Are Elections Rigged?

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Old 10-22-2016, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well, please define rigged.

Is rigged the media misrepresenting some facts and hiding other facts?

Is rigged illegal aliens voting?

Is rigged felons, without voting rights voting?

Is dead people voting rigged?

Is rigged not requiring a simple voter ID?

Is rigged a governor abusing his power to mass grant felons voting rights?

Is rigged foreign monies pouring in to the election?

You may agree it's "rigged" or not but all above seem to favor the Democrat.


Is rigged having the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, and Katherine Harris, sec of state, making sure that Bush's brother got elected? We all know how well that worked out. You know, the guy that left office with a 22% job approval rating.

It was only fitting that Jeb got exactly three votes when he ran for president. What goes around, comes around. Did he really think that Americans would forget those disastrous eight years or the condition his brother left the country in?
Old 10-22-2016, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
History records that in 1876 that Rutherford Hayes/ aka Rutherfraud Hays stole the election from Samuel Tilden. JFK was reported to have stolen the election from Richard Nixon thanks to the mob. And in the 2000 election Al Gore claimed blacks were discouraged from voting and the ballots unfair causing Hillary Clinton to tell a crowd that Bush had been selected rather than elected. Today's news is tomorrow's history and of late reports of voter fraud have been frequent the latest scandal coming out of Indiana. Further:

The debate commission prohibits anyone other than candidates from the two main parties from participating in the debates, which denies them equal access to the electorate.

Recall as Trump won the primary, instructions were sent out by the GOP establishment that Republicans in elected office must run away from Trump.

Remember that the Department of (In)Justice (DOJ) and the Free Billary from (In)Justice (FBI) gave Clinton a pass on numerous flagrant and blatant criminal acts regarding mishandling classified information and pay-to-play schemes, which maintained her viability as a candidate.

And while Obama’s Department of Homeland Security said last month it may classify the election system as “critical infrastructure” because of the danger that hackers may tamper with (i.e. rig) the elections. The DHS was also a part of the same regime that cleared the table in order to keep Clinton’s election prospects alive.

WikiLeaks exposed that Clinton and DNC operatives have been working with a complicit propaganda media to misreport on Clinton’s health, the disruption of Trump rallies and the Benghazi/email scandal. WikiLeaks also has exposed that the DNC and Clinton campaign conspired to steal the election from Bernie Sanders.

Undercover video shot by Project Veritas shows that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded criminals for the expressed purpose of disrupting Trump rallies and admitted they have been rigging elections “for 50 years” and were intentionally registering illegals to vote. And the criminal heading up the operation was a frequent visitor to Obama in the White House. Meet Bob Creamer, a convicted felon who was paid to rig elections for the Democrat Party. He also visited the White House over 300 times, including repeated meetings with President Obama.

And are you aware that a company connected to George Soros contributed millions of dollars to Clinton, Obama, Black Lives Matter and progressive organizations backing Clinton and Obama and their policies, provide electronic voting machines to 16 states?

Indeed like our monetary system, elections are confidence games. When people lose confidence in the system, the system will collapse. The system only has legitimacy as long as the people believe it has legitimacy You’re darn right it’s rigged. and we haven't even discussed the Electoral College

(Information provided by an article appearing in Personal Liberty Bob Livingston 10/21/16)

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Yes elections are rigged, aliens from outer space come in the middle of the night and vote by the billions. therefore tipping the scales. Trump will win Nov. 28, 2016 by a landslide. An alien in an interview said the alien homeland need a big laugh.
Old 10-22-2016, 04:30 PM
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I hate all the bush politicans , more so the sons. That scum jeb went to work for the wall Street firm that had the Florida contract.

Yes that was fixed, just like the Bush family is currently trying to fix it against trump.
Old 10-22-2016, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Curious how you feel about another country, not an ally, hacking our computers and.....

Neither party really raises a fuss.

ONE PARTY embraces this action and uses it daily, even when it is altered.

