Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
![]() Wow this is great....If our president spoke like this he'd be taken out of office probably.. I searched the Internet this speech appears to be true.. Blahhh, Ag America needs a President like this: Prime Minister John Howard Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians'. 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'. 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!' 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appr opriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.' Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths. :hot: ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music scene in your area - Check out |
Right on !!!!!!!!
Can you imagine the liberals???? |
These topics always allow me to get on my soap box about the waning of the America I the way....not too different from Australia or any of the other countries that do not subscribe to permissive pacifism or catering to special interest groups or lobbyists or that disgusting catalyst called PC (political correctness).
And the most important ingredient of all for this waning, whining and deterioration...the majority of this country who seem content to just let it happen. I hope in my remaining years as a proud resident of the USA, unafraid to be standing up and be counted when and where needed.....that I see what ever it may be that will turn that around. I won't use the word change as it has already been watered down to a political concept that has little or no meaning! BTK |
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He's available as his Party lost the last Election down under.
Chelsea24. I am sorry to hear you are liberal, well, no one is perfect. (LOL).The problem with the liberals is that they are the ones against everything that this country was. All kinds of ENTITLEMENTS to everyone. This country was based on the individuals accomplishments not in the goverment support for everything.
Hi Efrahin, I don't like lumping people together like that. All liberals do not think exactly alike. And as far as "entitlements" go, I believe in personal accomplishments. But I also believe in helping others less fortunate than myself.
"No person is so tall as when he stoops to help another." Don't know who wrote it, but I've always lived by it. |
efrahin, I think you are confused as to what a liberal is and stands for. Yes, we believe in individual rights. We also stand by the fact that regardless of how much we may disagree with what someone says, we will defend to the death their right to say it. Being a liberal doesn't mean giving this country away. It means respecting that people have a right to think, worship, feel as they do -- ideas on which this nation was founded.
It was our founding fathers who insisted on separation of church and state, yet this is still "one nation under God." I do agree that prayer does not belong in a public school. I also believe that if it is against one's religion, a child should not be ridiculed or forced to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. I see nothing wrong with politically correct speech. To call someone a derogatory name because of their race, religion or creed is just plain wrong. Yes, sometimes PC goes overboard but better to be overly correct than to go back to the days when hateful words were acceptable. I'm really getting tired of the bashing liberals get by conservatives, especially here. A lot of good has been done by liberals. Some of our very best would have been considered liberals and, gasp, worse yet, radicals! Abraham Lincoln was a liberal. Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, George Washington, et al. were not only liberals but radicals. Benjamin Franklin was a liberal in his time. The biggest liberal and radical of all time is probably someone most of us hold in very high regard -- Jesus Christ. Being liberal doesn't make you stupid, at least it shouldn't. I can see the wrongs in this country. Kowtowing to foreigners who refuse to learn our language is downright stupid. People should have the right to worship as they see fit so long as they do no harm. America is not a religios state. Therefore, laws should not be made to ram one religious belief down another's throat -- whether Judeo/Christian or Muslim or pagan or any other. Yes, we have enemies who would love to see America destroyed and they do need to be stopped -- not an easy task in a nation this large and diverse. However, to have US citizens give up right after right to accomplish this impossible goal makes no sense to me. Most conservatives actively dislike the ACLU. Yet, without it as a legal watchdog, we would not have equal rights; schools would still be segregated; innocent people would still be in jails and prisons. I don't like every cause the ACLU fights for but I understand why they fight them. If we stop a Nazi parade because it is a truly ugly concept, then we would have to stop another parade because someone else would find it ugly. This nation really is based on equality for all -- not just for when it is convenient. This is being a liberal -- we try to see both sides of the coin. We try to respect the individual and individual rights before all else, even when we hate what that individual is doing and saying. We don't believe that the government has the right to tread on those rights just because it would be easier, safer, more convenient. Most of us do believe that we should have some programs to help people move upward and to survive -- public education (yes, another liberal idea), social security, etc. Quit making liberal a dirty word. It isn't. Without liberals, this nation would be anything but the great and wonderful nation it is. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well said. In many parts of the country, "conservative" is a dirty word. I guess it depends on the type of people living there. The Villages definitely has a conservative bend to it, although there are a lot of liberals that you probably aren't even aware of living here as well. I don't agree with government support of everything either. Especially the government support of big business, which the Republicans/conservatives seen to do at every turn. Here we have oil companies making record profits, and the little guy can hardly afford to drive to work anymore. See anything wrong with that picture, efrahin? |
I am always amazed when I see things. hear things that always seem to have to be categorized as liberal/conservative, democrat/republican and my favorite politically correct/incorrect.
I have always evaluated what I see and hear and make a determination based on the merits (or lack thereof). I don't give any more credit to one or another and not impressed any more or less by one or the other. When partisanship gets set aside and PEOPLE work together is when we will make significant progress. To me things are also easier to assess when viewed as either correct or incorrect....right or wrong....Almost anything can be fitted into one or the other whereas PC seems to be license to do that which doesn't fit any of the categories.... The perfect example is the amount of time spent babbling about energy independence as touted by one party or the other. What is wrong with setting aside the partisan need for winning or losing i.e. one vs the other and doing something that results in progress? Nah that wouldn't work....there would nothing to take sides about!!!!!!!!!! I guess when the very polarized partisan promoters find themselves in a predicament where their very lives may be dependent one upon the other will the useless wheel spinning come to a stop. My $8.95 opinion (that would be two cents prior to the oil inflation joke in current play) BTK |
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As far as the oil companies making record profits - can't argue with their right to do so. This is a free market economy where pricing of any product is based on supply and demand unless legislated due to being a necessary monopoly. Ironically, the price of oil worldwide is pretty stable, since it's sale is not peaked to the US Dollar. The dollar has dropped in value against the Euro and Swiss Franc, and the price of oil-per-barrel in those currencies has been pretty much unchanged. Do I hate to pay $4+ per gallon for gas? Who doesn't? It would be nice if the dollar was worth a dollar (or something close to it) again. But that also is tied to the balance of payments, and everytime you buy something that says "Made in China" because of the price, it's another nibble into the value of the dollar and a subsequent mini-rise in the cost of gas-at-the-pump. That's just the way it is... |
I think that he is correct to say that extremists should not have their say in the way that other people run their lives. With that said, I am an American, my family has been here since the beginning, and we have shed our blood when asked, even when it was not for our own liberty or protection. I am not religious (not a Christian or any other faith) and I am always bothered when anyone invokes a religion on me. Muslim or Christian, why cant people have the freedom to worship how they see fit, and give me the freedom not to. He said, "If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture." I disagree, I am very much a productive part of our culture, and I am offended when I feel forced to worship, so where am I to go? Maybe one day we can create a perfect nation that has a separation of the church with the state. Wait a minute, I thought we already did. It sounds like we may have our own extremist problem here. Once again, I will never tell anyone how to or not to worship, so long as they are not violating anyone else's rights, I just hope Christians soon adopt the same standard.
As a side note, the Christian bible has several parts where it says that a Christian nation is not possible nor advisable. If you want me to (it may take me a week as I just listened to a good lecture about this but did not take notes), I can find the biblical references for you. The idea is to strive to praise your lord, but not to force someone else to do it when it is not true in their heart. There is a power to faith when it is chosen through free will instead of as a result of a threat of discrimination. |
Wow. Red....Picture me giving you a standing ovation. :bigthumbsup: