Fareed Zakaria-Liberals think they're tolerant, but they're not

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Old 05-30-2017, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
WOW!!!!! What an honest, rational viewpoint. A liberal calling out his own people.

I rarely listened to this guy in the past because his broadcasts are usually so biased. But it's good that he's recognizing this. If more people on both sides recognized this problem, perhaps we could stop the name calling and start solving some of todays' problems.

In the same context, here is a great speech by Speaker, Paul Ryan given on the House floor the day after police were killed in an ambush attack in Dallas.
Having been there in person for this speech, my first instinct was to tune out so as not to be tempted to anger my liberal sister, or embarrass my nephew who was graduating, with my unnecessary comments. But boy, was I glad that I didn't. Yes, it can be taken as him calling out his own people, but in actuality, he was really calling out all of us - my own example/attitude being case in point. I posted this because I know it changed me. I hope others are also brought to a deeper understanding of how we must treat one another if we are to move forward in this country.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Indeed the progressive have completely redefined the meaning of liberalism. There are a number of notable authors who have written on how this came about.

One author argues that a communist element entered via colleges and universities.

One author argued that liberal intellectual elitist believe they always have the high moral ground and as such that they dismiss out of hand others opinions.

From a pedestrian point of view the democratic party of my father is no where to be found .

My father a dye in the wool liberal democratic was angered that I moved to the Repbulican Party during the 1960's but as I told him I didn't move the democratic party's platform moved

Personal Best Regards:
What happened? White men LET women and minorities have a say. OF COURSE they want things "their way". But unfortunately...their way...doesn't work.

The white male way works. It's what brought us to where were are now...oops...where we WERE in the late 1950s...when western civilization and America PEAKED. When we ALLOWED women and minorities to have an equal say, when we let them have quotas...is when it all started to fall apart. Face it, we went from #1 to where we are now...#25 because white men aren't completely in charge. Because white men aren't doing most of the jobs. Because white men are now down to 25% of the population.

There are NO successful "women run" or "minority run" societies or countries. Never have been. And it don't mean a country with a woman president but actually being run by men. I mean a place where women do EVERYTHING and the men play the subservient role. I don't mean a black "protectorate" either...where blacks "run things" but the money/expertise comes from somewhere else...a white country. Like the Bahamas, or Bermuda.

Originally Posted by Guest
Having been there in person for this speech, my first instinct was to tune out so as not to be tempted to anger my liberal sister, or embarrass my nephew who was graduating, with my unnecessary comments. But boy, was I glad that I didn't. Yes, it can be taken as him calling out his own people, but in actuality, he was really calling out all of us - my own example/attitude being case in point. I posted this because I know it changed me. I hope others are also brought to a deeper understanding of how we must treat one another if we are to move forward in this country.
Forward? HOW do you define "forward"?

Wealthier or deeper in debt...which is "forward?

#1 in the world in just about everything or #25 where we currently reside?

BEST education system or down around #25?

Happiest people or again...down around #25?

Very few on welfare...or over half the population receiving a government benefit?

Crime and violence higher...or lower? Chicago makes a new record in murder each day.

White people 90% or 50% of the population? White people are being bred out by Hispanics who are now the majority below age 7 and having the majority of babies.

Best infrastructure or crumbling in decay? How can you fix the roads with 50 million hungry mouths to feed? When you spend over $1 trillion a year for welfare?

The "entertainment" industry distributes filth...things the children DON'T need to see. Do YOU have sex in front of your grandchildren? Then why let them watch strangers do it?

