Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Federal Receipts Tumble
Looks like the Stimulus Bill is failing miserably . I guess Going Gault is catching on. |
It is always interesting when concepts are confronted and
agitated with facts.
There must be a forecast of stabilizing and or rising employment some where. I would think employment levels would have to increase (tongue in cheek). The recent terminology of "saved jobs" result in no increase. Unless it serves the cause at hand it will never be a media issue. btk |
It's almost as if the goal is to increase the balance of payments in favor of Socialist manufacturers (China, Vietnam) while at the same time doing de facto currency devaluation through the printing of additional currency against a fixed collateral. And then top it all off with more social programs which can only be paid by taxes from the ever-depleting pool of taxpayers. There's only two reasons for such actions that I can see: 1) utter stupidity; or 2) a push towards socialism. Is that paranoia or is that clear vision? I hope it's the former...... |
Of course it's failing. Stimulus never works and has never worked. 473,000 more jobs lost in June. Obama's failed policies continue to trash the economy. If they get cap-n-tax and health care you can kiss any prosperity or growth that's left over good bye.
Here is a short video to demonstrate the way the madia treated Bush during massive job increases and the way they treat Obama during massive job losses and an economy in the dumps. It is almost cartoonish the contrast is so stark. The video might be better with this link: |
Tyrannosaurus Dept-Schoolhouse Rock
I am always embarassed and usually dont post much concerning specifics of the financial world, as I admit this is not a strong suit...however my comment on the stimulus is this....
IF THE STIMULUS BILL HAD BEEN A STIMULUS BILL AND NOT A SOCIAL PROGRAM MAYBE IT HAD A CHANCE !!! And perhaps had anyone in congress ACTUALLY READ IT maybe on a wild chance there could have been some success ! |
I just wish this administration would concentrate on just one thing.The economy. Fooling around with health care which is 1/5th of our economy and Cap and Trade seems seems like they are trying to doom us intentionally.