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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
This is frustrating....
we just had an historical election and as I read and listen, the congress of our country will have 100%...ALL of the same leaders on both sides of the aisle.
The President, the speaker of the house, the senate leader all say the election was NOT about them. The other side has lots of new people, but will be led by the same folks that were in there. Is this treading water ? |
It certainly reflects the business as usual temperment
in Washington.
The perfect model of self centered self promoting, regardless the will of the people, Nancy Pelosi. She gets high marks for being a good fund raiser. Now doesn't that tell us something else about the underlings! She was unpopular with we the people (except her home state)...she led a single digit rated congress...she pushed legislation (still does) not supported by we the people...gets a sound beating in the elections...but still has the nerve to stay on...and of course very reflective of the stupidity of the other Dems who only cower. Another example of the crookedness of the system....Rangel. Found guilty in 11 of 13 counts, he will not be asked to step down being cited as 80 years old (just what does that have to do with anything?) and he is a staunch supporter of Harlem (ditto prior paranthetic) and was a founder of the Black Caucus (double ditto above paranthetic). They are apparently a group who can do no wrong in the eyes of each other. Probably because of the, that could be me syndrome (but haven't been caught). There is absolutely no doubt the same leadership will NOT produce any different results. The current goings on are fuel for my amusement when the opposition climbs on their band wagon against any particular candidates qualifications or not. Based on incumbents the bar is set pretty D%*%mn low!!! btk |
Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians it has taken some of "us" a long time to wake up and smell the coffee, perhaps because we have been so severly impacted by this economy and its inability to recover. my parents are products of the depression and i grew up hearing about how wonderful the social programs which sprouted from that event were. but somehow, when my parents needed those social programs and sought their help - they were turned down because they "made too much money". and then i got a job and looked at how much money was taken from my paycheck...and i looked at how that money was being redistributed to others - welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid...the eligibility guidelines for which had been distorted waaaaayyyy beyond their original intent. my awakening - the pols [both parties] are buying people's votes! i learned then and there, again, that i would never be able to rely on anyone other than myself to insure that i would have the future to which i would like to be accustomed! and so i did! so where am i rambling to with such reminiscences? we have not learned from our history - so we are doomed to repeat it? we need to vote in new blood in every election - except for my senator/congressman because i like them? this past election shook up a lot of entrenched politicians - but clearly, not enough. we must continue the process, if only in 2yr increments. elect representatives who will clearly represent you rather than themselves. Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians
Until January you won't actually see any change. Republican's will be held to account after they take their seats. Sarah Palin and Jim Demint will see to it. Patience.
Also, don't forget media's role. Charlie Rangel was just convicted of 13 counts of ethics violations and the story got almost no play or analysis on the major networks. Things will happen you might not hear about unless you know where to look. |
I hate to be pessimistic Richie, but the leadership of each party totally CONTROLS from A to Z what hits the floor and how votes are made. I know exactly where to look and unless there is an outright "mutiny", things will be the same except perhaps worse as we get into gridlock. Not much of any secrets in Washington Richie....each and every day I scan all the congressional records and sites....they report it all and this news is very very frustrating to me ! |
I love the fact that they voted Pelosi in as minority leader. The Democrats just lost the most seats ever (except once) in an election, many Republicans ran against Pelosi specifically and won and now they have the same issue in 2012. You have ot love it.
Nancy Pelosi is the "gift that keeps on giving"!