WHERE have we moved FORWARD Abby? Where? I see us collapsing into Mexico II as the Hispanics become the majority. Have you noticed that Mexican stores are everywhere now? That Mexicans are everywhere now? We ARE losing OUR country to invaders...invaders we invited in. Like letting a neighbor in hard times use a room in your house and they keep inviting more and more of their "relatives" who also need a place until they've taken over your whole house.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Having been there in person for this speech, my first instinct was to tune out so as not to be tempted to anger my liberal sister, or embarrass my nephew who was graduating, with my unnecessary comments. But boy, was I glad that I didn't. Yes, it can be taken as him calling out his own people, but in actuality, he was really calling out all of us - my own example/attitude being case in point. I posted this because I know it changed me. I hope others are also brought to a deeper understanding of how we must treat one another if we are to move forward in this country.
We should try to listen but the problem I still have with Donald John Trump is how he basically used name calling-- personal attacks-- to beat down the Republicans who were running against him and really only won the Presidency because of James Comey's ill timed announcement about Anthony Weiner's pictures of his anatomy on e-mails and other of Weiner's e-mails. Trump does not know what he is doing. He does know how to enrich his family using the White House as a massive ATM however. Trump has to earn the respect that Obama had from many. He continues to do stupid things and act like an ugly American overseas.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Perhaps my fault but I do not recall any student interaction on politics and government. I cannot comment about military service and vietnam for I did not EARN the right.
I had a legitimate 4F and they would not have taken me IF, I TRULY WANTED TO GO.

My first two years, I attended a community college AT NIGHT and worked a 40 hour a week job plus some weekends. I remember not having time to waste in the bathroom so I did some reading there.

I have no sympathy for the you owe mees of this country.

As to that speech. I am embarrassed that far too many of the people who recognize the great opportunity this country offers are foreign born.

This country was not built on equal standard of living but on equal opportunity. The concept of equal standard of living is communism. It is actually a great liberal thought-OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT IT DOES NOT WORK.
There are sooooo many examples-East Germany vs West Germany, Greece, N. Korea vs South Korea etc and while we turn more and more toward communism and socialism, the communist socialist countries turn more and more toward capitalism. In the real world, people work harder for themselves then for the collective. By working hard, they produce and all of the collective benefit.

The concept of FAIR is a term tossed about by liberals.
IT IS UNDEFINED two people look at the same thing and do not agree what is fair.

I do not recall who said it but,"The difference between success and failure is that the successful person keeps trying." For me failure was simply not an option.

When, I graduated college I received a note of congratulation and that my first college loan payment was due in ??????? two months????????

You state something in your post worth repeating -

"I am embarrassed that far too many of the people who recognize the great opportunity this country offers are foreign born"

Perhaps it is because they know what they have here in comparison, and as a result, how much they have to lose if this country declines in it's freedom and liberties. Like a child who has been handed everything from birth, many who were born here take it all for granted. When there is no gratitude for what one has been given, IMHO, it can often lead to lack of respect. This is what I see going on at some of these college campuses with the protests and riots.

I also like your "failure not an option" attitude. Of course, nothing is a failure if you learn something from it.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
WOW!!!!! What an honest, rational viewpoint. A liberal calling out his own people.

I rarely listened to this guy in the past because his broadcasts are usually so biased. But it's good that he's recognizing this. If more people on both sides recognized this problem, perhaps we could stop the name calling and start solving some of todays' problems.

In the same context, here is a great speech by Speaker, Paul Ryan given on the House floor the day after police were killed in an ambush attack in Dallas.
Either on purpose or by accident, you have totally mis understood and misstated what this thread and the article/video is about.

I suggest, if you seriously want to know, that you actually read the definition of LIBERAL as stated. You read the headline and stopped.
Old 05-30-2017, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You state something in your post worth repeating -

"I am embarrassed that far too many of the people who recognize the great opportunity this country offers are foreign born"

Perhaps it is because they know what they have here in comparison, and as a result, how much they have to lose if this country declines in it's freedom and liberties. Like a child who has been handed everything from birth, many who were born here take it all for granted. When there is no gratitude for what one has been given, IMHO, it can often lead to lack of respect. This is what I see going on at some of these college campuses with the protests and riots.

I also like your "failure not an option" attitude. Of course, nothing is a failure if you learn something from it.
Well Abby...1/3 the population...100 million ARE foreign born or the child of a foreign born.

