Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
HArry Reid pushes Dream Act next week call your senators noe:
See the following message and take action if you are against amnesty to illegal aliens.
http://campaign.r20.constantcontact....LJD0HRzRbwM%3D This is not a partisan issue. It is doing what is right and condoning illegals is not right. Reid is making it a part of another bill that needs to be passed in a hurry. Once again snookering we the people and advancing his and the parties agenda...against the will of we the people. I have contacted my representatives, please do like wise. btk |
Contacted both of them, but it was probably a waste of time. They both have a "D" after their name. We'll see.
What else would you expect from a guy like Reid ? Putting our soldiers at risk by putting something like this in a Defense spending bill.
By the way, each spending bill has to be approved since they never did their job in passing a budget this year. Support Sharon Angle and send this guy packing in November.. |