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Old 11-25-2009, 11:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by NJblue View Post
Of course we don't have the best educational system in the world (but probably the most expensive) and until the cozy relationship between the Democratic Party and the teacher's union is broken up, we likely never will. The biggest impediment to education reform is the teacher's union and its insistence on tenure and no merit pay.

BTW, an interesting part of this study as well as its predecessors is that Republicans tend to be better informed on current events than Democrats.
I MUST AGREE Many of my closest friends are or were teachers. We get in to many almost heated discussions about the failure of our education system. Almost to a person they are Left wing.
I don't have the solution to our education system but throwing more money to the teachers union IS NOT THE ANSWER.
We had several exchange students from Japan and from Europe and they all said that our schools was not the place for getting any education.
Old 11-25-2009, 11:26 AM
Posts: n/a

My suspicion (hope) is it will not be Palin in 2012. Of course I am one of those socially liberral Republicians that the far right is trying to remove from the party, so what do I know.
Old 11-25-2009, 03:25 PM
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Default bE hAPPY

[QUOTE=Number 6;235419]My suspicion (hope) is it will not be Palin in 2012. Of course I am one of those socially liberral Republicians that the far right is trying to remove from the party, so what do I know.[/

Maybe as a social Liberal you should leave the Republican Party because there really is no place for social Liberals in it.
Old 11-25-2009, 03:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Maybe as a social Liberal you should leave the Republican Party because there really is no place for social Liberals in it.
Probably because I am a fiscal conservative, and fiscal issues trump social issues for me. Plus I have heard Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi speak. I am more like a Rudy Republician, unless you think that is a contridiction in terms.
Old 11-25-2009, 06:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Smile Bye-Bye!

If the social, Liberal's (if there is such a thing???) leave the Republican party -- there will be NO Republican party. Believe me, the Sarah Palan, Glen Beck followers are a loud, but small group.
Old 11-25-2009, 07:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
If the social, Liberal's (if there is such a thing???) leave the Republican party -- there will be NO Republican party. Believe me, the Sarah Palan, Glen Beck followers are a loud, but small group.
It makes no difference. If things keep going the way they are, a hamburger with onion could beat Obama in 2012.

Old 11-25-2009, 08:37 PM
Posts: n/a

If the social, Liberal's (if there is such a thing???) leave the Republican party -- there will be NO Republican party. Believe me, the Sarah Palan, Glen Beck followers are a loud, but small group.
I assure you that there are Libertarians who vote GOP because of the importance we place on fiscal issues. Dennis Miller is really a Libertarian, for instance, as is (almost) Rudy Guliani. William F. Buckley was. Robert Novak is.
Old 11-26-2009, 10:00 AM
Posts: n/a

I think the last time I held a lot of hope for the GOP was when it was rumored that former Massachusetts governor William Weld was being groomed for a run at the White House.

He managed to be a fiscal conservative, socially middle-left governor who got re-elected in Massachusetts and managed to actually work WITH an overwhelmingly Democrat legislature. More conservative standard-bearers in the GOP were said to have hated him and, hence, the party couldn't get behind him.

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