The Curse Of George W. Bush

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Old 10-20-2015, 02:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Like I said before, I do respect the office/position of president. However, I do not respect the man, in this case Obama. He is no better than me, less experienced and less qualified than me. However, he was elected and I give him his due until he works against the wishes of Ameripca and Americans. He does not respect me, so I am not required to respect him. He is NOT deity and NOT the liberal/socialist messiah, even though he is a socialist and ultra radical. He is given special passes and treated as if he is not expected to excel in his job, why? Give me one good reason why he is not held as accountable as his predecessors? Why is he treated like a handicapped child? Why does everyone have to be especially forgiving in regards to his major blunders? If you can give me one good reason, other than his ethnicity, they you are pulling a rabbit out of your behind.

If your only come back is that I am a racist and/or bigot, then you have failed and I am correct.
Am I a bigot? Am I a racist?
I will vote for Ben Carson if he receives the nomination.
I will vote for Fiorina if she receives the nomination.

I will not vote for Hilary. Does that make me a sexist?
But, I will also not vote for Sanders, the socialist.

I am not the racist. Obama is the racist. Obama is receiving benefits due to his ethnicity. Obama is excused from being right or wrong, due to his ethnicity. He is allowed to abuse the power of his position, because of.....

If you think you will put me on the defensive by calling me a racist or bigot, think again. That only works on someone that cares.
No, I am not going to refer to you as a racist (even though you are one) or a bigot ( even though you are one), i will just be content in KNOWING you are IGNORANT. Not only are you ignorant, you are not relevant. Life has passed you by and you have been left on the side of the road like a squashed armadillo.
Old 10-20-2015, 03:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, I am not going to refer to you as a racist (even though you are one) or a bigot ( even though you are one), i will just be content in KNOWING you are IGNORANT. Not only are you ignorant, you are not relevant. Life has passed you by and you have been left on the side of the road like a squashed armadillo.
You are a typical liberal, with no facts to support you. You have no meat on the bone. I made valid statements and your only response is that I am "ignorant." You do know that your stupid reply indicates your ignorance, right?

You do not know me, therefore you cannot presume my racism or bigotry. I have made valid points and offered you a chance to correct me. Your response is childish offense.

Saying I am not "relevant" is pretty humorous, but disappointing. Your pathetic reply is so sad and I feel empathy for you. I will pray for your enlightenment.

Please feel free to produce a comment that will make someone think you are "relevant." I am sure that I speak for several on here when I say that we will be waiting on the edges of our seats with bated breath.
Old 10-20-2015, 04:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, I am not going to refer to you as a racist (even though you are one) or a bigot ( even though you are one), i will just be content in KNOWING you are IGNORANT. Not only are you ignorant, you are not relevant. Life has passed you by and you have been left on the side of the road like a squashed armadillo.
You allow charges of racism and bigotry to roll off your tongue with such ease and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SUBSTANTIATE YOUR VILE AND CRUDE ALLEGATIONS.

A MAN would be able to back up what he says; a child simply continues to call names.

I see nothing that poster typed that suggested even remotely that your horrible and vulgar charges have even a shred of credibility.

Why is it so easy for you to call out such vile things, just on the fly ?

If you are who I think you are, you really need to examine what is happening.

When your only offer in a discussion is to call some one vile names, without even having the b@&&$ to back it up, there is a problem honestly.l
Old 10-20-2015, 06:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You allow charges of racism and bigotry to roll off your tongue with such ease and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SUBSTANTIATE YOUR VILE AND CRUDE ALLEGATIONS.

A MAN would be able to back up what he says; a child simply continues to call names.

I see nothing that poster typed that suggested even remotely that your horrible and vulgar charges have even a shred of credibility.

Why is it so easy for you to call out such vile things, just on the fly ?

If you are who I think you are, you really need to examine what is happening.

When your only offer in a discussion is to call some one vile names, without even having the b@&&$ to back it up, there is a problem honestly.l
Old 10-20-2015, 08:13 PM
Posts: n/a

In the meantime look at how great the Liberal Thought and Lifestyle Experts have built up the cities they have dominated since about 1967 --- I give you Detroit ! Chicago !!
Buffalo !! Newark !!! Baltimore !!!!! Washington DC !!!!
St. Louis
Nice going folks nice going !!
Old 10-21-2015, 03:30 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
In the meantime look at how great the Liberal Thought and Lifestyle Experts have built up the cities they have dominated since about 1967 --- I give you Detroit ! Chicago !!
Buffalo !! Newark !!! Baltimore !!!!! Washington DC !!!!
St. Louis
Nice going folks nice going !!

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