The Eagle stands for Righteousness!

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Old 11-06-2009, 07:44 PM
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Default The Eagle stands for Righteousness!

After watching the brave patriots in front of the Capitol fighting against any Health Care Reform yesterday, I must admit the Conservatives have been right and righteous all along. I was especially proud to see that Rep. Michelle Bachman altruistically leading the charge against reform, even if she is #8 out of 435, in receipts of healthcare lobbyists’ money.

I was so proud to see Minority leader John Boehner stand in front of supporters, proclaiming that the Health care Reform plan is the most dangerous threat that America has EVER faced. I could see all the ghosts and veterans of the bombings at Pearl Harbor and the beaches of Normandy shout in agreement with him! I could ACTUALLY hear the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who gave their lives fighting communism and fascism cheering in adulation at Rep. Boehner’s claims. Boo-Yaa!

I was so proud to see the posters of piles of dead Holocaust victims that had “National Socialistic Health Reform” plastered on them, standing just in front of the podium. And even prouder still that the all-white Christian Republican leaders said nothing about its appropriateness.

They were magnificent though as they complained about the “elitists, liberals and intellectuals” (wink, wink- we all know are code-words for the Jews) supporting the Marxist-Socialist plans of Ayers, Wright and the other puppet-masters
Yeah, and Marx was Jewish too, wasn’t he? And isn’t Obama black?

I was proud to see great patriot John Boehner misattribute a quote from the Declaration, with Rep. Michelle Bachman mouthing it along with him, claiming it was from the Preamble of the Constitution. I was SO glad they were not taking a citizenship test. They would have failed- and then what!?

I was proud to see Rep. Todd Aiken claim that, “liberals hate the Pledge of Allegiance” and then proceed to mangle it as he led the protesters in saying it.

I was proud to see conservatives holding signs glorifying the racism of their movement- clever posters like “Ken-ya Trust Obama” and another showing secret Muslim Obama wearing a turban and his named spelled out in “faux-arabic”, and not one Republican leader of the House daring to comment that the posters might be out of line. In fact, one was even signed by Rep. Peter King!

Boy, have I been misinformed as to the level of hatred coming out from the Right. Of course, this is all for the preservation and support of the United States that we all knew and loved before THEY came in to power. Carry on boys!
Old 11-06-2009, 09:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default I guess I will be the one to bite. What does what you claim

the eagle stands for have to do with the content of the not so tongue in cheek

For your reference:

What is the source of your avitar of the eagles head and what "appears" to be the SS insignia on it's neck? Is it supposed to be an oblique message? No disparagement intended....just curious.

As you see I choose the eagle as avitar for a lot of the reasons you will find in the article referenced above. And I am a true believer of soaring with the eagles in the more rarified air.

Old 11-06-2009, 09:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The Eagle stands for many things

Just as Google changes its logo every few days, so the Eagle is appropriated by various causes and groups as it sees fit.

Who can forget John Ashcroft subhecting Justice Dept. employees to his song "The Eagle Flies" while covering over the Statue of Justice because she was sculpted with breasts uncovered?

Imperial Rome used the eagle as do we we, the Poles and as did the Nazis all as symbols of strength. THe question I guess is, "For what purpose is the strength used?"

BTW- I'm an Eagle Scout, but the Scouting I knew has bascially turned into an ideological hate group.
Old 11-06-2009, 11:24 PM
Posts: n/a

BTK... just a note... your link must be outdated as the Bald Eagle was taken off the endangered list back in June of 2007. The Bald Eagle has returned!
Old 11-07-2009, 10:55 AM
Posts: n/a

At what point did 'elite' become a bad word?

When I'm sick, I'd like an ELITE doctor.

When I'm watching the Red Sox, I'm hoping they put an ELITE pitcher on the mound.

When it comes to diagnosing PC problems and certain areas of programming and database work, I consider myself to be one of the ELITE, thanks to 30 years professional experience.

Our troops - are they not considered ELITE?
Old 11-08-2009, 01:10 AM
Posts: n/a
Arrow Yes!

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
After watching the brave patriots in front of the Capitol fighting against any Health Care Reform yesterday, I must admit the Conservatives have been right and righteous all along. I was especially proud to see that Rep. Michelle Bachman altruistically leading the charge against reform, even if she is #8 out of 435, in receipts of healthcare lobbyists’ money.

I was so proud to see Minority leader John Boehner stand in front of supporters, proclaiming that the Health care Reform plan is the most dangerous threat that America has EVER faced. I could see all the ghosts and veterans of the bombings at Pearl Harbor and the beaches of Normandy shout in agreement with him! I could ACTUALLY hear the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who gave their lives fighting communism and fascism cheering in adulation at Rep. Boehner’s claims. Boo-Yaa!

I was so proud to see the posters of piles of dead Holocaust victims that had “National Socialistic Health Reform” plastered on them, standing just in front of the podium. And even prouder still that the all-white Christian Republican leaders said nothing about its appropriateness.

They were magnificent though as they complained about the “elitists, liberals and intellectuals” (wink, wink- we all know are code-words for the Jews) supporting the Marxist-Socialist plans of Ayers, Wright and the other puppet-masters
Yeah, and Marx was Jewish too, wasn’t he? And isn’t Obama black?

