Happy Hanukkah

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Old 12-24-2016, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The story pf Hanukah is that oil that should have lasted one day in the temple lasted 8 days. It was the SYRIANS who destroyed the temple and who put idols, SACRILEGE for the Jews in the temple. The same people we call Syrians were pirates seizing our ships for ransom raping our women WHICH LED AMERICA TO BUILD A NAVY RATHER THAN PAYING RANSOM

The Barbary Pirates...more along the African coast of Morocco, Tunisia, Libya... But I get your point Sue, They were all Ottomans and had this to say to Jefferson:

"In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.""
Old 12-25-2016, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are there Jewish liberals on totv that agree with Obama's decision to Fu(k Israel? Is there one?

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I'd be interested in a response to that one, myself. How any Jew could possibly support that Muslim is beyond reason.
Old 12-25-2016, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
I'd be interested in a response to that one, myself. How any Jew could possibly support that Muslim is beyond reason.
Crickets.... The democratic party, imo, has just lost many of its Jewish supporters. Obama the radical Muslim terrorist has killed more than any other and insured future terrorism for years to come. He was heard chanting as he was packing his prayer rug... " Allahu Akbar."
Old 12-25-2016, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Crickets.... The democratic party, imo, has just lost many of its Jewish supporters. Obama the radical Muslim terrorist has killed more than any other and insured future terrorism for years to come. He was heard chanting as he was packing his prayer rug... " Allahu Akbar."

happy, hanukkah

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