Protect Our Secrets

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Old 02-03-2016, 01:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Protect Our Secrets

Dear Villagers,

We as a group of Professionals that have or do serve in the Intelligence Service of the United States of America wish to make the public aware of the responsibilities we ALL swore an Oath to.

We would like your support in making the Public aware of a non-partisan website that outlines the responsibilities we swore to. We would like past and present members of ALL Intelligence Services, as well as the general public, to read and sign, supporting or not supporting, the upholding of the laws governing the handling of Classified Information.

Further, we would hope those that agree with these laws will contact their Congress and Senate Representatives and urge them to not only uphold these laws, but to INFORCE them.

Please visit our Website, review the Letter and sign as you see fit.

Also PLEASE pass it on to friends and relatives.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail, feel free to contact the undersigned via the

Contact US Form at:


William H. Ford
Old 02-03-2016, 02:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Villagers,

We as a group of Professionals that have or do serve in the Intelligence Service of the United States of America wish to make the public aware of the responsibilities we ALL swore an Oath to.

We would like your support in making the Public aware of a non-partisan website that outlines the responsibilities we swore to. We would like past and present members of ALL Intelligence Services, as well as the general public, to read and sign, supporting or not supporting, the upholding of the laws governing the handling of Classified Information.

Further, we would hope those that agree with these laws will contact their Congress and Senate Representatives and urge them to not only uphold these laws, but to INFORCE them.

Please visit our Website, review the Letter and sign as you see fit.

Also PLEASE pass it on to friends and relatives.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail, feel free to contact the undersigned via the

Contact US Form at:


William H. Ford
Sir, I do not know if this is a prank? I hope not . I have heard of an organization called Oath Keepers. By the way inforce should be corrected to enforce. And yes if you are in a an organization that were professional intelligence gathers, analysts, field people, etc you ought to do your best to get Hillary Clinton behind bars and put her in a cell next to Edward Snowden and Sgt Bergdahl

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-03-2016, 03:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sir, I do not know if this is a prank? I hope not . I have heard of an organization called Oath Keepers. By the way inforce should be corrected to enforce. And yes if you are in a an organization that were professional intelligence gathers, analysts, field people, etc you ought to do your best to get Hillary Clinton behind bars and put her in a cell next to Edward Snowden and Sgt Bergdahl

Personal Best Regards:

Hillary is guilty of a federal felony and should be in jail at this time, awaiting trial. Only an Obama administration run attorney general would refuse to charge her with the evidence that is already available to the public. Corruption at the highest level of government.
Old 02-03-2016, 05:45 PM
Posts: n/a

I am guessing that WalMart had a special price on Aluminium Foil today as well as hat making demonstrations.

Sounds as though the Tea Bags have been sipping at the drink kiosks and posting on their kid's smartphones.
Old 02-03-2016, 07:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am guessing that WalMart had a special price on Aluminium Foil today as well as hat making demonstrations.

Sounds as though the Tea Bags have been sipping at the drink kiosks and posting on their kid's smartphones.
Old 02-03-2016, 07:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am guessing that WalMart had a special price on Aluminium Foil today as well as hat making demonstrations.

Sounds as though the Tea Bags have been sipping at the drink kiosks and posting on their kid's smartphones.
I they really had something actionable then the Attorney General would do her duty.
Old 02-03-2016, 09:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Wait, wait minute??? If there our secrets then they really aren't secrets if everybody knows them.
Old 02-03-2016, 10:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default This is the perfect example...

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am guessing that WalMart had a special price on Aluminium Foil today as well as hat making demonstrations.

Sounds as though the Tea Bags have been sipping at the drink kiosks and posting on their kid's smartphones.
of an incredibly stupid mind. One whose idea of the world is based on how they think it ought to be instead of how it actually is.
Old 02-03-2016, 10:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default First off...

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Wait, wait minute??? If there our secrets then they really aren't secrets if everybody knows them.
you should avoid posting if your aim is to provide pithy humor. "If they're our"...not "there". You've already proven ignorance.

