Closure of Obama on Fox thread

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Old 06-18-2009, 07:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default is very simple to understand. They all are lemmings of the same

ilk as Nancy Pelosi.....(paraphrasing what she told a reporter in an interview befor becoming SOH).....if it is from the opposition or anything they support, I am against it....

Once you know this it is easy to understand their position. One for one party, media amplifiers. Of the three choices...lead/follow/get out of the way....they simply follow....NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!! Of course this is my own opinion....right or which I am entitled (at least for now!!).
A little tongue in cheek this morning.

If the problem were not so serious it would be comedic!!!!!!!!!!

Old 06-18-2009, 08:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Sally Jo View Post
I never understand why people always say how bias FOX is to the right. There are many Democrats not only as pundits, but who have their own show, on FOX. How many Republicans are on the alphabet networks??? Very few and those are usually RINO's. Why is it okay for all the other networks to lean way to the left, but because FOX allows Republicans to speak they are considdered way right.
I would suspect the reason is that they are too busy listening to the folks at MSNBC put down FOX so hence they never tune in. Either way it is their choice as is mine to not watch any of the networks anymore.
Old 06-18-2009, 09:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Why I like FOX

I like FOX because... they have the prettiest blondes......wait...wait...honey I was joking...but sweatheart........put it down...don't throw that...............

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