Election Betting Odds

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Old 02-29-2016, 10:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Election betting odds are showing that Trump wins all the Super Tuesday states except Texas - which goes to Cruz.

It shows Hillary winning all the Democrat Super Tuesday states.

Hillary right now is at 61.4 percent of being the next President. Trump at 26 percent chance of winning the election.

This is real!
Old 03-01-2016, 05:24 AM
Posts: n/a

It doesn't matter if Killary wins any states or not. She has already bought the Super Delegates, so the only thing left his her coronation. Since the Dem establishment doesn't like her, they have bloomie warming up in the bull pen. The latest emails to be released prove that Obama was complicit, so he will have to pardon her or she will drag him down as she promised. She said if she was indicted, she would take others down with her. A threat meant for him, of course.
Old 03-01-2016, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a

The odds for Hillary being President keep getting better! She is now at 62.5 percent chance of being the 45th President!

Trump took a little down tick at 25.6 and Rubles is way down at 6 percent chance of being the next President.
Old 03-01-2016, 03:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The odds for Hillary being President keep getting better! She is now at 62.5 percent chance of being the 45th President!

Trump took a little down tick at 25.6 and Rubles is way down at 6 percent chance of being the next President.
You can dispense with the X-X-X kool aide talking reports.
Nobody but the hangers on die hards care.

Anybody can finds odds for anything anytime. Even the odds of a felon running for president.
Old 03-01-2016, 03:28 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You can dispense with the X-X-X kool aide talking reports.
Nobody but the hangers on die hards care.

Anybody can finds odds for anything anytime. Even the odds of a felon running for president.
I will post whatever I want. Get over yourself.

The only felons I know of are Crapweasel Bush and Dickey Boy Cheney - both are war criminals!

As I said before, go to electionbettingodds.com and read all about how they get their odds. You have the vague possibility of learning something - even with your obvious dementia.
Old 03-01-2016, 03:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I will post whatever I want. Get over yourself.

The only felons I know of are Crapweasel Bush and Dickey Boy Cheney - both are war criminals!

As I said before, go to electionbettingodds.com and read all about how they get their odds. You have the vague possibility of learning something - even with your obvious dementia.
Responding in kind....go take a flying leap on a rolling donut....either before or after KMA.
Old 03-01-2016, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Responding in kind....go take a flying leap on a rolling donut....either before or after KMA.
I should be taken to task for trying to be so polite about it, but I cannot say here what your disparaging name calling trully deserves.
Old 03-01-2016, 06:49 PM
Posts: n/a

It ain't over until the fat hillary sings.
Old 03-01-2016, 08:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Hillary now at 63.9 percent to win the

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
Old 03-01-2016, 08:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Responding in kind....go take a flying leap on a rolling donut....either before or after KMA.
It would be too difficult to kiss your as-. Your head is stuck too far up it!
Old 03-01-2016, 09:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You might want to brush up on your reading skill. The OP said SHE not HE.

Trump will be standing trial in September for fraud.

While he is tied up in court, trying to stay out of the joint perhaps he can get his good friend David Duke and his crew to campaign for him

Heck, if Donald wins the election, Duke should be in line to be Attorney General
Old 03-02-2016, 05:09 AM
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Super Tuesday was dismal turn out for the left. I believe this year may be a record low Democrat turnout. On the other hand, there seems to be a record high turnout for the Republican party. It seems they have had to print out more ballots because of the mass voting turn out.
Old 03-02-2016, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Turnout was about 370,000, according to Edison Research — modest compared with the 532,000 ballots cast in the Clinton-Obama primary race here in 2008, and well below the record 743,000 votes cast in South Carolina’s Republican primary last Saturday, which Mr. Trump won.

Republicans have had large voter turnouts, so it's going to be interesting to see how Hillary is going to beat any of the Republicans, when she has half the voter turnout of 2008. As a matter of fact, the Dems have thousands of additional registered compared to 2008, but in reality only about a 30% turnout in SC. It will be interesting to see how many turn out this week.
A party's primary turnout is higher when the race is competitive--both of which are true on the Republican side.

More candidates in the race means more candidates for voters to choose from and get excited about, and more resources directed at turning their party's voters out. With more than a dozen candidates in the GOP race in Iowa, for example, each campaign had field staffers on the ground and people whose jobs it was to make sure they turned out every supporter they could. So clearly, the Republicans with so many candidates in the fray, will have a greater turnout in the primaries, particularly with Trump running. Many people will vote in the primaries either because the love him, or because they hate him and want to make sure someone else gets their vote.
Old 03-02-2016, 01:11 PM
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The simple fact is that no one wants to vote for Hillary or Sanders, so a very low voter turnout.

Trump has energized the GOP voters, and there is over 50% increase in Republican voter registration and turn out. This is not to say that he is getting the vote, because he isn't. He is getting barely less than half the total votes cast on the GOP side.


Hillary will have a hard time beating any GOP candidate, IF she only gets a small portion of Democrat votes.
Any GOP candidate (including Trump) should be able to easily defeat Hillary in the general election IF the Dems have a diminished voter turnout.
Independents are leaning toward the right, so Hillary will probably not get that much help from them.

So, you can dream any dream you want, but the general election votes have not been cast yet. There are a lot of different theories and predictions. The Dem's have not won until the fat Hillary sings.
Old 03-04-2016, 07:06 PM
Posts: n/a

The Trumpster has taken a slight downtick to 19.6 percent chance of being the next President while Hillary Clinton is at 63.9 percent!

Hillary wins! The USA wins!

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