Fox News

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Old 05-01-2017, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Mean spirited to mention his sexual preference? Isn't that your thing today? You know Catlyn Jenner, and others coming out? They have no problem with it. Apparently, you have something to hide, and I inadvertently outed you some how. Sorry, and I really mean that. If gays were so sensitive about being called gay, they shouldn't have gay pride parades showing everyone what their sexual preference is.

But, if this bothers you and you really need to vent, I am here for you. I made a simple statement of fact in answer to a question. You became enraged by it. Perhaps you need to see someone about that issue.

Funny how none of you on here from the left had any problem with that idiot making a holocaust joke at the press cluster the other night. Now, if I was to right call you out as a hypocrite, that would be nasty and spiteful.

Never mind, moving on............Oh, and by the way....this not personal. This is ONLY my response to your childish cries for attention. I attacked no one. If anything, it is you that attacked me for having an opinion. I believe you owe me an apology. I answered the first post, you attacked me, I responded and you attacked me again. Not that I am sensitive to care, but really? You want to trade slaps with a MAN?
I feel compelled before placing you on ignore, to share some advice with you.

Twisting lies do not equal truth, and you are not even good at it.

Take care
Old 05-01-2017, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I feel compelled before placing you on ignore, to share some advice with you.

Twisting lies do not equal truth, and you are not even good at it.

Take care
Please put me on ignore, girl. I am tired of listening to your bawling.

Compelled...... Thank you for the laugh. You and TAL should get together. You sound like girly cousins.
Old 05-01-2017, 02:31 PM
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Fox is apparently, under the two younger Murdochs, boldly going down the same path as ESPN.

As soon as a new Conservative News Channel is started up, I will bolt from Fox along with millions of others.
Old 05-01-2017, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by TexaninVA View Post
Fox is apparently, under the two younger Murdochs, boldly going down the same path as ESPN.

As soon as a new Conservative News Channel is started up, I will bolt from Fox along with millions of others.
Millions on a podcast. Perfect.

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Old 05-01-2017, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
I feel compelled before placing you on ignore, to share some advice with you.

Twisting lies do not equal truth, and you are not even good at it.

Take care
Putting MDCPD on the ignore list? Good for you. In Tapatalk there is no such option. But I'm not sure if I would want to give up the entertainment of that country mouse's ramblings.

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Old 05-01-2017, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Putting MDCPD on the ignore list? Good for you. In Tapatalk there is no such option. But I'm not sure if I would want to give up the entertainment of that country mouse's ramblings.

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I was entertained by him for a bit, but he is simply so stupid and out of touch....not to mention just annoying enough that I was unable to resist going back and forth, but he is not even a good person to engage with in anyway.

I do understand that he does grace many ignore lists on here
Old 05-01-2017, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I just wonder if certain posters simply hate each and every person who is non white, not of obvious American born parents, of a religion they have not been exposed to, and maybe not of their particular sexual preference.

And do they apply that label to all these people in every case ?

Must be so great to be so special. I mean a white, straight, 2 generation American, of certain selected religions, who is a far right conservative is obviously well above everyone else and has the innate right to label and accuse anyone who does not fit in.

Poor Shep Smith....educated, American born, award winning newsman is ripped on TOTV political forum.

Makes sense that you folks look down on him. You are the special ones
I don't "hate" them...just don't want them around. What GOOD do they bring? What school, neighborhood, town, city, country did they improve? You like MLK Blvd?

Islam is dangerous for non-Islams. It's right their book...conversion and dominance is their credo.

I don't like gay men...WHY would I want to be friendly with a man who is checking me out and wants to stick his pen!s up my a sign of affection?

The many outnumber the few...for every "decent" black person...there are literally thousands who are the complete opposite. To see the REAL black population...the need to go to MLK Blvd. Because THAT is where the 99% live. 99% of blacks live in the inner cities of in the black part of town. That dirty, nasty, dangerous part of town that everyone avoids.

It IS great to be lucky enough to be born a white male. You got second best if you were born a white female. Blacks, Hispanics...they were NOT do lucky. And it's NOT my fault they're inferior and I shouldn't have to pay to artificially prop them up. Merit based...and if they CAN'T succeed enough to support themselves...then maybe they should just die out as another one of the billions of failed species. IF they were successful ANYWHERE on the entire planet...I could believe they were the same as us...but they're not, they're ALWAYS the bottom of the barrel. They're below, inferior to EVERY other race.

He's a queer...normal men don't like queers...or what they represent. What they$ screwing is inconceivable to me. It's the LAST thing on earth I'd want to try. And yet it's completely normal...not even in the DSM.

Originally Posted by Guest
Mean spirited to mention his sexual preference? Isn't that your thing today? You know Catlyn Jenner, and others coming out? They have no problem with it. Apparently, you have something to hide, and I inadvertently outed you some how. Sorry, and I really mean that. If gays were so sensitive about being called gay, they shouldn't have gay pride parades showing everyone what their sexual preference is.

But, if this bothers you and you really need to vent, I am here for you. I made a simple statement of fact in answer to a question. You became enraged by it. Perhaps you need to see someone about that issue.