I was, and stress was.....a Republican and now am a bit ashamed that my party is reveling in and using an illegal act by Russia on a daily basis as if it were simply a every day action.
Dear Guest: What I believe is that our news media print, radio, television,etc is so corrupt and left leaning that its alleged our enemies that are streaming the truth to us. My God we received more factual information from so called enemy nations than we have our own FBI , IRS and DOJ. Forget the alphabet stations both news and entertaining divisions because they block the truth and push a radical progressive agenda. It was a hacker that first exposed Hillary's personal server. and after the dust settled with all the denials coming from Hillary, Obama and the Obama Administration we discovered that all of those alleged deleted e-mails had been sitting on the NSA's servers all along and still no one to my knowledge has asked the NSA to turn them over

I am not enamored with Trump but its clear Hillary's a dangerous choice and would create irreparable damage to our Constitution and hence our way of life.

One final thought it is still ALLEGED that the Russians are hacking the DNC but we the so called experts don't know that for a fact. The DNC would like it to be the Russians for effect well actually they would like it to be Trump but even their devious minds can't concoct a believable story

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Old 10-23-2016, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest: What I believe is that our news media print, radio, television,etc is so corrupt and left leaning that its alleged our enemies that are streaming the truth to us. My God we received more factual information from so called enemy nations than we have our own FBI , IRS and DOJ. Forget the alphabet stations both news and entertaining divisions because they block the truth and push a radical progressive agenda. It was a hacker that first exposed Hillary's personal server. and after the dust settled with all the denials coming from Hillary, Obama and the Obama Administration we discovered that all of those alleged deleted e-mails had been sitting on the NSA's servers all along and still no one to my knowledge has asked the NSA to turn them over

I am not enamored with Trump but its clear Hillary's a dangerous choice and would create irreparable damage to our Constitution and hence our way of life.

One final thought it is still ALLEGED that the Russians are hacking the DNC but we the so called experts don't know that for a fact. The DNC would like it to be the Russians for effect well actually they would like it to be Trump but even their devious minds can't concoct a believable story

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Good post.
Old 10-23-2016, 05:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes elections are rigged, aliens from outer space come in the middle of the night and vote by the billions. therefore tipping the scales. Trump will win Nov. 28, 2016 by a landslide. An alien in an interview said the alien homeland need a big laugh.
Dear Guest: Just because one never witnessed evidence of aliens doesn't mean that possibly don't exist. I mean just look at the new discoveries of species found in earth's oceans....but that's another thread.

In my view the evidence is over whelming that the liberal news media, the establishment, the lobbyists, and especially the political ruling class will do anything to maintain their riches, power and prestige.

Trump recently laid out his 100 day plan and its exactly what his country needs starting with introducing congressional term limits.

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Old 10-23-2016, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am not enamored with Trump but its clear Hillary's a dangerous choice and would create irreparable damage to our Constitution and hence our way of life.
The real potential damage to this great nation is electing a thin-skinned, irrational, racist & misogynist...who so easily let's his emotions run out of control (re: 3:00 AM tweets slamming a beauty contestant).

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
One final thought it is still ALLEGED that the Russians are hacking the DNC but we the so called experts don't know that for a fact. The DNC would like it to be the Russians for effect well actually they would like it to be Trump but even their devious minds can't concoct a believable story

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Oh puhleeze, even Pence (who has had the same briefings as Chump)...acknowledges it's the Russians.

Those who claim to be concerned about the future of this nation, should ask themselves why they are so comfortable with the Russians hacking into private e-mails...and why does Putin want Trump as POTUS so badly?

Is anyone really still ignorant enough to believe, that it's because they think Trump will make 'better deals' with Russia...and will keep them in line?

Are you really that dumb and foment that much hate? Rhetorical question of course.

And I suppose it is just a coincidence and a big heart on their part, that another traitor (Snowden) found asylum in Russia?

The right is so flaming hypocritical, that they have no problem with treason and espionage against our long as it is directed toward their hated Hillary.

If Wikileaks were releasing private e-mails from Trump (speaking of which, why is it that it's only Clinton's e-mails?)...people on the right would be shrieking and calling for "bombing the $hit out of Russia."

A perfect display of the disgusting and flaming prevalent on the right.
Old 10-23-2016, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest: What I believe is that our news media print, radio, television,etc is so corrupt and left leaning that its alleged our enemies that are streaming the truth to us. My God we received more factual information from so called enemy nations than we have our own FBI , IRS and DOJ. Forget the alphabet stations both news and entertaining divisions because they block the truth and push a radical progressive agenda. It was a hacker that first exposed Hillary's personal server. and after the dust settled with all the denials coming from Hillary, Obama and the Obama Administration we discovered that all of those alleged deleted e-mails had been sitting on the NSA's servers all along and still no one to my knowledge has asked the NSA to turn them over

I am not enamored with Trump but its clear Hillary's a dangerous choice and would create irreparable damage to our Constitution and hence our way of life.

