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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
In the scheme of things...who really cares. You can play tit for tat opinion video's all day. What really matters is her record in Alaska. Before she got thrown into the lion's den last year, she had an extraordinary approval rating in her home state. OMG If the press had done their homework and really scrutinized the current administration, we might not be in the mess were in now.The poor woman has received vicious attacks on her family. Why is it taboo to go after the Clinton's daughters and Obama's children yet make Ms. Palin open season.
Remember when someone made a joke about Chelsea Clinton's looks when they were in the WH. The mainstream media had a fit and editorialized that public people's families were "off limits" ...What happened to those standards? |
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I wonder how long it would take for the left wingers to start calling her names ? ![]() ![]() |
A little video of Palin on why she left office.. |
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I find it interesting that even Fox News has started to turn on Sarah Palin. Liz Trotta called her inarticulate and undereducated and said that for once liberal criticism was "well-deserved."
She went on to say that Palin is somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job. Palin told CNN this morning that she resigned because of the tremendous pressure, time and financial burden of a litany of ethics complaints in the past several months. In my opinion, that makes her a quitter. If she can't take the pressure of public life, she certainly is not presidential material. |
Originally Posted by GMONEY
I agree.. That is why I mostly stay out of this area. With Politics you can never be right. Main Entry: most·ly Pronunciation: \ˈmōst-lē\ Function: adverb Date: 1563 : for the greatest part : mainly Thought it might help alittle.. |
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It's an interesting question but IMHO, not relevant, because the media will make sure that Mrs. Palin will never be elected.
Perhaps a better question would be, will Joe Biden be a great or, good President if he succeeds President Obama? |
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As far as Mr. Biden is concerned, I will be stunned if he is still VP come July 2012 (time frame for the party conventions), as it seems that Ms. Clinton may roll onto the ticket at that time. This could get interesting, depending on how Ms. Palin develops herself in the meantime. |
I'm with you, SteveZ. I'll be very surprised if Biden is still the VP, in 2012. Hillary will take over. Then Obama better get a food taster.
To answer the original quesstion, no. And why are we talking about Gov. Palin when Condi Rice is unemployed? She would make a great President.
Agree with the Condi Rice part of your post. She is another female that the media elite didn't care for. Another one that didn't fit their profile.
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She certainly has the qualifications and experience, but didn't seem interested prior to the last election. Maybe now that any racial barriers have been broken she'd reconsider - Although there is some baggage from her time as Sec Of State that would be hard to overcome.
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