Do We Realize How Deep The Doo-Doo Is?

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Old 03-20-2009, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by l2ridehd View Post
Yesterday it was the AIG bonuses
Today it's the Fannie and Freddie bonuses.

Focus everyones anger on someone else so they won't see what the real issue is. As soon as they start controling peoples ability to earn, the end is really close.

Tomorrow it will be control the payments to everyone working on every federal contract. And the next day control everyones.

How many of you want to be told that if you do X job, Y is the most you can earn? I think it's called socialism. And I agree Obama is not a socialist, he is worse, he is a Marxists.
Good post.....

Dont listen to what he what he is doing !!!1

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