China, N. Korea, Iran, et al toy with humiliating the USA through Obama

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Old 02-17-2016, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default China, N. Korea, Iran, et al toy with humiliating the USA through Obama

Iran sucks him in and violates the agreement at every turn. No problem.

N. Korea gets warning to not set of a rocket, then goes ahead to do it.

China, puts missles in the area that Obama is meeting with to not militarize the area.

Russia....does what they want anytime they want.

Syria crossed the red line how many times.

ISIS comes and goes, etc.

They must all laugh evrytime Obama starts to preach or lecture and they go right ahead and do what he preaches or lectures them about, KNOWING he will do NOTHING more than preach and lecture.

He has diminished the resolve of America to where even the most inept countries or organizations can kick sand in his/our face and he will come up with a reason why the did what they did is OK......especially if it is race or muslim related.

Even the hard core party die hards have to be offended by his linguine spined absence of leadership.

All he does is TALK< TALK< TALK.
Old 02-17-2016, 10:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Iran sucks him in and violates the agreement at every turn. No problem.

N. Korea gets warning to not set of a rocket, then goes ahead to do it.

China, puts missles in the area that Obama is meeting with to not militarize the area.

Russia....does what they want anytime they want.

Syria crossed the red line how many times.

ISIS comes and goes, etc.

They must all laugh evrytime Obama starts to preach or lecture and they go right ahead and do what he preaches or lectures them about, KNOWING he will do NOTHING more than preach and lecture.

He has diminished the resolve of America to where even the most inept countries or organizations can kick sand in his/our face and he will come up with a reason why the did what they did is OK......especially if it is race or muslim related.

Even the hard core party die hards have to be offended by his linguine spined absence of leadership.

All he does is TALK< TALK< TALK.
What do you suggest we do, start a nuclear war buffoon. Where is your documentation on each item? Maybe we can invade them, and you and your radicals can lead the charge.
Old 02-17-2016, 11:24 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What do you suggest we do, start a nuclear war buffoon. Where is your documentation on each item? Maybe we can invade them, and you and your radicals can lead the charge.
We have a choice. It is called a preemptive strike. Nuke them before they nuke us. But, it really wouldn't have to go that far. Carpet bombing them would suffice and be doing them a favor too. After all, they are always starving and posture and threaten every year until we provide them with food supplies.

Your use of "buffoon" seems to be pretty consistent. Do you have no class, or are you just an ignorant and miserable loner with no one else to talk to? Never mind, the answer is there.
Old 02-17-2016, 11:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What do you suggest we do, start a nuclear war buffoon. Where is your documentation on each item? Maybe we can invade them, and you and your radicals can lead the charge.
Are you incapable of addressing another person without calling them names?
We know you are not based on the consistency of your disrespectfull responses.

We can also conclude you are only that nasty when hiding behind a keyboard with an anonymous name. Across the table? My money is on you are not so brazen face to face.

I would pay a fee to use this forum if we could have the block feature enabled so we can shut down such annoyances.
Old 02-17-2016, 12:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you incapable of addressing another person without calling them names?
We know you are not based on the consistency of your disrespectfull responses.

We can also conclude you are only that nasty when hiding behind a keyboard with an anonymous name. Across the table? My money is on you are not so brazen face to face.

I would pay a fee to use this forum if we could have the block feature enabled so we can shut down such annoyances.
Old 02-17-2016, 03:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Iran sucks him in and violates the agreement at every turn. No problem.

N. Korea gets warning to not set of a rocket, then goes ahead to do it.

China, puts missles in the area that Obama is meeting with to not militarize the area.

Russia....does what they want anytime they want.

Syria crossed the red line how many times.

ISIS comes and goes, etc.

They must all laugh evrytime Obama starts to preach or lecture and they go right ahead and do what he preaches or lectures them about, KNOWING he will do NOTHING more than preach and lecture.

He has diminished the resolve of America to where even the most inept countries or organizations can kick sand in his/our face and he will come up with a reason why the did what they did is OK......especially if it is race or muslim related.

Even the hard core party die hards have to be offended by his linguine spined absence of leadership.

All he does is TALK< TALK< TALK.
And how did the last President deal with all of this?

He attacked a country that had not attacked us and destabilized the region! Then rode off into the sunset...............................abandoning the troops in the region.

And you say Obama is bad? LOL..........
Old 02-17-2016, 04:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And how did the last President deal with all of this?

He attacked a country that had not attacked us and destabilized the region! Then rode off into the sunset...............................abandoning the troops in the region.

And you say Obama is bad? LOL..........
Get over it. Blame it on Bush again. Bush had every right and obligation to invade Iraq. So, take your pansy @ss to some other liberal forum. This is not about Bush or Iraq. This is about the world's perception of our coward in chief. Talking points are for chumps, so drop the talking points and express your own thoughts, instead of someone else's.
Old 02-17-2016, 05:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Get over it. Blame it on Bush again. Bush had every right and obligation to invade Iraq. So, take your pansy @ss to some other liberal forum. This is not about Bush or Iraq. This is about the world's perception of our coward in chief. Talking points are for chumps, so drop the talking points and express your own thoughts, instead of someone else's.
Yep that is the party line.......but he did what he did.

