Godspeed President-Elect Obama

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Old 11-07-2008, 01:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Question Huh???

Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
I see we are back to name-calling, insults and ridicule of others as sport.

It's nice to know that those of us "hayseeds" and "good ole boys," will be made better off by those who made Chicago Politics a shining beacon of ethical behavior and corruption-free public service.

Urban snobbery must be one of those new-wave methods of consensus-development employed by "community organizers" that us "hayseeds" and "good ole boys" don't understand......
SteveZ, I wasn't calling you names! I can't imagine what would make you think that I was! I was talking about Bush and the Crawford Clan. And I'm not going to hide how I feel. Never did. I think he was the dumbest, worst President we've ever had. Sorry if you don't agree, but I do have a right to my opinion too.

As far as urban snobbery, we all come from our roots and mine just happened to be urban. Nothing snobby about that. My grandmother had a farm and the grandkids spent the summers there and it was wonderful. Some of the best times of my life.

I'm from Chicago, "The City that Works" and I do take offense to anyone putting it down. It's a fabulous city and I think you are the one name calling here. Oh, and don't look now but a "community organizer" just became your President. (hmmm, wonder if Giuliani is laughing now?)
Old 11-07-2008, 02:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
SteveZ, I wasn't calling you names! I can't imagine what would make you think that I was! I was talking about Bush and the Crawford Clan. And I'm not going to hide how I feel. Never did. I think he was the dumbest, worst President we've ever had. Sorry if you don't agree, but I do have a right to my opinion too.

As far as urban snobbery, we all come from our roots and mine just happened to be urban. Nothing snobby about that. My grandmother had a farm and the grandkids spent the summers there and it was wonderful. Some of the best times of my life.

I'm from Chicago, "The City that Works" and I do take offense to anyone putting it down. It's a fabulous city and I think you are the one name calling here. Oh, and don't look now but a "community organizer" just became your President. (hmmm, wonder if Giuliani is laughing now?)
Chels, you always have a right to your opinion. Never said otherwise. Will defend it to the death...

Have stated that I wish the Pres-elect nothing but the best, and it will be interesting to see how well he can deliver on his campaign promises.

However, I was hoping that generalized name-calling and insults were a thing of the past on this board, and that a trend of civility was going to try to be established here. That's the top string on this board, and again that was the hope.

You weren't calling me names. Those were insults regarding a way of life that many of us hold dear. It may seem "cute" and "fun" to throw around terms and employ them as put-downs, but it just isn't funny.

BTW Chicago is a fabulous city - good people, fine food and fairly decent baseball. I love the city, but view the political establishment with extreme caution. That is my opinion. However, Lake Shore Drive at night IS a view to behold and an American treasure sight.

Also, will be working with one of the transition teams during this changeover, and am looking forward to the experience. One of the real thrills of being an American is to participate up-close-and-personal in the peaceful changeover of an administration. It's a rarity on this planet, and many in the world view how we can do this peacefuly with awe. In other countries people argue and debate their political opinions up to balloting, and then exchange gunfire at each other when the tally comes up short. Here we just roll up our sleeves and make it all work regardless. Thank God for our way of life!
Old 12-02-2008, 07:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Well, actually SteveZ, you responded to Chelsea with an insult of your own, referring to "urban snobs". Democrats heard a lot of that from Republicans during the campaign - although then it was "intellectual" snobs.

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