Then WHY in the world would you LET THEM CHANGE America into where they came from? America is slowly becoming Mexico II as the Hispanics are bringing THEIR culture HERE...a failed culture...is causing America to fail. We should have told them ALL to f@ck off...this is America...if you want to live here...you do it OUR way. No press 2 for Spanish...LEARN the language or go home. If you're genetically inferior you're NOT going to get special treatment and quotas...go home. Because YOU are here illegally and NOT "under the jurisdiction" neither is your illegal anchor baby. That ONE policy alone will be what ultimately destroys "America". 50 million anchor babies having 50 million children...and in one more generation...within 30 years...they win...they become the majority and America is lost forever.

Franklin said you have a republic if you can keep it...he didn't imagine you'd lose the entire country to "them"...the f@cking natives. The Hispanics are mostly indigenous stock with some Spanish DNA thrown in. This combination seemed to raise up the natives like the proto-humans interbreeding with the Neanderthals produced a superior hybrid that went on to make the modern world. Blacks were left out of this genetic mixing...species improving.

Sometimes...when you fail...you lose it all and there is no "learning from it". That's the mistake we are making now...a mistake that will be fatal to America...allowing the Hispanic invasion.
Old 05-30-2017, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What happened? White men LET women and minorities have a say. OF COURSE they want things "their way". But unfortunately...their way...doesn't work.

The white male way works. It's what brought us to where were are now...oops...where we WERE in the late 1950s...when western civilization and America PEAKED. When we ALLOWED women and minorities to have an equal say, when we let them have quotas...is when it all started to fall apart. Face it, we went from #1 to where we are now...#25 because white men aren't completely in charge. Because white men aren't doing most of the jobs. Because white men are now down to 25% of the population.

There are NO successful "women run" or "minority run" societies or countries. Never have been. And it don't mean a country with a woman president but actually being run by men. I mean a place where women do EVERYTHING and the men play the subservient role. I don't mean a black "protectorate" either...where blacks "run things" but the money/expertise comes from somewhere else...a white country. Like the Bahamas, or Bermuda.

Forward? HOW do you define "forward"?

Wealthier or deeper in debt...which is "forward?

#1 in the world in just about everything or #25 where we currently reside?

BEST education system or down around #25?

Happiest people or again...down around #25?

Very few on welfare...or over half the population receiving a government benefit?

Crime and violence higher...or lower? Chicago makes a new record in murder each day.

White people 90% or 50% of the population? White people are being bred out by Hispanics who are now the majority below age 7 and having the majority of babies.

Best infrastructure or crumbling in decay? How can you fix the roads with 50 million hungry mouths to feed? When you spend over $1 trillion a year for welfare?

The "entertainment" industry distributes filth...things the children DON'T need to see. Do YOU have sex in front of your grandchildren? Then why let them watch strangers do it?

WHERE have we moved FORWRD Abby? Where? I see us collapsing into Mexico II as the Hispanics become the majority. Have you noticed that Mexican stores are everywhere now? That Mexicans are everywhere now? We ARE losing OUR country to invaders...invaders we invited in. Like letting a neighbor in hard times use a room in your house and they keep inviting more and more of their "relatives" who also need a place until they've taken over your whole house.
Well, let's just put it this way, Don, we're probably not headed anywhere good if all we do is argue amongst ourselves and don't listen to other viewpoints and at least try to understand. I don't have an argument with a lot of what you say because statiscally you are correct. I believe immigration should be tightened up and a lot of my immigrant friends and coworkers agree as they know how hard it was for them to get here the right way. The right way brings productive, intelligent human beings, such as this man, who most probably loves what this country stands for more than most American born citizens. So I have difficulty stereotyping people in the manner that you do, but I do see your point about certain neighborhoods,etc. It is a real problem in certain parts of our country. I just don't think the answer to these problems is a simple one and certainly will not be achieved without dialogue. My simple wish by starting this thread was an attempt to bring more civility to this forum......that's all.
Old 05-30-2017, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well Abby...1/3 the population...100 million ARE foreign born or the child of a foreign born.

