Fiorina Still the top 10 for debates

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Old 07-02-2015, 09:43 AM
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Default Fiorina Still the top 10 for debates

Anybody betting against her being in the debates will be in the minority.
And we all know the dems do not want to see her there opposite you know who. Then gender would become a non issue and trust and capability would be at the forefront.....two attributes Clinton does nhave.

Anyway for the entertainment of the name callers and information of all others:

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina winning over skeptics - LA Times
Old 07-02-2015, 10:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Polls are showing Fiorina polling at only 2 percent. Even Christy has more at 3.8 percent.

Sorry, dude, but Carly is not going to be your next President.
Old 07-02-2015, 01:53 PM
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Old 07-02-2015, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Anybody betting against her being in the debates will be in the minority.
And we all know the dems do not want to see her there opposite you know who. Then gender would become a non issue and trust and capability would be at the forefront.....two attributes Clinton does nhave.

Anyway for the entertainment of the name callers and information of all others:

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina winning over skeptics - LA Times

Really? She is at 2%

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
Old 07-02-2015, 08:34 PM
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Would like to see Carly and Trump debate. Bet she's fired again.
Old 07-02-2015, 11:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
Would like to see Carly and Trump debate. Bet she's fired again.
The real side show debate wI'll be when she is put up against Clinton.
Clinton will be further reduced in phony presence.
The Dems will do everything in their collective power to see that embarrassment never happens
The so called "being fired" with a $21,000,000 reward beats being a crook and a liar and an incompetent self centered phony.
Old 07-03-2015, 04:14 AM
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We are still a long way from campaigning to voting and so anything can happen. It is clear that the nature of the political game is destroy your competition with anything that works even if it is not true such as Reid's lies about Romney's tax situation, a lie by the way that the left just ignored. I suspect in some of the left's circles they did a high five for Reid. Most attacks won't be honest and/or won't mean a thing but then they are designed for one purpose only. such is the corrupt and immoral nature of our political system. As a side bar Romney refused to play that game .

As to polls themselves my take is two fold: Most polls are designed to fit the numbers the poll taker is seeking. Secondly many those voters being polled have no idea what they are talking about. The sad fact is that many voters don't get past name recognition and then even some of those voters can't pass that hurdle. I bet you will find a good 20-30% don't evenknow Biden is VP

Cream always rises to the top . Carly Fiorina is one of those candidates I am watching closely because she speaks openly and honestly which means she would serve openly and honestly. Her comments tell you she is objective and that she has excellent bona fides to be a commander in chief. She will climb provided the Republican Establishment do nothing to harm her. My fear is that Bush will overwhelm the Republican Establishment and drowned out some very good candidates. So Republicans let the RNC know that we want any opportunity to have every Republican candidate debate
I continually write them and take every opportunity to let anyone and everyone I want an open debate for all candidates

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-03-2015, 07:59 AM
Posts: n/a

Will Carly release all of her personal and business tax records before the debates?

Do you honestly feel that she will be the Republican candidate.

I am quite sure your answer to both questions is NO.

Please answer only those two questions and do not throw in any qualifiers or whatever's. Thank you.

Semper Fi
Old 07-03-2015, 08:49 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We are still a long way from campaigning to voting and so anything can happen. It is clear that the nature of the political game is destroy your competition with anything that works even if it is not true such as Reid's lies about Romney's tax situation, a lie by the way that the left just ignored. I suspect in some of the left's circles they did a high five for Reid. Most attacks won't be honest and/or won't mean a thing but then they are designed for one purpose only. such is the corrupt and immoral nature of our political system. As a side bar Romney refused to play that game .

As to polls themselves my take is two fold: Most polls are designed to fit the numbers the poll taker is seeking. Secondly many those voters being polled have no idea what they are talking about. The sad fact is that many voters don't get past name recognition and then even some of those voters can't pass that hurdle. I bet you will find a good 20-30% don't evenknow Biden is VP

Cream always rises to the top . Carly Fiorina is one of those candidates I am watching closely because she speaks openly and honestly which means she would serve openly and honestly. Her comments tell you she is objective and that she has excellent bona fides to be a commander in chief. She will climb provided the Republican Establishment do nothing to harm her. My fear is that Bush will overwhelm the Republican Establishment and drowned out some very good candidates. So Republicans let the RNC know that we want any opportunity to have every Republican candidate debate
I continually write them and take every opportunity to let anyone and everyone I want an open debate for all candidates

Personal Best Regards:
Great post overall, but I highlighted the above comments because they will be essential characteristics for the next President of the US to have if this country is to thrive once again. We have lost so much in the past couple of decades due to the corruptness and polarizing of the political system as it now stands. It is a disgrace to any thinking person to have so much and to essentially throw it all away because there are no adults left leading our country. Instead of leaders, we have ideologies, special interest groups, and power hungry madness driving our country in all the wrong directions. It's time to vote for an independent thinker who is not afraid to give the country back to the people, by way of REAL leadership. I just wish, for the sake of competition, that the Democratic party could come up with a few themselves.
Old 07-03-2015, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Will Carly release all of her personal and business tax records before the debates?

