Faisal Shahzad sentenced to life - and can't tell a consistent story

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Old 10-06-2010, 05:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Faisal Shahzad sentenced to life - and can't tell a consistent story



On the one hand he claims he did it because America is at war with the Muslims and he was avenging dead Pakistanis.

Then he says"

"Brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun," ... "Consider me only a first droplet of the flood that will follow me."
So was the war already going - or is your 'first droplet of blood' the start? And if yours is the first droplet, doesn't that mean you're starting it?

I know, I know - looking for logic from moonbats is a fool's errand.
Old 10-06-2010, 05:36 PM
Posts: n/a

He but one small, almost insignificant, participant by his own words. It really doesn't matter how he expresses his belief in what he tried to accomplish. He believes, and rightly so, that he is one small part of a bigger agenda.

This week, British Muslim activist Anjem Choudary revealed for the unbelievers the belief and plan for Shariah law to rule the West with the flag of Islam flying over the White House.

He claims it is mandated by the Koran and quoted a hadith that was interpreted by 10th century scholar Al-Tabarani that "The final hour will not come until Muslims conquer the White House". They believe that this conquering of our nation is foretold and required of them in the Koran.

In this article you can read how the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) is calling on Muslims to get into all aspects of our life and politics and is campaigning to have "Islamaphobia" recognised as a form of racism prosecutable under lnternational law, to include any expression they find offensive. This, in effect, would put any criticism of their religion off limits.

Of course this does not apply to them. In Islamist countries the OIC claims that any freedoms in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that conflict with Shariah Law does not apply to them.

Obama is not helping us or our country with his failed "outreach" to the Muslim world community if this is the type of "cooperation" we can expect with Islam


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