Then WHY in the world would you LET THEM CHANGE America into where they came from? America is slowly becoming Mexico II as the Hispanics are bringing THEIR culture HERE...a failed culture...is causing America to fail. We should have told them ALL to f@ck off...this is America...if you want to live here...you do it OUR way. No press 2 for Spanish...LEARN the language or go home. If you're genetically inferior you're NOT going to get special treatment and quotas...go home. Because YOU are here illegally and NOT "under the jurisdiction" neither is your illegal anchor baby. That ONE policy alone will be what ultimately destroys "America". 50 million anchor babies having 50 million children...and in one more generation...within 30 years...they win...they become the majority and America is lost forever.

Franklin said you have a republic if you can keep it...he didn't imagine you'd lose the entire country to "them"...the f@cking natives. The Hispanics are mostly indigenous stock with some Spanish DNA thrown in. This combination seemed to raise up the natives like the proto-humans interbreeding with the Neanderthals produced a superior hybrid that went on to make the modern world. Blacks were left out of this genetic mixing...species improving.

Sometimes...when you fail...you lose it all and there is no "learning from it". That's the mistake we are making now...a mistake that will be fatal to America...allowing the Hispanic invasion.
You are correct. I don't agree that they should come here and be allowed to change it, and we should not give into that premise. My posts speak to immigrants, such as the one mentioned in the OP, who comes to this country and honors what this great country has to offer. What he has to say should rattle many of us who take it for granted. I think that's a good thing.....we all need a good wake-up call once in awhile and when the source comes from someone like this, I think it makes more people stand up and notice.
Old 05-30-2017, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are correct. I don't agree that they should come here and be allowed to change it, and we should not give into that premise. My posts speak to immigrants, such as the one mentioned in the OP, who comes to this country and honors what this great country has to offer. What he has to say should rattle many of us who take it for granted. I think that's a good thing.....we all need a good wake-up call once in awhile and when the source comes from someone like this, I think it makes more people stand up and notice.
"My posts speak to immigrants, such as the one mentioned in the OP, who comes to this country and honors what this great country has to offer"

AND THAT is without a doubt the overwhelming majority of all immigrants.

Immigrants made this country great no matter where they came from or the color of their skin.

If someones ethnicity or skin color is how you determine people, you have a bad heart and life. You simply want to marginalize a group, label it and mock it to make your feel better.

It is now being used as a political tool which is truely sad.

I recall as a youth, and even in the last few years attending festivals of Irish, Polish or Slovenian ethnicity. Such great memories as people kept their own heritage alive while making a new life in our country.

It just seems to me that all we are doing recently is attacking everything that made this country great and saying it will make it great....NO, it was and is great....all this other stuff is simply going to tear it apart.

When do we even try and come together ?

This thread is a great example. The premise in this thread that Abby began was to open conversation about our lack of ability to talk to each other, and we make the point with our response...

Posters simply show nothing but disrespect for Abby as the OP by not even reading what she posted, by not even checking the actual contents of the links.

They read a headline and then attacked. That is exactly how so many view the "news"...they read a headline and stop....lazy I suppose, make assumptions and say they KNOW something. NO, you don't know anything and this thread has proven that point if nothing else.
Old 05-30-2017, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, let's just put it this way, Don, we're probably not headed anywhere good if all we do is argue amongst ourselves and don't listen to other viewpoints and at least try to understand. I don't have an argument with a lot of what you say because statiscally you are correct. I believe immigration should be tightened up and a lot of my immigrant friends and coworkers agree as they know how hard it was for them to get here the right way. The right way brings productive, intelligent human beings, such as this man, who most probably loves what this country stands for more than most American born citizens. So I have difficulty stereotyping people in the manner that you do, but I do see your point about certain neighborhoods,etc. It is a real problem in certain parts of our country. I just don't think the answer to these problems is a simple one and certainly will not be achieved without dialogue. My simple wish by starting this thread was an attempt to bring more civility to this forum......that's all.
Yes I am correct Abby...that is the point. There is NO room for "talking", that time has passed and gone. We are at the tipping point...whites are a 50% the population...do we KEEP our culture and our country or do we LET the Hispanics have it all? In ONE generation the Hispanic population doubles...to 200 million. They WILL be the absolute majority and they WILL get what THEY want...and that isn't what you and I want. America will be ruled by people who came from 3rd world sh!tholes...and that IS what they'll turn it into. Go to the border towns...see what they are like...that IS America's future.

