Do you REALLY think the wall is going to stop illegals?????

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Old 02-02-2017, 06:49 AM
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Default Do you REALLY think the wall is going to stop illegals?????

I hear ladders and tunnels work really well, mean while the deficit climbs, oh yea, I forgot, Mexico is paying for it, Ha!!!!
Old 02-02-2017, 07:07 AM
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Stop as in 100%, no but will significantly reduce the number & drugs.

If you were aware if the methods of reimbursement you wouldn't make such statements
Old 02-02-2017, 07:33 AM
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Immigration has been a major issue for this country for a long long time.

It transcends party lines....I can recall Reagan struggling with it.

I think only comprehensive, non partisan legislation can even begin to address this issue.

Bans...walls.....are not going to solve this, and they are nothing but bandaids.

Last congress had some movement but then came the campaign.

Democrats control congress, Republicans do not co operate.

Republicans control congress, Democrats do not co operate.

As long as, and using this forums long as one group calls the other "regressive" and the other calls "libtards" that attitude, unfortunetly is rampant in the halls of congress.

I have no confidence in this problem being solved anytime soon. Not until we LISTEN to each other, instead of just lecturing each other, will there be progress.

Short answer,...wall will do nothing, and this constant discussion about a wall has done harm, not good. We have become lazy, now we blame Mexicans for all our problems.
Old 02-02-2017, 07:39 AM
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You people REALLY don't get it...11 million illegals AT ANY ONE TIME...dropped enough anchor babies here that Hispanics are now 1/3 the population. It's too late to stop.
Old 02-02-2017, 08:03 AM
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There's ONLY one thing that will eventually be successful...and that is putting those who hire undocumented workers in jail!

As soon as there is no longer a reason of coming to this country for a job...a huge decrease in the influx will occur.

Why in the heck is the right so silent, and actually such actions?

Never mind...we know why.

THEN, we can look at those who may be illegally collecting government benefits and tighten that up.

Right behind that, decriminalizing marijuana on a national level, which will immediately reduce the influence of drug gangs...should be on the agenda.

After all, it's not like the 'War on Drugs' has done much more than to stuff prisons to overflowing...with non-violent 'criminals.'
Old 02-02-2017, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Immigration has been a major issue for this country for a long long time.

It transcends party lines....I can recall Reagan struggling with it.

I think only comprehensive, non partisan legislation can even begin to address this issue.

Bans...walls.....are not going to solve this, and they are nothing but bandaids.

Last congress had some movement but then came the campaign.

Democrats control congress, Republicans do not co operate.

Republicans control congress, Democrats do not co operate.

As long as, and using this forums long as one group calls the other "regressive" and the other calls "libtards" that attitude, unfortunetly is rampant in the halls of congress.

I have no confidence in this problem being solved anytime soon. Not until we LISTEN to each other, instead of just lecturing each other, will there be progress.

Short answer,...wall will do nothing, and this constant discussion about a wall has done harm, not good. We have become lazy, now we blame Mexicans for all our problems.
Could not agree more!
Old 02-02-2017, 09:11 AM
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We spent 4 winters on the US/Mexico border. 3 winters in the RIO Grande Valley, Texas and 1 in Casa Grande, Arizona. The Mexicans just walk across in Arizona and swim the river in Texas. YES, the wall and bringing the US Border Patrol back to the border will really help. Far too many of the border patrol are stationed 50 miles North of the border.
Old 02-02-2017, 09:46 AM
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Since having fences and walls along the border will not keep ALL the illegals out, it is ridiculous to lock the doors to our house or cars to keep criminals out. They can still get in.
Old 02-02-2017, 10:05 AM
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The wall will in fact make the point ....DO NOT ENTER....and will in fact slow the flow from thousands to a handful.

Let us agree to disagree that the wall will present a stand of prevention....sort of like sand bags preventing a flood. Everybody knows the sand bags will not stop the flooding. They ALL know SOMETHING has to be done. And in many cases the sand bags will in fact reduce the amount of water getting through.

The border needs to be closed and controlled.....that is not a partisan statement. It is just a statement of fact. No, it is a statement of the laws of the land....REMEMBER.

I wonder if an evaluation of whether the Berlin wall was effective or not was done? Probably not. It would have no value added to the dems agenda.
Old 02-02-2017, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Since having fences and walls along the border will not keep ALL the illegals out, it is ridiculous to lock the doors to our house or cars to keep criminals out. They can still get in.
It's too late...100 million of them already got in...and dropped anchor babies.

The REAL number is 11 million illegals at any one time...they come and go...they drop anchor babies.

NOBODY knows how many are here or how many come and go each year.

There IS one fact though...Joe Biden said whites are a minority NOW, 49%, and minorities ARE the majority below age 7.
Old 02-02-2017, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The wall will in fact make the point ....DO NOT ENTER....and will in fact slow the flow from thousands to a handful.

Let us agree to disagree that the wall will present a stand of prevention....sort of like sand bags preventing a flood. Everybody knows the sand bags will not stop the flooding. They ALL know SOMETHING has to be done. And in many cases the sand bags will in fact reduce the amount of water getting through.

The border needs to be closed and controlled.....that is not a partisan statement. It is just a statement of fact. No, it is a statement of the laws of the land....REMEMBER.

I wonder if an evaluation of whether the Berlin wall was effective or not was done? Probably not. It would have no value added to the dems agenda.

Ok....sort if agree.

You skip the part about having Mexico pay.

EVERY SINGLE legislation placed on the table over the years, both from Republicans and Democrats has called for a physical looking barrier.

THAT would not even be has been a part of legislation, and no party owns that.

The "rub" is, and always been...the cost. We are asking a foreign country to pay for our negligence....that's the issue, and I might remind you of the many debates on this issue over the past 40 years has been met with a barrier of cost.

Now we want to pass on our inability to pass legislation in our congress to another country.

I can't think of anyone opposed to any barrier, but the song and dance is about Mexico paying. Why should they ?
Old 02-02-2017, 02:26 PM
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I personally could care less who pays for the wall.
It has been deemed for years to be a neccessary first step in controlling the border.

So the real issue is put up the damn wall.

The who pays political, no value added, partisan BS game is just that.

The who pays for the wall was a dumb political position in the first place. We and Trump would be farther ahead today on the issue...wall? Yes! Build it. Pay for it like we do everything else.
Old 02-02-2017, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I personally could care less who pays for the wall.
It has been deemed for years to be a neccessary first step in controlling the border.

So the real issue is put up the damn wall.

The who pays political, no value added, partisan BS game is just that.

The who pays for the wall was a dumb political position in the first place. We and Trump would be farther ahead today on the issue...wall? Yes! Build it. Pay for it like we do everything else.
It helped a lot to get Trump elected.

I do not suspect his rhetoric is ever going to subside, but I agree with you. Face it what it is, and get on with it. Perhaps spending that much money will force Repiblicans and Democrats to deal rightfully with this issue.

There were at least 2 viable pieces of legislation when work stopped by the campaign. Both legislations, as I recall were bi partisan
Old 02-02-2017, 03:07 PM
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Liberals don't want a wall. Hillary and Bernie wanted open borders, as do many in the liberal party. That's just fact. It was OK for Bill Clinton to say he wanted stronger borders, but when Trump says it, the left goes spastic.
Old 02-02-2017, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by jebartle View Post
I hear ladders and tunnels work really well, mean while the deficit climbs, oh yea, I forgot, Mexico is paying for it, Ha!!!!
Speaking of ladders:

Mexicans Training to Climb Donald Trumps Wall ! Illegal Aliens , Aliens - YouTube

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