As to the our secrets...they are ours, or rather known by those with the "need to know" and if they do get out via an ignorant Sec. of State then they aren't secrets anymore. Her saying they aren't secrets just shows how really out of touch with reality she truly is.
Old 02-03-2016, 10:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
you should avoid posting if your aim is to provide pithy humor. "If they're our"...not "there". You've already proven ignorance.

As to the our secrets...they are ours, or rather known by those with the "need to know" and if they do get out via an ignorant Sec. of State then they aren't secrets anymore. Her saying they aren't secrets just shows how really out of touch with reality she truly is.

I reelly dnt give a F&&& what you think.
Old 02-04-2016, 05:26 AM
Posts: n/a

We do not know the identity of the guest that posted the expletive in post #10 However the moderators do and they should strike this poster's membership from their list.

As to the OP. The post appears suspect but I am not normally inclined to chase after trolls. However I did respond because the post is at the heart of a very serious matter and that is the seemingly non-action being taken by authorities into what is clearly substantive evidence that should legally suspend Hillary's campaign for at least three reasons (1) Her use of a personal server revealed that CIA and foreign operatives names were revealed. If their lives are taken, or they are arrested or their activities exposed Hillary's should be cited as the cause 2) The Clinton Charitable Foundation is said to have exchanged money for favors with foreign governments. This quid pro quo arrangement was to fund Hillary's campaign in part. Do we want foreign governments involved in our politics ? I don't think so. 3) Her exercise in poor judgment concerning the protection of secrets and people makes her ineligible to seek higher office

Will any of this happen? Probable not? Why? Because from the White House to the State Department and perhaps other agencies all are complicit in this personal e-mail server faux pas. Corruption will destroy a nation and corruption in Washington is becoming rampant

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-04-2016, 05:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We do not know the identity of the guest that posted the expletive in post #10 However the moderators do and they should strike this poster's membership from their list.

As to the OP. The post appears suspect but I am not normally inclined to chase after trolls. However I did respond because the post is at the heart of a very serious matter and that is the seemingly non-action being taken by authorities into what is clearly substantive evidence that should legally suspend Hillary's campaign for at least three reasons (1) Her use of a personal server revealed that CIA and foreign operatives names were revealed. If their lives are taken, or they are arrested or their activities exposed Hillary's should be cited as the cause 2) The Clinton Charitable Foundation is said to have exchanged money for favors with foreign governments. This quid pro quo arrangement was to fund Hillary's campaign in part. Do we want foreign governments involved in our politics ? I don't think so. 3) Her exercise in poor judgment concerning the protection of secrets and people makes her ineligible to seek higher office

Will any of this happen? Probable not? Why? Because from the White House to the State Department and perhaps other agencies all are complicit in this personal e-mail server faux pas. Corruption will destroy a nation and corruption in Washington is becoming rampant

Personal Best Regards:
Can you give links to this? I did not see anywhere that operatives names, locations and the like were compromised.

She did make a stupid decision with mixing up her e-mails accounts but it sounds like other Secretary of States as well as other politicians have done the same. Colin Powell comes to mind and there are probably a lot more DC politicians who also use their e-mail accounts for personal purposes and mix things up.

This reeks of political rinkmanship from its timing.

And there are matters that would be classified now that would not have been classified when Secretary Clinton was communicating about them.
Old 02-04-2016, 06:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Can you give links to this? I did not see anywhere that operatives names, locations and the like were compromised.

She did make a stupid decision with mixing up her e-mails accounts but it sounds like other Secretary of States as well as other politicians have done the same. Colin Powell comes to mind and there are probably a lot more DC politicians who also use their e-mail accounts for personal purposes and mix things up.

This reeks of political rinkmanship from its timing.

And there are matters that would be classified now that would not have been classified when Secretary Clinton was communicating about them.
It just goes to show you how blind and naive some of her followers really are.
She definitely made a mistake, but it was NOT accidental. She blatantly disregarded national security protocols and jeopardized classified material.
COLIN POWELL did NOT put classified information over the Internet. Just because Killary said it, does not make it so. She is a known liar and can't be trusted. I have no idea why you would defend her after reading all the emails that were posted on the Internet. You did read them, right? Or did you? I worked indirectly for Powell and know exactly how he handled classified information. So, don't be idiotic and pass Killary's lies on about it.