Do you honestly feel that she will be the Republican candidate.

I am quite sure your answer to both questions is NO.

Please answer only those two questions and do not throw in any qualifiers or whatever's. Thank you.

Semper Fi
If slippery Clinton can be the democrats candidate with all the document hiding, shredding, disclaiming and illegal wrong doings I don't think ANY candidate has a thing to worry about.

How can ANYBODY even demand to see another candidates past record of anything and be silent on a tarnished past candidate like Clinton?
Old 07-03-2015, 10:50 AM
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What does a past tax record have to do with anything?

How about Charlie Rangel's tax evasion? He is still in office with full acceptance by those dumb enough to re-elect him.

How about Sharpton and the millions he owes in back taxes?

Tax records mean squat (trying to remain polite about it!).
Old 07-03-2015, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If slippery Clinton can be the democrats candidate with all the document hiding, shredding, disclaiming and illegal wrong doings I don't think ANY candidate has a thing to worry about.

How can ANYBODY even demand to see another candidates past record of anything and be silent on a tarnished past candidate like Clinton?
Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What does a past tax record have to do with anything?

How about Charlie Rangel's tax evasion? He is still in office with full acceptance by those dumb enough to re-elect him.

How about Sharpton and the millions he owes in back taxes?

Tax records mean squat (trying to remain polite about it!).

All candidates must file with the FEC before they will be admitted to the debate stage by Fox News, and that filing requires tax returns.

Congressman Charlie Rangel and Al Sharpton are not running for president.
Old 07-03-2015, 11:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Will Carly release all of her personal and business tax records before the debates?

Do you honestly feel that she will be the Republican candidate.

I am quite sure your answer to both questions is NO.

Please answer only those two questions and do not throw in any qualifiers or whatever's. Thank you.

Semper Fi
Dear Guest: did you not read the opening of my last post. I said it was too early to determine anything...................

I said that Carly Fiorina had appeal because she speaks openly honestly and factually. I said I like her because she is not a professional /career politician

so yes if she is asked he will open up her finances. And yes of the RNC/GOP Establishments stops trying to decide the GOP candidate she has a good chance And I also said anything can and will happen in a political campaign. The short of it is that its too early to predict but if Fiorina is a viable candidate she will release her finances.

Why don't voters stop and take a breath and reflect on what has been happening to our political system we have a bunch of artful dodgers who are very capable of lying to your face, don't care what voters want and exist only to survive the next election because of all of the perks and prestige but fail to perform. We need more Donald Trumps and Carly Fiorina's. We need less attorneys because they have overtaken Washington and have a written so much useless regulations that business can't respond and can't afford to meet their demands. We need to half the federal government dump a number of useless departments and agencies and revamp .

Aren't you sick of the division, of the abuse by agencies, of the need for special prosecutors because politicians can't obey the law?

Harry Reid proudly admittedly that he lied twice about Mitt Romney's taxes because he believed it prevented Romney from becoming president.
The media stood silent and I'll make a guess thata portion of the left high fived him. Can you imagine how low this nation has come when there is no public or moral outrage. do you want people like Reid conducting "the people;s business"? I don't and there is nothing that has ever caused me to to sacrifice my principles and my moral beliefs...and like many of you I have been tested a number of times.

Well I am not going to be someone's "useful idiot". I will look at every candidate and exercise my individual right to choose not based on party or poll but my assessment as to how that candidate will perform if elected.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-08-2015, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Fiorina will kick Hillary's butt in debate, because she is at least 10X smarter that Hillary
hope she makes it past our republican Luke warm slime
Old 07-08-2015, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Anybody betting against her being in the debates will be in the minority.
And we all know the dems do not want to see her there opposite you know who. Then gender would become a non issue and trust and capability would be at the forefront.....two attributes Clinton does nhave.

Anyway for the entertainment of the name callers and information of all others:

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina winning over skeptics - LA Times
The broad couldn't run HP so how the hell would you expect her to run anything bigger.

information, debates, top, rising, fiorina

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