Has Anyone Else Concluded We Need A New Way To Elect Our Representatives?

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Old 07-30-2007, 10:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Has Anyone Else Concluded We Need A New Way To Elect Our Representatives?

As much as I sometimes chuckle at The Villages Daily Sun's avoidance of any bad or controversial news, I must admit that I'm tired of reading of the non-productive bickering among the members of both houses of Congress which has been going on for more than a decade. I'm even more disgusted with the idealogical stubbornness of the President, even though the desires and needs of the American public on all kinds of issues are abundantly clear.

So rather than waste my time listening to the ranting of those already elected, and those campaigning almost two years before the election for those sweet jobs in Congress and the White House, I've come up with my own set of procedures for electing people to legislative and executive positions in the federal government. Here's what I intend to do...[br][br]
  • Completely avoid and ignore any and all of the campaign rhetoric, stump speeches, interviews, web sites, etc. for any and all of the announced candidates for the House, Senate or the Presidency. I am of a mind to believe that any and all of them will say whatever the polls and their political advisors tell them will garner the most votes...and then do something completely different after they are elected.
  • Vote for the candidate in each race that has absolutely the least experience in elected positions in Washington. Hopefully, the more inexperienced candidates, if elected, might try something new or at least try to address some of the important issues facing our country during their first term in office.
  • Then never, ever vote for any candidate for re-election beyond their first term. Experience has proven that the more firmly imbedded people get in the Washington establishment, the less they actually accomplish for the American public. Said another way, throw 'em all out after every term and start over.
  • Never ever make a political contribution to any candidate or political organization. Such expenditures will almost certainly be wasted on expenditures that have little to do with what I think may be important.
Then, keep reading The Villages Daily Sun as an exclusive source of printed news and regularly attend scheduled Happy Hours and performances of Rocky & The Rollers in an attempt to keep my mind off things that experience has proven I have absolutely no control over.[br]
Does anyone have either mild or violent disagreement with either my plan or the reasons why I've chosen to adopt it? Here's the place to let loose.

Old 08-04-2007, 11:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Has Anyone Else Concluded We Need A New Way To Elect Our Representatives?

I have, and that's the reason why I signed on with www.unity08.com. Take a look, you might agree that there is another way to select our leaders.
Old 08-04-2007, 11:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Has Anyone Else Concluded We Need A New Way To Elect Our Representatives?

:cop: I think we should elect a President for one six year term. Stops all the drive for a second term which usually makes them a lame duck after the first two years of the second term any way.

I also think we should do the same thing for Congress and the Senate.... NO MORE CAREER POLITICIANS

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