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Old 02-16-2017, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Perhaps you are confused....the Republicans have, for 8 years, being saying they would REPEAL AND REPLACE the Affordable Care Act. After the election they said they would do that day 1 of 2017! Well that didn't happen....why because, after 8 years, the Republicans can't agree on a replacement plan. But now they realize they can't repeal the law without a replacement because so many America's have health insurance because of this law.

Just the facts no spin and certainly no Kool Aide!
And look at the millions who no longer have insurance because now THEY can no longer afford to buy insurance because they are being forced to pay for those who never did, some simply by choice. What about all the people forced to several part-time jobs because employers cannot meet the mandates for insuring employees?

Do you listen to anything or are you just like Pelosi....if they are for it, then we will be against it? The head of the committee working on this the other day (yes, I watched what he was saying) said that they are fervently working on the new plan and are NOT pulling the rug out from anyone currently on insurance. They are also no longer going to penalize those who can no longer afford to pay the outrageous premiums and deductibles, either. The new plan is to cover those with pre-existing conditions, insure kids living at home to a certain age as is set forth now, make plans transportable across state lines, and other details they are still looking at.

Sounds pretty positive to me. At least there are no plans to 'kick anyone to the curb' and even some of those already on the curb because of this un-Affordable mess will have their suffering lessened.
Old 02-16-2017, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You want us to open our minds and yet your mind is closed.
You firmly believe you can't trust the press. In this case that claim just doesn't work.
Gen. Flynn contacted the Russians before the election, thats a fact. But thats NOT the problem Gen. Flynn then LIED to the Vice President about his activities. Because he LIED to the VP he could no longer be trusted! Here is President Trump's Press Secretary explaining why the President ASKED Gen. Flynn to resign.

Sean Spicer Press Conference over Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser, 2/14/17 - YouTube

You ask us for patience from us and I ask you how much patience did you give to President Obama? In fact how much patience did President Trump give Obama. He started the birther movement.
Hillary brought that up the last election when she was running against Obama.
Old 02-16-2017, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
I guess that would depend on why they needed welfare.
Can you give a worst case scenario and a best case scenario, from your perspective of course...

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Old 02-16-2017, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And look at the millions who no longer have insurance because now THEY can no longer afford to buy insurance because they are being forced to pay for those who never did, some simply by choice. What about all the people forced to several part-time jobs because employers cannot meet the mandates for insuring employees?

Do you listen to anything or are you just like Pelosi....if they are for it, then we will be against it? The head of the committee working on this the other day (yes, I watched what he was saying) said that they are fervently working on the new plan and are NOT pulling the rug out from anyone currently on insurance. They are also no longer going to penalize those who can no longer afford to pay the outrageous premiums and deductibles, either. The new plan is to cover those with pre-existing conditions, insure kids living at home to a certain age as is set forth now, make plans transportable across state lines, and other details they are still looking at.

Sounds pretty positive to me. At least there are no plans to 'kick anyone to the curb' and even some of those already on the curb because of this un-Affordable mess will have their suffering lessened.

However, the Republicans still have NO plan to be set up as soon as Obamacare gets replaced.
Old 02-16-2017, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
However, the Republicans still have NO plan to be set up as soon as Obamacare gets replaced.
Should we assume you are not aware of the Rand Paul proposal?

Ready to go!

Why isn't it going then?

Because the establishment both R & D are haggling over fly specs in the pepper as usual.
Old 02-16-2017, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
People naturally, children naturally, divide up into racial...species...groups., likes to be with like. The races don't belong together. They don't get along together. Diversity causes tension and destroys everywhere it is tried. They are not us.

Yes...unfortunately...there are a few here...snuck in through the back door I guess...encourage them to leave...NOT bring more here. Do you want the villages to become just another city? Or do you like it the way it is? It's the way it is BECAUSE it is 99% white. Show me ANYWHERE that is mosty black that is anything near what the villages is. They are NOT us.

It means we're NOT AS SUCCESSFUL at that particular sport. Compared to blacks, we suck at basketball and football. But we're better at other sports.

We're ALSO better at THOUSANDS...millions...of other things.

YES...lets take a look at welfare...from YOUR statistics:

"Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000 total

Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000 total

Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic 21.2 % 14,392,000 total"

Almost half of blacks are on welfare...minorities combined are almost 85% of welfare.

I'm just broadsiding you for being wrong. Blacks proportionally receive welfare MUCH higher than whites...almost 3 to 1.

Go into ANY welfare's filled with women minorities...with a sprinkling of white girls with black babies.

NOBODY non-disabled should be on welfare...period. If we kicked out the Hispanics, we could get everyone off welfare by giving them all the jobs the Hispanics took from them. Business would rather hire an illegal Hispanic than hire a black...what does that say about them?
At least I provided statistics...fact based statistics. Obviously you didn't look at the following posts where we discussed there should be a limited!

So why do I think we should continue the welfare program?

Because there but my family would have been my sister. She married a Air Force cadet they had 4 children, when she was pregnant with the 4th child he had an affair. In when my sister was in labor he went to she the mistress. Sweetheart of a guy. I could go on...

When she filed for a separation he immediately retired from the Air Force trying to limit keep her from getting amy of his retirement. She made the 20 year rule by 1 day! She paid her half the the mortgage...he didn't they foreclosed. The family stepped in and helped.