That's NOT who we are letting in...the intelligent white people go to the END of the line AFTER the 3rd world refugees...and Hispanics just walk in.

It's a REAL PROBLEM everywhere they live...it's them that create the problems.

Is the truth not "civil"? The TRUTH is the country is being overrun by Hispanics who ARE the majority below age 7, ARE the majority being born, ARE the majority starting school, ARE going to be THE majority within 30 years. Do you want "America" for your grandkids or "Mexico II"?

Originally Posted by Guest
You are correct. I don't agree that they should come here and be allowed to change it, and we should not give into that premise. My posts speak to immigrants, such as the one mentioned in the OP, who comes to this country and honors what this great country has to offer. What he has to say should rattle many of us who take it for granted. I think that's a good thing.....we all need a good wake-up call once in awhile and when the source comes from someone like this, I think it makes more people stand up and notice.
Well then...ALL illegals go home...ALL their anchor babies go home along with their kids too...STOP printing ANYTHING in Spanish stop having announcements in Spanish. NO Spanish in the schools except as a language course like when we were in school.

That is NOT the 99% of immigrants who are from 3rd world countries. Just like the black people you are familiar with are NOT the 99% of black people.

Originally Posted by Guest
"My posts speak to immigrants, such as the one mentioned in the OP, who comes to this country and honors what this great country has to offer"

AND THAT is without a doubt the overwhelming majority of all immigrants.

Immigrants made this country great no matter where they came from or the color of their skin.

If someones ethnicity or skin color is how you determine people, you have a bad heart and life. You simply want to marginalize a group, label it and mock it to make your feel better.

It is now being used as a political tool which is truely sad.

I recall as a youth, and even in the last few years attending festivals of Irish, Polish or Slovenian ethnicity. Such great memories as people kept their own heritage alive while making a new life in our country.

It just seems to me that all we are doing recently is attacking everything that made this country great and saying it will make it great....NO, it was and is great....all this other stuff is simply going to tear it apart.

When do we even try and come together ?

This thread is a great example. The premise in this thread that Abby began was to open conversation about our lack of ability to talk to each other, and we make the point with our response...

Posters simply show nothing but disrespect for Abby as the OP by not even reading what she posted, by not even checking the actual contents of the links.

They read a headline and then attacked. That is exactly how so many view the "news"...they read a headline and stop....lazy I suppose, make assumptions and say they KNOW something. NO, you don't know anything and this thread has proven that point if nothing else.
No it's not...it's the exact opposite. What we get now are the brown/black dregs...refugees. We don't get intelligent and skilled white Europeans.

WHITE immigrants made this country great...the brown ones were the equivalent to livestock. Do you give the FARMER or his cattle credit when a farm is successful? They may have worked hard...but it was doing what they were told by the white architects.

I use statistics to "judge" them...past performance DOES show future results. Blacks are the BOTTOM of the barrel in EVERY country in EVERY society in EVERY culture. Always...no exceptions...WHY would I expect great things from them? Have we EVER gotten truly great things from them? I want them GONE...I don't want to mock them...I'd prefer to never have to think about them again.

Those are WHITE PEOPLE Rockie...WHITE PEOPLE. What "fond memories" do you have of the black part of town? WE DON'T LET MANY WHITE PEOPLE IN ANY MORE. MOST immigrants are brown and black.

The minority majority is what will tear us apart.

I know what IS and WILL eventually destroy America...the Hispanic majority within 30 years. That is a FACT that has already began...they ARE the majority below age 7 and it rises every year.

great, forum, day, thread, speech

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