Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Congrats..It appears the US has proved it is mentally challenged. A majority of its Congress just joined and became partners with a person from California who has all but ruined that state with laws like this, a person from Las Vegas who relies on human weakness (gambling, booze and hookers) to maintain his economy and a politician from corrupt Chicgo politics to lead the herd.
We are a bankrupt nation, have no friends in other countries and are beholding to China to be our bank. We are a lost country. Freedom, our Constitution and dignity died last night and there are still a number that are blinded by our plight. Today I am embarrassed to say I am an American. A year ago I was in a pub in Ireland and some English couples were at the next table. They said America deserved what it was getting as they [Americans] have had respect for too long. Who would have thought it would be such a short time before their prediction came true. We have lost all respect and are quickly becoming a 3rd world country if we are not there already. |
The majority of Americans don’t want it.
Not one vote from the GOP. 34 no votes from their own party. Couldn’t pass it without threats, bribes, back room deals and pay off’s. 34 States so far are ready to file law suits with more to follow. Common sense would dictate this bill is a bad idea at a bad time. So why did they ram it through anyway? Because it’s NOT about health care. |
Still Sound Good?
Read Below..Does this sound familiar? If not, it will..This is what is going on in the UK under socialized medicine. This is just a couple of paragraphs from the notice as to the impact of socialized medicine..
Everyone still happy with what went on last night??? "Ministers say the NHS needs to save £20billion over the next five years. Although both Labour and the Tories have pledged not to cut NHS funding, rising demand and an ageing population means the money will not go as far as in the past, necessitating cuts. Dozens of hospitals are already considering closures of A&E departments and maternity wards, while others are asking staff to consider voluntary redundancy and early retirement. The respected King's Fund think tank says it may be necessary to freeze NHS pay until 2014. One NHS trust under pressure is North East Essex primary care trust, which last month asked its GPs not to refer patients for MRI scans - used to diagnose possible tumours and kidney disease - and other tests until April 1." |
No one cares because for now what the liberals are preaching sounds good and as long as it sounds good the actual future outcomes or consequences don't matter to them.
Too bad we can't get a response from supporters about the issues
raised like cost, access, reduced care....only shots at what is said that does not line up with party beliefs.
Nothing new= as usual no added value!!! It is a shame. btk |
From the Nanny State to the Bully State
I, for one, am proud of the Republicans who stood up to the Democrats and refused to offer them cover with even one vote for this abomination of a bill that erodes and frankly destroys our history of individualism and self-determination. Screw bipartisanism; bipartisan to Democrats is that you agree with them. Are you aware of the Education takeover in this bill? You now will only be able to get student loans through the government. How soon before the government mandates where you go to college and who "deserves" the loan more. Do you think your grandchildren will be among the favored group VK? The key to fixing "health care" would have been to get government out of it. We could all afford "health care" if government mandates weren't bogging down the system. Companies care about profit; profit comes from consumers; give the consumer what he wants and you profit .... simple huh? Will you also be happy with the coming amnesty that will put millions of more people in your wallet and in the Democrats pocket? It's going to happen ..... learn to speak Spanish; it will be the language of the majority soon. One final thought. If this bill is so good, as some in this thread have indicated they believe; why delay it's major enactments until 2014 when almost all the principals are out of office ........ oh sorry ........ I answered my own question REPEAL, REPEAL , REPEAL; AND THROUGH EVERY DEMOCRAT OUT ON HIS OR HER EAR!!!!!! |
Not Stirring The Pot
There is no possible way that the federal budget can be reduced enough to produce a balanced budget. The spending increases of the last ten years assures that. Now, the interest on the national debt and the costs of Social Security and Medicare for a rapidly aging population almost assures that those benefits will have to be cut. The means testing that you mentioned seems to make the most sense to most people--those people who are better off financially will have to accept less in the form of SSA payments, higher Medicare premiums, lower deductions, higher co-pays and the like. But even that won't be anywhere near enough to balance the budget and begin to pay off the humongous national debt we have built up in only a decade. You can expect the defense budget to have to take a heavy whack--maybe as the result of not being the defender of the rest of the world. And income taxes will have to be increased for sure. All those things will have to happen regardless of what political party is in power. It's simple arithmetic. The only real question is: when will Congress get started on taking the inevitable actions. |
"All those things will have to happen regardless of what political party is in power. It's simple arithmetic. The only real question is: when will Congress get started on taking the inevitable actions." Congress will not even think about taking the inevitable actions until the WH is done spending and he is not close. There will be more and more "crisis" that only spending will take care of ! |
It’s like military boot camp. They tear you down and then rebuild you the military way. Those of you who served know what I’m talking about. Obama and his radical partners are systematically destroying the private sector in order to build it back with more government control and ownership. I’ll bet you amnesty is his next big project. He wants as many as possible depending on government… and voting for democrats. Millions of illegal’s are a perfect target and he's hoping they will get him reelected.
It’s pretty damn obvious that health care reform is only one vehicle to achieve their goal. Amnesty and cap-n-trade are the next. If you don’t think this bill if actually enacted won’t drive private insurance out of business, you’re blind. Once private insurance goes under, then where you going to go for your health care? That’s right, the government, and this bill will drive private insurers out of business. That’s exactly what it’s designed to do. Once government and the IRS controls your health care they control YOU. and we're almost 17,000 new IRS agents closer. |
I agree...
dklassen, H.R. 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 has already been passed in the House. Other titles, same bill:
-- Global Change Research and Data Management Act of 2009 -- GREEN Act of 2009 -- Green Resources for Energy Efficient Neighborhoods Act of 2009 -- National Climate Service Act of 2009 -- Safe Climate Act By any name, it is insanity. You and I both know, and anyone else who can read and has third grade reading comprehension skills, immigration amnesty is practically a done deal with Obama. The Progressive's next move is with financial reform and Chris Dodd is moving it along. Education reform is moving along. |
An off topic question....
Can you tell me the grammatical rule that says An Historic vs. A Historic?
Thank you Yoda |
Yoda, you know the rule that says to use "A" before all words that begin with consonants and that "An" goes before words that begin with vowels? For example, a dog, an apple, a cat, an elephant.
One exception to the rule is to use "An" before an unsounded "H." Like an honorable man, an honest mistake, or, an historic event. The rule, which is very confusing, is based on the sound of the first letter in a word when reading. |
(Sorry for hijacking, but it really has been driving me crazy. Please...continue your conversation.) |