This type of thing happens to women all the time. She had four kids and I forgot he didn't want her to work so no job experience. She worked 3 jobs until her kids were through school and the family provided college money!

What about people who are hurt and don't have disability insurance. They might need help for a while.

But that being said my eyes were opened by 2 things this summer the first was a customer telling me about one of her friends that hadn't worked for more than 15 years. She had a section 8 house with cable tv and the smart phone.

Then I read a book "Hillbilly Elegy" written by a right leaning author who grew up in the RUST BELT and what is happening there now. He talks about people NOT wanting to work because they can get enough from welfare without working. If that is the case welfare has to be reformed!!!
Old 02-16-2017, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hillary brought that up the last election when she was running against Obama.
That is just Right Wing BS....Trump started the Birther Movement...
Old 02-16-2017, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Can you give a worst case scenario and a best case scenario, from your perspective of course...

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I did leave a post about what happened to my sister and her 4 children. She never when on welfare but she had a close knit family. So women with children whose husbands leave them with little support require time to be trained. As do people laid off due to automation or job loss.
But even those things need to have a limit so day 3-5 years

Best case is a 1-2 who lose a job but have a skill and can find another job.
Old 02-16-2017, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That is just Right Wing BS....Trump started the Birther Movement...
Ever hear of Google or Check 'em out. Hillary brought it up in 2008, first claiming that he was born in Indonesia. There's plenty on YouTube as well.
Old 02-16-2017, 08:43 PM
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Amazing what people will believe when they want to believe.

Facts are strange things....they are facts.

Trump has lied so much, so loudly that even he begins, in his alternate universe to believe it.

E"Trump said, "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy."

There is no evidence to support this. Clinton supporters circulated the rumor in the last days of the 2008 Democratic primary and after Clinton had conceded to Obama. But the record does not show Clinton or her campaign ever promoting the birther theory, let alone starting it.

We rate Trump’s claim False."

Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement | PolitiFact

"After years of denying the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency, it was only in the midst of his own presidential campaign that Donald Trump began falsely claiming Hillary Clinton was the true progenitor of the “birther” conspiracy theory claiming Obama was not born in the United States.

But that’s swapping one discredited claim for another. Numerous fact checks, reports and interviews — in 2008 and 2011, when Trump revived the controversy — revealed that although some Clinton supporters circulated rumors about Obama’s citizenship, the campaign and Clinton herself never trafficked in it.

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did. - POLITICO

"The conspiracy theory was already fully formed at this point. Clearly, the Clinton supporters accused of spreading it via forwarded e-mails knew “good ammo” when they saw it, but, as the above posts show, they deserve neither credit nor blame for the invention of birtherism. "

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?
Old 02-16-2017, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Amazing what people will believe when they want to believe.

Facts are strange things....they are facts.

Trump has lied so much, so loudly that even he begins, in his alternate universe to believe it.

E"Trump said, "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy."

There is no evidence to support this. Clinton supporters circulated the rumor in the last days of the 2008 Democratic primary and after Clinton had conceded to Obama. But the record does not show Clinton or her campaign ever promoting the birther theory, let alone starting it.

We rate Trump’s claim False."

Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement | PolitiFact

"After years of denying the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency, it was only in the midst of his own presidential campaign that Donald Trump began falsely claiming Hillary Clinton was the true progenitor of the “birther” conspiracy theory claiming Obama was not born in the United States.

But that’s swapping one discredited claim for another. Numerous fact checks, reports and interviews — in 2008 and 2011, when Trump revived the controversy — revealed that although some Clinton supporters circulated rumors about Obama’s citizenship, the campaign and Clinton herself never trafficked in it.

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did. - POLITICO

"The conspiracy theory was already fully formed at this point. Clearly, the Clinton supporters accused of spreading it via forwarded e-mails knew “good ammo” when they saw it, but, as the above posts show, they deserve neither credit nor blame for the invention of birtherism. "

Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?
It IS amazing what people will believe...

Facts? What facts do YOU have about ANY of thisd crap you're talking about? Were you standing there and watched it happen? BOTH sides lie...a LOT. Turn off the damn TV and forget about politics.

Worry about the future you're leaving your granddaughters...a 3rd world hell. The colored boys are gonna love her...
Old 02-16-2017, 09:43 PM
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Donald Trump’s birther tweets, in order.
Old 02-16-2017, 09:47 PM
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Worry about the future you're leaving your granddaughters...a 3rd world hell. The colored boys are gonna love her...[/QUEUE]

Another RACIST statement, the hits just keep coming!!!!!
Old 02-16-2017, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Worry about the future you're leaving your granddaughters...a 3rd world hell. The colored boys are gonna love her...[/QUEUE]

Another RACIST statement, the hits just keep coming!!!!!
The TRUTHS just keep coming...

Tell me...what happens to schools that become a majority minority? A majority black, majority Hispanic?

Go ahead...tell your own words...

Does it get better? Does it get safer? Do the standards go up or down? Do sexual assaults go up or down?

I think you KNOW what happens to a "diversified" school...the same thing that happens to a diversified neighborhood, town, turns into a pile of violent sh!t. MLK Blvd is America's future...
Old 02-16-2017, 10:38 PM
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The Colorado weed is mighty potent. Makes liberals out of ordinary people.

part, plan

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