One final thought it is still ALLEGED that the Russians are hacking the DNC but we the so called experts don't know that for a fact. The DNC would like it to be the Russians for effect well actually they would like it to be Trump but even their devious minds can't concoct a believable story

Personal Best Regards:
My oh my, this post scares me.

You are saying the USA media is worse than the Russians or any country hacking into our electoral system. That is truely remarkable.

I suggest you adjust your tin foil hat, and learn that media bias has always existed...always. It is not because of or specific to Trump as he has instructed you to believe.

I have no trouble fining news sources that allow both sides. I know where the far right conspiracy theorists get their information, and I know where the far left get their info.

I know how to read and discern facts on my own. Donald Trump, a true stranger to the truth cannot supply it to me.

Carping on the media by he and your ilk is offensive as hell.

Truth is not hard to find...I know who lies.

Please spend your time on the alien problem. Adults in the room search for the truth, read and become informed.

I hope the day never arrives where I depend on a candidate of any party to explain to me the truth.

To justify hacking from outside our borders by repeating the mantra of Donald Trump is actually insulting.

The truth is NOT blocked from me because I want to know it. I want no extremists to decide what it is for me.

This man has lied to all of you for so long, has preached such hatred for everything, you are lost in that "Breitbart world"

But hey, you earned the endorsement officially of the KKK and other hate groups so feel warm and toasty.
Old 10-23-2016, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The real potential damage to this great nation is electing a thin-skinned, irrational, racist & misogynist...who so easily let's his emotions run out of control (re: 3:00 AM tweets slamming a beauty contestant).

Oh puhleeze, even Pence (who has had the same briefings as Chump)...acknowledges it's the Russians.

Those who claim to be concerned about the future of this nation, should ask themselves why they are so comfortable with the Russians hacking into private e-mails...and why does Putin want Trump as POTUS so badly?

Is anyone really still ignorant enough to believe, that it's because they think Trump will make 'better deals' with Russia...and will keep them in line?

Are you really that dumb and foment that much hate? Rhetorical question of course.

And I suppose it is just a coincidence and a big heart on their part, that another traitor (Snowden) found asylum in Russia?

The right is so flaming hypocritical, that they have no problem with treason and espionage against our long as it is directed toward their hated Hillary.

If Wikileaks were releasing private e-mails from Trump (speaking of which, why is it that it's only Clinton's e-mails?)...people on the right would be shrieking and calling for "bombing the $hit out of Russia."

A perfect display of the disgusting and flaming prevalent on the right.
How about a litany on Clinton using the same caliber microscope?
Old 10-23-2016, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How about a litany on Clinton using the same caliber microscope?
What's that about? The e-mails again? The Republicans have investigated that to a tune of millions of dollars. Blog: Taxpayer tab for investigating Hillary: over $20 million
Old 10-23-2016, 04:12 PM
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Trump wants Villagers to head to the most dangerous and crime-ridden neighborhoods of Miami to monitor the election. Who is game?

It is just unfortunate we can't sling our long guns over our shoulders.

We must protect the sanctity of the vote and make sure Trump either wins or loses fair and square.

Old 10-23-2016, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Trump wants Villagers to head to the most dangerous and crime-ridden neighborhoods of Miami to monitor the election. Who is game?

It is just unfortunate we can't sling our long guns over our shoulders.

We must protect the sanctity of the vote and make sure Trump either wins or loses fair and square.


We must leave a few armed patriots in The Villages to protect residents from the black panthers who show up every four years. Funny how it's only the six-pack that sees them at every polling place.
Old 10-23-2016, 04:42 PM
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Sorry but you can't ignore the evidence against this position. Facts in many regards support corruption against term Dems.
Old 10-23-2016, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
That is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Old 10-24-2016, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Trump wants Villagers to head to the most dangerous and crime-ridden neighborhoods of Miami to monitor the election. Who is game?

It is just unfortunate we can't sling our long guns over our shoulders.

We must protect the sanctity of the vote and make sure Trump either wins or loses fair and square.

That's a great line. Donald Trump - Imgflip

system, rigged, elections

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