Does anybody really think Sarah Palin would be a good president.

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Old 07-11-2009, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
I sure do - The way so many financial stockings are being filled, he's in the White House now, being helped by his elves heading the House and Senate.
LOLThanks for the belly laugh, Steve.
Old 07-11-2009, 11:35 AM
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Default Quitter- not case closed

Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
Chief Executive... State of Alaska..Case closed.
She would be a terrible president, as apparently she is not so hot a governor either. Can you imagine any president walking out of their job after their second election because they didn't want to be a lame duck from the start? Any chief executive who turns tail and runs in the middle of a term is not a successful chief executive. On the other hand,the numerous politicians- most notably Ensign, should be sticking their tails between their legs and get out of town.

Outrageous. She has shown the immaturity to not restrain herself in abusing her power, and is now under all sorts of investigations for such abuse- most not frmo Democrats, but from her own party or outside ethics commissions.

She complains about the media, but spends all her time looking for media coverage. She complains about the media "exploiting" her family, but was the only candidate to have them paraded out in front of the cameras at every press opportunity.

She will make a good talk show host, and people may even buy her book and go see her speak, but she is not a saavy politician. She is unable to connect cause and effect- either in reality or as a political tool- so she sounds incoherent and non-reflective.
Old 07-11-2009, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
She would be a terrible president, as apparently she is not so hot a governor either. Can you imagine any president walking out of their job after their second election because they didn't want to be a lame duck from the start? Any chief executive who turns tail and runs in the middle of a term is not a successful chief executive. On the other hand,the numerous politicians- most notably Ensign, should be sticking their tails between their legs and get out of town.

Outrageous. She has shown the immaturity to not restrain herself in abusing her power, and is now under all sorts of investigations for such abuse- most not frmo Democrats, but from her own party or outside ethics commissions.

She complains about the media, but spends all her time looking for media coverage. She complains about the media "exploiting" her family, but was the only candidate to have them paraded out in front of the cameras at every press opportunity.

She will make a good talk show host, and people may even buy her book and go see her speak, but she is not a saavy politician. She is unable to connect cause and effect- either in reality or as a political tool- so she sounds incoherent and non-reflective.
Right on the mark.
Old 07-11-2009, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
She would be a terrible president, as apparently she is not so hot a governor either. Can you imagine any president walking out of their job after their second election because they didn't want to be a lame duck from the start? Any chief executive who turns tail and runs in the middle of a term is not a successful chief executive. On the other hand,the numerous politicians- most notably Ensign, should be sticking their tails between their legs and get out of town.

But if a person gets himself elected to a six-year term as senator, promising to complete that term and its responsibilities, and less than halfway through that term abandons his responsibilities for full-time campaigning for President, never intending to complete the term (unless he has no other option) - that's just fine and dandy! Double standards to say the least.
Old 07-11-2009, 12:06 PM
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He didn't quit - he did both jobs as others in his situation have done many times in the past, as did McCain. She quit.
Old 07-11-2009, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
But if a person gets himself elected to a six-year term as senator, promising to complete that term and its responsibilities, and less than halfway through that term abandons his responsibilities for full-time campaigning for President, never intending to complete the term (unless he has no other option) - that's just fine and dandy! Double standards to say the least.
Substitute "Governor" for "Senator", and isn't that exactly what Sarah Palin did in her VP run? Spin all you want, she is a quitter.
Old 07-11-2009, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
But if a person gets himself elected to a six-year term as senator, promising to complete that term and its responsibilities, and less than halfway through that term abandons his responsibilities for full-time campaigning for President, never intending to complete the term (unless he has no other option) - that's just fine and dandy! Double standards to say the least.
Your right...and most of the time he wasn't around the senate to vote. And when a vote came up he would vote "present" so he would not leave a "voting trail" so he would not have to answer for it while running for president as he did form the very beginning of his term.

Maybe Sarah Palin is looking for a no show job like Obama had so she can pay her debts. Hard to earn money when your running the biggest state in the union.
Old 07-11-2009, 05:11 PM
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Default SteveZ

Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
I sure do - The way so many financial stockings are being filled, he's in the White House now, being helped by his elves heading the House and Senate.
Steve -
You better be good or he may just leave a hunk of coal in your stocking. lol
Old 07-11-2009, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Taj44 View Post
He didn't quit - he did both jobs as others in his situation have done many times in the past, as did McCain. She quit.
So, if you draw a government political paycheck, you can continue to draw full-time pay when you don't show up for work almost all of the time, and spend that time "interviewing" for another job? It doesn't work that way in the civil service, the military service or in the private sector. Ironically,

And if you think he worked full-time as a senator, count the number of "not present" votes. And that also goes for Sen. McCain as well.

