Eventually Obama, the WH, his advisors and the media

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Old 10-28-2009, 10:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Eventually Obama, the WH, his advisors and the media

and finally we the people realize words of commitment are usually followed with an expectation of delivery. And all the above are learning the hard way that economies, wars, banks, auto companies and pandemics do not follow a script!!!
Words alone don't do it.
Money as has been proven during 2009 doesn't do it.
Just being POTUS doesn't make it happen.

Even the NY Times is saying as much:


Next is health care reform. And why does anybody think this rammed (Rahmed) through issue will work any better? It will not.

Old 10-29-2009, 06:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Health Care Reform is FAR too complex to be handled by people who are subject to the whims of the media, both left and right.

I mean, come on, when you see a national news organization, during the primary campaign, actually put an old lady from West Virginia in their story and show her saying "Well, that Obama, his middle name is Hussein and I just don't know about that".. WIth THAT kind of "journalism", how can we ever expect to be informed on what's going on inside the halls of Congress with any measure of accuracy?

News today puts ratings above truth and integrity. Clinton was a slave to the polls. Bush did a complete 180 from that and ignored it so much that he failed to see the whole country turn against him. I *suspect* Obama will become more like Clinton than Bush in that respect.

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