Health Care Crisis?; Actually it's a Culture Crisis

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Old 09-22-2010, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by JimJoe View Post
The problem with Obama care is also the problem with social security and every other "entitlement". People who pay for them believe they are too generous to those who don't pay. I am one of those people who believe that.
I have seen it my entire life in my legal career, friends, and family. Not only do many get more than they pay, they get very vocal about their "right" to the "entitlement". Since when do we have a "right" to charity? CHANGE THAT NOW.
The solution is simple but few politicians want to say it.
ALL government benefits need to be bare bones only. If you want more, you earn more or private charity provides it.
Social Security can be fixed easily. It is a required deduction, and when you retire you get back your payments in a montly check plus actual interest earned ONLY. Period. People who are currently on SS get a their current benefit but no increases. People like me who are retired but not of SS age yet, get only our contribution plus interest in a monthly payment. Period.
My solution is tough, but it is a solution, and I do not have a "right" to more than I paid, and I do not have a "right" to make my children and grandchildren pay for my "benefits". It is a ponzi scheme pure and simple and I should not "made off" with money that is not mine.
If you need more, you go on welfare which is in the form of food stuffs and used clothing, not checks or a fancy welfare credit card.
Government provided medical care is provided by students at state medical schools and clinics with NO right to sue for malpractice. Drugs are the cheapest, generic, and not the most expensive. If you want better care, you earn it or get it with private charity.
JimJoe, if you have about an hour to spare, please watch this video. It could very well be the best hour you spend today.

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