Why do people give politicians a free pass for actions which would get any other citizen FIRED by his/her employer?

Yeah, Senators Obama and McCain both short-changed their constituents.
Old 07-11-2009, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by KayakerNC View Post
Substitute "Governor" for "Senator", and isn't that exactly what Sarah Palin did in her VP run? Spin all you want, she is a quitter.
You are correct, sir.

IMO I don't really know, or care, if that is a good or bad thing, but bottom line is, she quit.
Old 07-11-2009, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
So, if you draw a government political paycheck, you can continue to draw full-time pay when you don't show up for work almost all of the time, and spend that time "interviewing" for another job? It doesn't work that way in the civil service, the military service or in the private sector. Ironically,

And if you think he worked full-time as a senator, count the number of "not present" votes. And that also goes for Sen. McCain as well.

Why do people give politicians a free pass for actions which would get any other citizen FIRED by his/her employer?

Yeah, Senators Obama and McCain both short-changed their constituents.
Yes, senators get a free ride and we get short changed. Let us hope that Obama's work ethics improve a little. But of course, the less he "works" maybe the better off the country will be.
Old 07-12-2009, 05:03 PM
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Default I'm A Quitter!

Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
But if a person gets himself elected to a six-year term as senator, promising to complete that term and its responsibilities, and less than halfway through that term abandons his responsibilities for full-time campaigning for President, never intending to complete the term (unless he has no other option) - that's just fine and dandy! Double standards to say the least.
I just realized, in crazy land, that I'm a big quitter too. When I ended my 4th year at college-1 college, (BTW Ms Palin quit four different schools before finishing her Bachelor's at a 5th), I quit that school and went to a different graduate school. After two years there, I quit that, even though i could have gone on for a doctorate, and became a housing counsellor for the disabled. Buthen two years after that, I quit the job because they promoted me to an Assitant Director a year later I quit that, because they promoted me to a Directorship. Then two years after that, I quit that whole agency, because I was hired to run one of the largest nonprofit housing agencies in the country. Boy was I a quitter. I can't wait til I'm 65 or maybe 70- then I can really be a quitter.

Guess I'm just a quitter. Or maybe in the real world, (huh!?) in politics, working your way "up" the political ladder is considered advancement. Call me crazy. Somehow, it's ok for s to have created a permanent class of upwardly mobile CEO's who are hired not for their proven abilities but rather for their "reputation" and we cheer "Yeah, free market" but when the majority of American people vote in a particular party, and vote out another one, everyone who does so is an idiot, or does so to destroy the United States.

Spiro Agnew used to call your type "nabobs of negativity."- although he was referring to Liberals who disgreed with that paragon of Republican Virtues, Richard Nixon. Now it's just the party of "NO." Wasn't Arnold a quitter when he stopped acting in pictures to start acting as governor? Sorry, I menat Ronald Reagan.
Old 07-12-2009, 05:10 PM
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Default That's the Best the GOP can do?

Originally Posted by Sally Jo View Post
Gee. The people I know, including myself, only voted for McPain because Palin was on the ticket.
So Sally, you voted for a person who you considered a completely incompetent candidate because the person he chose to succeed him if he died in office was the best choice he could have made? OUCH! If he was so incompetent in everything else, why would his process for choosing a VP choice be any different? Oh, that's right, it wasn't!
Old 07-12-2009, 05:21 PM
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I would vote for Sarah Palin in a heartbeat. She certainly has more experience than our community activist President came to the table with.
Old 07-12-2009, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
So Sally, you voted for a person who you considered a completely incompetent candidate because the person he chose to succeed him if he died in office was the best choice he could have made? OUCH! If he was so incompetent in everything else, why would his process for choosing a VP choice be any different? Oh, that's right, it wasn't!
Yea, but on the democratic ticket there was two incompetents: Joe "Gaffe a day" Biden...and Barak Hussien Obama, Chicago thug organizer. There really wasn't much choice.

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