I was proud to see great patriot John Boehner misattribute a quote from the Declaration, with Rep. Michelle Bachman mouthing it along with him, claiming it was from the Preamble of the Constitution. I was SO glad they were not taking a citizenship test. They would have failed- and then what!?

I was proud to see Rep. Todd Aiken claim that, “liberals hate the Pledge of Allegiance” and then proceed to mangle it as he led the protesters in saying it.

I was proud to see conservatives holding signs glorifying the racism of their movement- clever posters like “Ken-ya Trust Obama” and another showing secret Muslim Obama wearing a turban and his named spelled out in “faux-arabic”, and not one Republican leader of the House daring to comment that the posters might be out of line. In fact, one was even signed by Rep. Peter King!

Boy, have I been misinformed as to the level of hatred coming out from the Right. Of course, this is all for the preservation and support of the United States that we all knew and loved before THEY came in to power. Carry on boys!
Fabulous post!
Old 11-08-2009, 09:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Wrong definition

have you ever looked up the definition of elite?
Old 11-08-2009, 03:43 PM
Posts: n/a

I just want to understand this. I believe in small government and the primacy of the individual over society. I believe that the House health care reform is fundemently wrong. This makes me a racist and anti semitic. Wow. I just never knew. And I was blind enough to think that the hatred from the left directed at President Bush during his presidency was far more profund that anything directed at President Obama. Live and learn.
Old 11-08-2009, 04:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
have you ever looked up the definition of elite?


1. (often used with a plural verb) the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.
2. (used with a plural verb) persons of the highest class: Only the elite were there.


5. representing the most choice or select; best: an elite group of authors

Yeah. I want the "elite".
Old 11-08-2009, 04:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Number 6 View Post
I just want to understand this. I believe in small government and the primacy of the individual over society. I believe that the House health care reform is fundemently wrong. This makes me a racist and anti semitic. Wow. I just never knew. And I was blind enough to think that the hatred from the left directed at President Bush during his presidency was far more profund that anything directed at President Obama. Live and learn.
For what it's worth, I wouldn't consider you racist or anything like that. I'm not crazy about the 'public option' by any stretch. I just find the current system indefensible - and I used to work in part of it.

I find it indefensible in the same way I believe that our country has suffered less from foreign competition than from Board of Directors more focused on the next quarter's results and their immediate stock price than in their long-term goals.
Old 11-08-2009, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a

What is indefensible? Is there something that is morally wrong that I am missing.
Old 11-08-2009, 08:30 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
At what point did 'elite' become a bad word?

When I'm sick, I'd like an ELITE doctor.

When I'm watching the Red Sox, I'm hoping they put an ELITE pitcher on the mound.

When it comes to diagnosing PC problems and certain areas of programming and database work, I consider myself to be one of the ELITE, thanks to 30 years professional experience.

Our troops - are they not considered ELITE?
I suggest that you look up the definition of "elitist". It's a tad bit less flattering than "elite".

The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.

Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.
You're right, "elite" is not a bad word, but elitism is something that we should all hope to avoid.
Old 11-09-2009, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Number 6 View Post
What is indefensible? Is there something that is morally wrong that I am missing.
A long time ago, I became a fan of the "win-win" principle. What it basically means is that, in every transaction, both sides come out a winner.

What is indefensible is the idea of portraying one's self as someone who cares about your health (I'm talking the insurance provider here). Then, when you need them the most, when you expect them to live up to their part of the bargain, they cut you off. They profit off of your misery because, now that they've taken your money (the premiums), they've limited their liability and won't lose money. That is "Win-Lose".

I certainly don't begrudge doctors, nurses, specialists, et al, their livelihood. But I think the $300B in insurance company *profits* (again, not the cost of the care provided, this is the gravy on top of that) would be better spent on the actual caregivers.

It's been the American Way to cut out the middleman a lot over the past 30 years or so - wholesale clubs, internet pricing, etc. I'd love to cut out the middleman in this case as well.

The insurance companies are not exactly providing a 'value added' for their services.

As I've stated before, it's my belief that a lot of this comes from the devotion to the shareholder and the next quarter's bottom line (and, hence, the stock price in the morning).

Compare for a moment this crisis with the banking crisis we just went through. Can anyone name me a credit union that went under? Has the NCUA had to bail anyone out? I'm a member of 3 credit unions. I'm a shareholder. My fiancee is a shareholder. My daughter is a shareholder. Most of my friends are shareholders. THEY (the Credit Union) work for US. I get better loan rates, better credit terms, better service, fewer (almost nonexistent) fees, etc.

Mutual insurance agencies got bought up a lot and have been de-mutualized in the name of profits for the new owners (this happened to John Hancock locally).

I would prefer to see a "credit union" or "mutual" version of a solution for this case but the closest thing we'll get to that, if I'm reading the tea leaves correctly is "the public option".
Old 11-12-2009, 09:09 PM
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Default Scouts Member of a Hate Group?!

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
BTW- I'm an Eagle Scout, but the Scouting I knew has bascially turned into an ideological hate group.
PTown, out of curiosity, when was the last time you were around Boy Scouts? The scouts I meet are much like we were at that age. Getting together, having fun, going camping, undertaking community projects, etc. None of them nor any of the leaders can be described as 'members of an ideological hate group.' 'Good old boys', yes but haters, no.

Joe McCarthy was once described as seeing a communist behind every tree and under every bed. Is it possible that you are becoming a left-wing version of the Senator from Wisconsin?

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