Fair Tax

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Old 06-21-2016, 02:23 PM
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Default Fair Tax

Chances are that most of us are in the 22-28 percent tax brackets.

Mitt Romney in 2012 revealed he paid around the 15 percent range.

We have no idea of what percent Trump pays.

If WE have to pay in the 22-28 percent brackets, can anyone explain why some who make so many times more than US pay a lesser percent in income taxes?

Fair tax should mean the more you earn, the more you are taxed - up to maybe around 35-40 percent - and no money could be hidden in offshore accounts or phony corporations.
Old 06-21-2016, 02:53 PM
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Default Fair Tax

Originally Posted by Sandtrap328 View Post
Chances are that most of us are in the 22-28 percent tax brackets.

Mitt Romney in 2012 revealed he paid around the 15 percent range.

We have no idea of what percent Trump pays.

If WE have to pay in the 22-28 percent brackets, can anyone explain why some who make so many times more than US pay a lesser percent in income taxes?

Fair tax should mean the more you earn, the more you are taxed - up to maybe around 35-40 percent - and no money could be hidden in offshore accounts or phony corporations.

Because the middle income subsidizes the rich and the poor. No way are they gonna kill that fat cow. Well, what remains of the middle income.
Old 06-21-2016, 03:07 PM
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We are not using the "Fair" tax method of taxation. We would be taxed fairly IF we were using the Fair tax/Sales tax method. Right now, some pay none, some pay more than ten percent and others know how to use the itemizing method to their advantage and pay a less percentage. Even if a rich man pays a low percentage, he is likely paying more than you or me. My brother and I make almost the same amount, but I ended up paying less than him. The rich pay their fair share of taxes, whether by income tax, property tax or sales tax. They spend more than us, so they will always pay more sales tax. They own more than us so they will always pay more property tax. Personally, I do not think it is anyone's business how much money Trump makes. Anyone wishing to see his taxes other than IRS are just looking for something to slur him with. It only makes one look little and cheap to have such obvious envy and resentment against their betters.
Old 06-21-2016, 04:58 PM
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Wrong, MDLIB, it is only right that the very rich, not just Trump, pay a higher percentage of their income in tax just as we, middle class, pay more in percentage than those making less than us.

Why should they pay a lesser percent in income tax than the middle class?

I don't give a hoot if the dollar amount is a lot more than the dollar amount I pay. I care about that the uber-rich pay a lesser percentage of income than I do. Ditto for big corporations.
Old 06-21-2016, 06:12 PM
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WB probably the biggest tax Cheat them all. Pays less Than his secretary. But, his secretary don't have army of lawyers getting her out taxes. If he was the GOD like he's treated he would pay his fare share, but he's the normal rich scumbag.

We will never have fair or flat tax. Why??? lawyers, lawyers write the laws in favor for rich and lawyers. Think of the CPAs, lawyers, and tax preparers would be out of work.

Taxes will never go down and the majority (middle class) will pay the most, the subsidized will never pay any, and the rich will always pay less than their fare share. End of discussion
Old 06-21-2016, 06:19 PM
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Keep in mind that when discussing "tax rates" to not mix the apples and oranges and watermelons.

The part that always seems to be left out of the discussion is what exactly is being taxed.

While the average tax payer usually refers to the tax they pay on wages....the wealthy do not rely on wages. Hence the rate are not comparable.

The other point that is often omitted when discussing a wealthy persons possible lower rate....the other important detail is the amount paid. Some may have a lower than another rate and pay much, much more in taxes.
Old 06-21-2016, 06:54 PM
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Warren Buffet has stated that he should be paying more, and has lobbied for increasing tax rates on the wealthy. I'm guessing that you don't like the fact that he supports Secretary Clinton. BTW, where is Trump's tax return?
Old 06-21-2016, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by NativeNewYorker View Post
Warren Buffet has stated that he should be paying more, and has lobbied for increasing tax rates on the wealthy. I'm guessing that you don't like the fact that he supports Secretary Clinton. BTW, where is Trump's tax return?
Trump says "we" would not understand his tax return. We sure could understand what percent he pays, the massive deductions, etc. We could not understand all the shell corporations and tax shelters.

