Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Attorney General Eric Holder says he is receiving complains from advocacy groups that Muslims are being singled out by law enforcement in using sting operations to thwart terrorist attacks. |
Oh well..............
And TH, umm, shouldn't this be in political? |
Why? What's political about it? There is absolutely no mention of political parties in this post.
Well, if you say so.
I see nothing wrong with anyone doing anything to protect us U.S. citizens. ![]() |
![]() "Well, if you say so," indicates to me that you disagree with me. Please explain to me (the uninformed) how you consider this to be political. This is a post about national security, posted in the "non Villages" discussion forum. If you convince me that this is political, I'll move it to political. |
Finally..........a glimmer of common sense!!
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Sorry, I meant the profiling.
The only way you can consider this to be a political issue is that there are people in the United States that think that to do any kind of "profiling" of an individual, no matter how much common sense it is to do so, is "POLITICALLY incorrect".
That's as close as I can come. Some people, if they feel a bit offended by a post, may feel it should be "censored", or in the case of this blog, moved to the political page. (I don't mean this as any slight to Gracie, who is one of the sweetest people to post on this blog) |
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Politics (from Greek πολιτικος, [politikós]: «citizen», «civilian»), is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in other group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. It consists of "social relations involving authority or power"and refers to the regulation of public affairs within a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. No mention of "political parties" in that definition. But since this thread is a discusion about our government's policy/methods of dealing with terrorists, I agree with GG that it should be in the political forum. |
Thanks TH for not posting this in political - It is interesting to hear that the govt may be profiling terrorists and if this was in political I wouldn't have seen it because I stay away from those discussions.
. |
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In any event, while a discussion of terrorism is not political, it is being made so by some of the responses. Putting in it the political forum will not make the issue go away. |
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Profiling Muslims in sting operations seems to make more sense than patting down grannies and school kids at airports. If most serious crimes are committed by a certain group, it seems logical to single out members of that group for sting operations. |
I try very, very hard to be "politically correct." Not because it's the in thing, but because I learned the hard way how hurtful it is to be labeled for nothing other than the color of my skin or the place of my birth. However, I'm not convinced that looking at those who behave strangely or when someone tips off the government that they may be planning a terrorist act is labeling. It is acting prudently.
Now, if you tell me someone was stopped by a police officer because they "looked" Middle Eastern and no other reason, then I have issues. If you tell me every Somalian in the U.S. is being checked out, again I have issues. I do believe the FBI, et al., do a good job of checking out suspects. I also don't believe they go after everyone of a certain descent or skin color or religious belief. You do a blog that labels you a Muslim extremist, I want you checked out and I don't care if you're black, brown, red, white or bright green. You walk down the street with a white forehead and a swarthy complexion, overdressed for the weather, mumbling to yourself, I'm not only following you, I'm calling the police. Being cautious and sensible has nothing to do with profiling. It has to do with looking for the people who are likely to do harm. (BTW, I agree that this really is political. It is, however, informative and I'm happy to join this discourse. And I refuse to go into political -- too ugly for this little liberal.) |
Why is this political?
If somebody can present a convincing reason that this is, indeed" political, I'm going to move it. JLK |