, I couldn't resist.

Don't worry, WE will all be here for awhile. If the 80 ft level really is a long, long, long way in the future. The increments will be so slow, adaptation will appear natural. These things don't happen overnight unless a giant asteroid lands in the ocean and of course that has nothing to do with the subject of global warming. Some scientists suggest we're all going to wind up in one of the those solar masses called a black hole. Even the simplest explanation of a black hole is beyond me. Maybe you will do better.

Somehow the threat of a nuclear Iran, a nuclear North Korea and the ever increasing likelihood of terrorists buying nuclear devices or other WMD's from either of the above, concern me more at the moment than global warming, especially with family in the "Big Apple" area.

Thanks for the personal insights on your recent medical experience. Eye opening.
Old 06-14-2009, 06:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Then the answer is obvious - appoint a "Global Warming Czar" and give the GW Czar: a staff; a significant budget (at taxpayer expense); oversight over NOAA, the Department of the Interior, Department of Energy and a few obtuse agencies nobody knows about; and a requirement to put out an annual report to Congress like all of the other czars and agencies and offices do. Not much will be accomplished, but a bunch of money will be spent and appointees will have titles, limousines (green, of course), office space and pensions.

Wanna bet that's next?
Old 06-14-2009, 06:59 PM
Posts: n/a

LOL I am a newbie but I can say that Steve is dead on as always.

cap and trade, clean energy

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