Increasing taxes on the uber rich and closing their loopholes sounds great to me.
Old 06-21-2016, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by NativeNewYorker View Post
Warren Buffet has stated that he should be paying more, and has lobbied for increasing tax rates on the wealthy. I'm guessing that you don't like the fact that he supports Secretary Clinton. BTW, where is Trump's tax return?

Nothing stopping the as buffet from paying more taxes is there.
Old 06-21-2016, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Sandtrap328 View Post
We could not understand all the shell corporations and tax shelters.
Why not? It's not String Theory. Couldn't someone in that business make it understandable for the rest of us?
Old 06-22-2016, 03:41 AM
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Everyone wishes to see Trump's tax return, but you do not insist on seeing Clinton's foundation tax return or even consider the fact that they are being investigated by the IRS for tax fraud. I also don't hear you demanding to see her speeches that were worth hundreds of thousands that she got paid for giving them to Wall St. Could it be that you are embarrassed that she is in bed with Wall St, while you welcome the miscreants of the Occupy Wall Street? How much money does she take from them in campaign funding? How much did she get from Foreign donations, including from socialist Soros? And why don't you insist on seeing her emails?

Actually, it is none of anyone's business what is on Trump's tax return. Just because others before him have released them, does not make it mandatory for him to release his. I do not care what has been going on for the past 50 years, just on the basis of "just because."

And regarding anyone paying their fair share of taxes, I am very disappointed in those that seem to think that achievers should be penalized by making them pay more than anyone else. That is just against the American way of doing things. That is discrimination. The wealthy are already paying the light bills in D.C. The middle class pay some tax, but don't even compare with what the rich pay. Percentage means nothing on individual taxes, compared to overall tax contributions by the wealthy. EVERYONE should pay taxes at the same rate, INCLUDING the poor. The poor pay sales taxes and property taxes don't they? So why not income taxes? Maybe it would be an incentive/motivation for them to better themselves. If you want fair taxation for everyone, then a federal sales tax would take the place of income tax. Otherwise, everyone has to pay the same percentage, including the poor, middle class and wealthy.

Today, any family of four making $50K or less pays NO income taxes. Some folks get money back and they didn't even pay any income taxes.

But, we will not see the Democrats increase the taxes on the lower earners(?). Not until their so-called "progressive" socialism eats away at our structure to the point where even with high tax rates for the wealthy and then the middle class are still not enough to pay for all the gov services provided. Then, just like every other socialist country, EVERYONE will have to pay up. And then goodbye American Dream, say hello to Venezuela and Greece.

The Democratic party of my father is gone and now we have the socialist party hiding under the guise of the Democrat party. I saw it happening decades ago and changed affiliation.
Old 06-22-2016, 03:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Wrong, MDLIB, it is only right that the very rich, not just Trump, pay a higher percentage of their income in tax just as we, middle class, pay more in percentage than those making less than us.

Why should they pay a lesser percent in income tax than the middle class?

I don't give a hoot if the dollar amount is a lot more than the dollar amount I pay. I care about that the uber-rich pay a lesser percentage of income than I do. Ditto for big corporations.
Why do you feel that way? That's not American. That's not even socialism. That's discrimination, when one party or group is penalized more than another. It sounds like a very Un-American wealth envy. Why doesn't everyone pay at the same rate, including the poor? They pay the same rate of sales tax, property tax, etc. Why shouldn't they pay the same rate as we do?
Old 06-22-2016, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Everyone wishes to see Trump's tax return, but you do not insist on seeing Clinton's foundation tax return or even consider the fact that they are being investigated by the IRS for tax fraud. I also don't hear you demanding to see her speeches that were worth hundreds of thousands that she got paid for giving them to Wall St. Could it be that you are embarrassed that she is in bed with Wall St, while you welcome the miscreants of the Occupy Wall Street? How much money does she take from them in campaign funding? How much did she get from Foreign donations, including from socialist Soros? And why don't you insist on seeing her emails?