The information WAS classified when Killary passed them. Taking the classification markings off of the material does not nullify their classification. She instructed her staff to remove the markings. She has been trained on how to handle secure communications, and she ignored her training. She did it on purpose. Just because she makes up lie after lie about them to fool idiots that follow her, only proves that she has no respect for you or anyone else. I guess you are ignoring the fact that 20+ emails that she sent are not being released, even after redaction because they are too highly classified in their entirety. Walking around with one's head up their @ss does not make it dark outside, so you really should think before supporting someone as despicable as Hillary Clinton, the liar.

And by the way, what you say about something being classified now that wasn't classified at the time, is just baloney. It does not work that way. Classified material may be declassified after a set period of time, if at all. But, it is not unclassified and then classified after a period of time. It just doesn't work that way, and any logical person with common sense would realize that. Those are just lies put out by Killary's legal staff to fool her minions. And congrats, you are fooled.
Old 02-04-2016, 03:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It just goes to show you how blind and naive some of her followers really are.
She definitely made a mistake, but it was NOT accidental. She blatantly disregarded national security protocols and jeopardized classified material.
COLIN POWELL did NOT put classified information over the Internet. Just because Killary said it, does not make it so. She is a known liar and can't be trusted. I have no idea why you would defend her after reading all the emails that were posted on the Internet. You did read them, right? Or did you? I worked indirectly for Powell and know exactly how he handled classified information. So, don't be idiotic and pass Killary's lies on about it.

The information WAS classified when Killary passed them. Taking the classification markings off of the material does not nullify their classification. She instructed her staff to remove the markings. She has been trained on how to handle secure communications, and she ignored her training. She did it on purpose. Just because she makes up lie after lie about them to fool idiots that follow her, only proves that she has no respect for you or anyone else. I guess you are ignoring the fact that 20+ emails that she sent are not being released, even after redaction because they are too highly classified in their entirety. Walking around with one's head up their @ss does not make it dark outside, so you really should think before supporting someone as despicable as Hillary Clinton, the liar.

And by the way, what you say about something being classified now that wasn't classified at the time, is just baloney. It does not work that way. Classified material may be declassified after a set period of time, if at all. But, it is not unclassified and then classified after a period of time. It just doesn't work that way, and any logical person with common sense would realize that. Those are just lies put out by Killary's legal staff to fool her minions. And congrats, you are fooled.
Condoleezza Rice Aides, Colin Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Emails - NBC News

And then there is this.
Old 02-04-2016, 03:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It just goes to show you how blind and naive some of her followers really are.
She definitely made a mistake, but it was NOT accidental. She blatantly disregarded national security protocols and jeopardized classified material.
COLIN POWELL did NOT put classified information over the Internet. Just because Killary said it, does not make it so. She is a known liar and can't be trusted. I have no idea why you would defend her after reading all the emails that were posted on the Internet. You did read them, right? Or did you? I worked indirectly for Powell and know exactly how he handled classified information. So, don't be idiotic and pass Killary's lies on about it.

The information WAS classified when Killary passed them. Taking the classification markings off of the material does not nullify their classification. She instructed her staff to remove the markings. She has been trained on how to handle secure communications, and she ignored her training. She did it on purpose. Just because she makes up lie after lie about them to fool idiots that follow her, only proves that she has no respect for you or anyone else. I guess you are ignoring the fact that 20+ emails that she sent are not being released, even after redaction because they are too highly classified in their entirety. Walking around with one's head up their @ss does not make it dark outside, so you really should think before supporting someone as despicable as Hillary Clinton, the liar.

And by the way, what you say about something being classified now that wasn't classified at the time, is just baloney. It does not work that way. Classified material may be declassified after a set period of time, if at all. But, it is not unclassified and then classified after a period of time. It just doesn't work that way, and any logical person with common sense would realize that. Those are just lies put out by Killary's legal staff to fool her minions. And congrats, you are fooled.
There are subjects that should not get to the general public. My guess is that some Representatives and Senators can see these though as well as some journalists.

contact, laws, public, aware, responsibilities, supporting, swore, intelligence, website, sign, review, visit, letter, inforce, senate, congress, representatives, urge, uphold, fit, form, undersigned, protectoursecrets, ford, william

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