How Long Could You Stay In Business Like This?

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Old 06-15-2009, 02:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default All great posts to me

Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
A little Stein to balance things out:
and my two cents worth is that tort reform is absolutely needed (as seen on TV with the ads saying "I'll get you the money that you deserve") and pretty much doing away with "free" health care. Everyone should have to pay some amount for their health care. Even with insurance most of us have to pay a co-pay, so why shouldn't everyone pay a portion of their bill regardless of income. It would reduce the amount of hospital expense lost to people using the ER for their everyday sniffles. Around my home town it is known that the quickest way to get hospital care, without waiting in line for hours at the ER, is to call the ambulance, and get right in!
Old 06-16-2009, 05:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A Free market- Except for Lawyers

Originally Posted by l2ridehd View Post
Again it goes back to what's wrong with our medical system in this country. And the ONLY fix is tort reform. You can compare us to every country in the world and how great they have it, and how wonderful their health care is, but they don't have the lawyers we have who have wrecked the system. And as most of our elected officials are lawyers, they will never change it. So it doesn't matter how you change national health care in this country, it will fail until you resolve that issue.
Well, there it is again. Everyone screaming about restranint of trade, about people not being able to make what the market bears, of the crushing of capitalism.... and then the same people go and complain about how much excess profit attorneys take from malpractice lawsuits. Why are attorneys locked out of the free enterprise system by your ilk?

Funny, what's the rate of profit on hearing aid providers? Or opticians, or durable medical goods? All of these directly impact my health care costs, but I don't hear a peep (perhaps becasue I can't AFFORD hearing aids!) about excess profits.

What about obscene hedge fund profits- still going by the way- open only to those who have $100,000 or often much more, to invest. Record gas prices? Pure profit by a cartel- not supply and demand- as we're seeing now.

All that's ok, just as long as we screw attorneys. Free market supporters my *&*. Hypocrites all.

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