Actually, it is none of anyone's business what is on Trump's tax return. Just because others before him have released them, does not make it mandatory for him to release his. I do not care what has been going on for the past 50 years, just on the basis of "just because."

And regarding anyone paying their fair share of taxes, I am very disappointed in those that seem to think that achievers should be penalized by making them pay more than anyone else. That is just against the American way of doing things. That is discrimination. The wealthy are already paying the light bills in D.C. The middle class pay some tax, but don't even compare with what the rich pay. Percentage means nothing on individual taxes, compared to overall tax contributions by the wealthy. EVERYONE should pay taxes at the same rate, INCLUDING the poor. The poor pay sales taxes and property taxes don't they? So why not income taxes? Maybe it would be an incentive/motivation for them to better themselves. If you want fair taxation for everyone, then a federal sales tax would take the place of income tax. Otherwise, everyone has to pay the same percentage, including the poor, middle class and wealthy.

Today, any family of four making $50K or less pays NO income taxes. Some folks get money back and they didn't even pay any income taxes.

But, we will not see the Democrats increase the taxes on the lower earners(?). Not until their so-called "progressive" socialism eats away at our structure to the point where even with high tax rates for the wealthy and then the middle class are still not enough to pay for all the gov services provided. Then, just like every other socialist country, EVERYONE will have to pay up. And then goodbye American Dream, say hello to Venezuela and Greece.

The Democratic party of my father is gone and now we have the socialist party hiding under the guise of the Democrat party. I saw it happening decades ago and changed affiliation.
Hillary has released her tax returns but you could not find anything wrong so you keep insinuating about other things, no facts just garbage. Trump is ashamed of his tax return, but what can you expect from a con man and entertainer.
Old 06-22-2016, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Everyone wishes to see Trump's tax return, but you do not insist on seeing Clinton's foundation tax return
I would like to see that tax return.

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Do you think the foundation is a scam, helping no one and only lining the Clinton's pocket?

How does it compare to the Trump Foundation Tax Return?
Old 06-23-2016, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hillary has released her tax returns but you could not find anything wrong so you keep insinuating about other things, no facts just garbage. Trump is ashamed of his tax return, but what can you expect from a con man and entertainer.
Where's the Clinton Foundation tax returns? You know, the ones where the Clintons are being investigated for tax fraud? I am "insinuating other things?" No, I am just mentioning the FACTS that the Clinton Foundation is being investigated by the IRS, Hillary is being investigated by the FBI regarding her illegal use of a personal email server for gov business. Something that NO ONE else has ever done. A practice that could have/ DID jeopardize national security. She violated federal felony laws regarding mishandling of classified information. She also took donations from foreign entities and funneled them through the Clinton foundation. She is a pathological liar, but many attribute that to being a politician and a former lawyer. Hillary was fired after she "..wrote a fraudulent legal brief, and confiscated public documents." during the Nixon Watergate investigation. She gave a speech the other day about how her foundation does so much but left out that only about 8% of the funds goes toward helping anyone but the Clintons.

All of this is easily verified on the Internet, if one wishes to "open their mind" to the truth. It is not a Republican conspiracy that the Clintons are always involved in so much controversy and illegal activity. But, it does make one wonder what they have on so many people that they can get away with it and still garner support for votes, as well as funding from Wall St and such radicals as George Soros, the socialist, and the very rich individuals in the Middle East.

Would you like to do a comparison study between Hillary and The Donald to see which side tips the scale in corruption and illegal activity?

After all, how can anyone trust someone to run the government that doesn't understand the concept of email, handling classified material or properly reporting their taxes? Who would trust a commander-in-chief that does not have enough loyalty to attempt a rescue when her DIRECT subordinates/employees lives are being threatened?

Just wondering what kind of person could find it conscionable to vote for such a person to represent the best country in the world.

pay, percent, tax, fair

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