Funny how none of you on here from the left had any problem with that idiot making a holocaust joke at the press cluster the other night. Now, if I was to right call you out as a hypocrite, that would be nasty and spiteful.

Never mind, moving on............Oh, and by the way....this not personal. This is ONLY my response to your childish cries for attention. I attacked no one. If anything, it is you that attacked me for having an opinion. I believe you owe me an apology. I answered the first post, you attacked me, I responded and you attacked me again. Not that I am sensitive to care, but really? You want to trade slaps with a MAN?
Their birth defect...lets call it what it is...a congenital birth defect...NOT their fault. But neither is being born a sociopath or a psychopath. We don't allow THEM to run around willy nilly, doing whatever they want...what THEY feel is normal.

Liberals are enraged by the facts so thoroughly that they live in delusion refusing to admit truths.

Tell me about it...they wish the most vile things upon us all for being right and trying to SAVE them from themselves. They STILL deny that America changes completely within 30 years when the Hispanics become the absolute majority.
Old 05-01-2017, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
I was entertained by him for a bit, but he is simply so stupid and out of touch....not to mention just annoying enough that I was unable to resist going back and forth, but he is not even a good person to engage with in anyway.

I do understand that he does grace many ignore lists on here
You're right, there is no relevant back and forth with him. He is a one way street....a dead end. CNM seems to deal with him the best. MDCPD is no match for him, and the fun thing is that he doesn't know it.

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Old 05-01-2017, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You're right, there is no relevant back and forth with him. He is a one way street....a dead end. CNM seems to deal with him the best. MDCPD is no match for him, and the fun thing is that he doesn't know it.

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You liberals...SO delusional...such refusal to see/admit the truth.

Tell me WHY Chicago has such a problem with black violence? Two areas have a real murder problem...the west and south side...BLACK "communities"...WHY is it so violent there CHI? Is it white people's fault again? We're MAKING them act that way? Why is it so disgustingly dirty there too? Nobody works...why can't they clean up? Is THAT my fault too?
Old 05-01-2017, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I was entertained by him for a bit, but he is simply so stupid and out of touch....not to mention just annoying enough that I was unable to resist going back and forth, but he is not even a good person to engage with in anyway.

I do understand that he does grace many ignore lists on here
And yet, you liberals just keep coming back for more. So sad. I believe in your ignore list, like I believed Obama when he promised us that we could keep our doctors and that health care costs would come down.
Please do not go away mad, but feel free to go away. I will not be too awfully despondent.
Old 05-01-2017, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You're right, there is no relevant back and forth with him. He is a one way street....a dead end. CNM seems to deal with him the best. MDCPD is no match for him, and the fun thing is that he doesn't know it.

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Well chi, you started out with one liners, that were almost cute. Then you jumped on CNM's little red wagon and started getting snarky. Then, when that was not enough, you thought you would attempt to dig up some personal information to put on here. You got it wrong, but I could see where that was going so I decided to show you how a pro does it. I gave you a bit of a taste of your own medicine and you backed off. It was you that did not wish a civil discourse. Do not act all wounded. I am always open for a decent discussion. But, if you wish to start every thread with some stupid disparagement of the president, then expect someone to be equally snarky with you. If you can't take it, feel free to go join the YWCA with the other girls. Take you little sister Tal and big sister CNM with you.

On the other hand, do what you wish. This is a free country, regardless of the efforts of Obama, Killary and the puppet master, Soros. I've got no beef with you. You all take this too personal.

If you do not wish to have a discussion with the guys, that's up to you. Please do put me on your "ignore" list.....
Old 05-01-2017, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You liberals...SO delusional...such refusal to see/admit the truth.

Tell me WHY Chicago has such a problem with black violence? Two areas have a real murder problem...the west and south side...BLACK "communities"...WHY is it so violent there CHI? Is it white people's fault again? We're MAKING them act that way? Why is it so disgustingly dirty there too? Nobody works...why can't they clean up? Is THAT my fault too?
Chicago would be better suited as a nuclear test site. Nothing else of value comes from there. Proof was the last 8 years.
Old 05-01-2017, 07:28 PM
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"Fox News on Monday removed one of its most powerful executives, Bill Shine, another seismic shake-up at a network that remains in crisis mode as its owner, Rupert Murdoch, moves to steer it past the sexual harassment scandal that first engulfed it last summer.

Mr. Shine, a network co-president and a longtime lieutenant to its disgraced former chairman, Roger Ailes, was viewed by some employees as a symbol of Fox News’s old-guard leadership even as its parent, 21st Century Fox, pledged reforms to the company culture and a new era of civility in the newsroom."

Word is that Hannity will be history, as he has a clause in his contract that he can just leave if Shine goes, and they were very good friends.
Old 05-02-2017, 06:43 AM
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The closest thing to nirvana on TOTV Political Talk is the ignore list

Why subject yourself to the angry and illogical noise and taunts of posters. Block out their rants and personal attacks and your board returns to calm, civil and a sharing of ideas and opinions...nirvana

Personal Best Regards:
Old 05-02-2017, 07:26 AM
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The rubble of Chicago will always be there as a tribute to Obama.

left, news, fox

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