Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
I agree although I don't think the plan has a snowballs chance. The politicians won't give up their cash cow.
Ah....a snowball's chance eh? I like to believe that King George thought along a similar line about the American Revolution. Sometimes things can momentum if the cause rings true. But that said, I agree that complacency sure seems to be endemic among the populace as well as the legislatures. It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid things will probably proceed to critical mass before the wake up.
That's what it will take. The people should wake up and take a serious look at the proposal, not let the news media tell them about why it won't work.
For those that haven't read the book explaining the Fair Tax, they need to. Do not listen to the nay sayers without reading what the program entails. It is the fairest form of taxation and it seems to be slowly gathering momentum. Get the book and read it!
Finally here's a refreshing view of The Fair Tax from Presidential Candidate, Mike Huckabee.
![]() He also has an interesting position of several ther issues. |
I was a proponent of the Flat Tax until I started to read about the Fair Tax. I have to do some more research but it sure sounds like the way to go!!!
Once again... read the book "The Fair Tax" by Congressman John Linder and Neal Boortz. It is an easy read and not too long. If everybody would do this, maybe we could get rid of taxing income altogether. Wouldn't it be nice to bring home a paycheck for exactly what you earned instead of giving a portion of it to the government.
Who was the initial politican who championed the cause for the Flat Tax? Was it Steve Forbes?
He was just in The Villages speaking for and supporting Giuliani-Is Giuiliani a supporter of this type of tax also? |
![]() Quote:
I support the fair tax, and emailed my Seantors and Reps. They replied with a polite return saying "Thank you for your email, but we must support what is good for all of our constituents".
I believe what is currently proposed is The Fair Tax and to better understand it, folks should go to their official website:
Then to find out what position the Presidential Candidates have regardiing The FAIR Tax,go to: When I last visited this site, it was reported that Rudy opposed to it. |