How did he handle North Korea?

And no he did not have an obligation to invade Iraq he and his administration lied about the intel or did you forget about that?

Your nastiness is an indication of your intelligence!!!!
Old 02-17-2016, 05:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And how did the last President deal with all of this?

He attacked a country that had not attacked us and destabilized the region! Then rode off into the sunset...............................abandoning the troops in the region.

And you say Obama is bad? LOL..........
And what is it that you think of the dated, partisan gibberish above has to do with Obamas ongoung failures?

Nothing. He did it all by himself...consistently....throughout his term.

Thank GOD he is a short timer!
Old 02-17-2016, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yep that is the party line.......but he did what he did.

How did he handle North Korea?

And no he did not have an obligation to invade Iraq he and his administration lied about the intel or did you forget about that?

Your nastiness is an indication of your intelligence!!!!
You are very funny. You know nothing of military intelligence. How did he handle Korea? Since I have first hand knowledge of intelligence on Korea, I will tell you that he kept the world safe. Don't you even remember anything about history, even as late as the last administration? Look it up, because I have to be careful what I say on that subject.

However, he was NOT lied to regarding Iraq. Sadaam violated the No Fly Zone and we had every right to attack. Your Clinton, Kerry and many other libtard senators voted FOR the invasion. And if you don't think that there was WMD's then you are a fool. Hundreds of thousands of dead bodies in mass graves prove that, and I was in Iraq when they discovered them. So, just remember that when you listen to pundits make false statements, when they know better, it might have something to do with intelligence source material that they are required to protect. Unlike what Hillary does, of course.

But, this is not about Bush, even though you libtards insist on that being the only defense for this administration, or any argument that you can't win. Just blame Bush.

N. Korea has no respect for Obama, Iran is laughing at him, and ISIS hides with civilians because they know that Obie won't bomb them. It won't be like that next year. Like Iran with the hostages when Reagan was elected, ISIS will be retreating when the next president is elected from the GOP.
Old 02-17-2016, 08:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We have a choice. It is called a preemptive strike. Nuke them before they nuke us. But, it really wouldn't have to go that far. Carpet bombing them would suffice and be doing them a favor too. After all, they are always starving and posture and threaten every year until we provide them with food supplies.

Your use of "buffoon" seems to be pretty consistent. Do you have no class, or are you just an ignorant and miserable loner with no one else to talk to? Never mind, the answer is there.
"Carpet bombing" what a great strategy, very unique, from the mouth of a buffoon.
Old 02-17-2016, 09:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We have a choice. It is called a preemptive strike. Nuke them before they nuke us. But, it really wouldn't have to go that far. Carpet bombing them would suffice and be doing them a favor too. After all, they are always starving and posture and threaten every year until we provide them with food supplies.

Your use of "buffoon" seems to be pretty consistent. Do you have no class, or are you just an ignorant and miserable loner with no one else to talk to? Never mind, the answer is there.
You do know that carpet bombing is a war crime!

Tells us how intelligent your Presidential candidates are......
Old 02-17-2016, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You do know that carpet bombing is a war crime!

Tells us how intelligent your Presidential candidates are......
Better link

Crimes of War – Carpet or Area Bombing
Old 02-18-2016, 04:07 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Carpet bombing" what a great strategy, very unique, from the mouth of a buffoon.
Only an idiot would use the same term for name calling of any poster he doesn't agree with. Get a life and grow up.
Old 02-18-2016, 04:33 AM
Posts: n/a

First off, ISIS does not recognize the Geneva Convention.

Second, carpet bombing is only illegal when there is the "indiscriminate" bombing of areas which have no specific military target, or the indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians.

We have used carpet bombing in every war until 1977, but the only "indiscriminate" use of bombing was during WWII in Japan when we used atomic bombs.

In every war there will be collateral damage. The Britts lost to us because they wanted to fight an honorable war against us, and we used guerrilla warfare against them. In Vietnam we had firing sectors where we were allowed to shoot in one direction but not in another direction. Then we had areas where we could only fire if fired upon. And some areas where we could not even fire back when fired upon. You can't fight a war like that. Vietnam was lost because of politicians running the war, not the generals. Pacifists believe that you can win wars with words. ISIS does not respect anything but power. They do not respect words and will laugh at what they perceive as weakness when we bore them with words. They are fanatics and would just as soon cut the heads off anyone that doesn't believe as they do. Similar to liberals, only liberals believe in talking one to death if you don't believe as they do.

The reason we will continue to lose wars is because our military are constantly scrutinized by the media and controlled by politicians. Take the media out of the war zone, allow the military to do their job and we will win with less casualties. American citizens do not need to know how the sausage is made.

talk, obama, area, ahead, lecture, preach, china, korea, iran, linguine, countries, organizations, spined, inept, diminished, leadership, resolve, kick, absence, america, his/our, knowing, party, die, core

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