Democrats Worst Nightmare

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Old 05-06-2010, 07:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Cashman-- My definition of a liberal is someone who wants the government to take care of them from cradle to grave.
Old 05-06-2010, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by BBQMan View Post
but it is not mine.

When you use pejorative words such as *********, birther or dittohead you reveal not only ignorance but intolerance towards your fellow American citizens.

The civil rights records of the two parties could not be more different. -
The Supreme Court under Earl Warren, a Republican, struck down the 'separate but equal' doctrine
When Governor Wallace, a democrat stood in the schoolhouse door, President Eisenhower, a Republican, sent in the troops to integrate the University of Alabama.

When the KKK and their like, with a distinguished Democrat leader, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, tried to terrorize the African American community, Eisenhower again sent in the troops and the justice department.

When LBJ, a Democrat, wanted civil rights legislation passed, it was the Democrats who tried to filibuster the bill only to lose to overwhelming Republican support.

The decision by an increasing by an increasing number of African-Americans means that they are moving from unquestioning support of the Democratic party and are starting to look at the facts. It is the Democrats that stand against school choice, the single most effective to break the cycle of poverty, and the Republicans who support it. One party is working for the good of the African-American community, the Republicans and the Democrats are working against it.

I look forward to the day when 'liberals' such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can no longer play the race card.
Wow, that was a great post. Articulated very well. It is shameful that real history is not repeated enough.
Old 05-06-2010, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Worst Nightmare

Do the words "Social Justice" mean anything to you PT? Can you see the storm clouds rising? Are we to give up our land just because our government cannot or will not protect it's boundaries? How many of our own home owner's and citizens must be gunned down over drugs and immigration? Do you support the race card being played continually? Does it trouble you that our president and his wife have never held jobs of any accomplishment? Questions, questions, questions, can you answer them PT, or just generalize as you usually do?

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