Is this how Obama's Stimulus money is helping the US economy?

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Old 09-13-2010, 10:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Is this how Obama's Stimulus money is helping the US economy?

As usual, what the government is saying it's doing with the tax money they confiscate from you is far from the whole story. Money taken and redistributed supposedly with a fixed purpose is diverted from it's mission to the pet projects of politicians with no direct or indirect benefit to the American economy. You, your children and their decedents will still have to pay the bill in any case.

Here is a story relating how some of the "Economic Stimulus" money is being spent.
Old 09-13-2010, 11:12 AM
Posts: n/a

For a minute I thought I was on the Just for Fun forum. It just boggles the mind knowing where our money is going.
Old 09-13-2010, 12:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Default And unfortunately when the lawmakers and Obama say there are

no funds or insufficient funds....or we can't afford this or that.....that is after all their pet projects are covered.

It is not their money.
They have no budget to be measured against.
They have no accountability or responsibility to see the funds are spent appropriately.
Many cannot account for where monies paid went and for what.
And best of all they are under no fear of reprisal as all politicians subscribe to circling the wagons to protect their own (and of course themselves).

They are the entitled....why else would people like that spend millions of dollars to get elected or re-elected. Sometimes their own money....millions.
Why? For the prestige of the job?
To answer duty calls and represent the will of the people


Old 09-13-2010, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
You have got to be kidding me!
Old 09-13-2010, 01:27 PM
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Old 09-13-2010, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
You say this and you aren't even an American, right?
Old 09-13-2010, 02:41 PM
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This is a subject worthy of asking those folks who find this forum disturbing because of attacks on anyone who supports the President or is Democratic or is liberal.

There are no attacks here except on this particular mention of any other posters...not even a mention of the President. on this subject and let us know what we are not seeing about this stimulus bill, and how it is specifically doing as promised.

Thank you
Old 09-13-2010, 03:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
This is a subject worthy of asking those folks who find this forum disturbing because of attacks on anyone who supports the President or is Democratic or is liberal.

There are no attacks here except on this particular mention of any other posters...not even a mention of the President. on this subject and let us know what we are not seeing about this stimulus bill, and how it is specifically doing as promised.

Thank you
Well to be fair I didn't mention the President in the title because he is the face and the originator of the Economic Stimulus in the eyes of the American People. He talks about roads and bridges and stuff but never tells you he sending this money overseas for ludicrous foreign aid purposes. Democrat or Republican, you should be outraged by this. I'm sure there is more examples out there of this kind of thing.
Old 09-13-2010, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
Well to be fair I didn't mention the President in the title because he is the face and the originator of the Economic Stimulus in the eyes of the American People. He talks about roads and bridges and stuff but never tells you he sending this money overseas for ludicrous foreign aid purposes. Democrat or Republican, you should be outraged by this. I'm sure there is more examples out there of this kind of thing.

I just want to invite those, I suppose from the left, to discuss these issues without fear of anyone trampling on them. I REALLY REALLY want to hear what they have to say !

There are a few who have come in and made comments....I am going to try and make this as inviting as possible to discuss the ISSUES.

I for one PROMISE not to be sarcastic or refer to the poster them selves in any response and STICK TOTALLY to the ISSUE
Old 09-13-2010, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default And waste like this never

happened under prior Republican administrations, right? Of course, you would never hear about it from cns news, because it's a right wing propaganda tool.
Old 09-13-2010, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by actor View Post
happened under prior Republican administrations, right? Of course, you would never hear about it from cns news, because it's a right wing propaganda tool.
actor take Bucco up on his offer and let's get on to an educated discussion about the present and the future.
Old 09-13-2010, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by actor View Post
happened under prior Republican administrations, right? Of course, you would never hear about it from cns news, because it's a right wing propaganda tool.
Excuse me!!!, did we have Trillion Dollar "Economic Stimulus" plans under a Republican Administration. I don't think so.
Old 09-13-2010, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by actor View Post
happened under prior Republican administrations, right? Of course, you would never hear about it from cns news, because it's a right wing propaganda tool.

Of course it did, but NEVER to this magnitude for sure,and in my opinion, never under the circumstances that surrounded this.

A bill worth so much money, in my opinion, is inexcuseable....and coming on the heels of an election were we were promised such transparency and no pork, we get a bill that was 70% pork (and you are right many media sources are slanted but you will find the 70% number to be pretty universal everywhere) !

To me this is not a party thing in anyway, and am sorry that you came from that angle, but am I assuming that you support or dont support the bill ?????

PS: I might add that this is what most on here object to. When you want to discuss, you hear ONLY ...well, look what Bush did, OR what the Republicans did. SO please, restore faith.....YOUR input on how this stimulus is helping us
Old 09-13-2010, 05:06 PM
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Default No, I didn't support

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Of course it did, but NEVER to this magnitude for sure,and in my opinion, never under the circumstances that surrounded this.

A bill worth so much money, in my opinion, is inexcuseable....and coming on the heels of an election were we were promised such transparency and no pork, we get a bill that was 70% pork (and you are right many media sources are slanted but you will find the 70% number to be pretty universal everywhere) !

To me this is not a party thing in anyway, and am sorry that you came from that angle, but am I assuming that you support or dont support the bill ?????
the bill. However, I know something had to be done to get the economy moving after the Bush disaster. Remember we almost went into a depression with a complete breakdown of the banking system, etc. Maybe if some Republicans had supported a more moderate bill, there could have been some compromises that would have resulted in a better bill. But please don't tell me the Republicans aren't party to this type of wasteful pork. It's been going on for decades under both Republican and Democratic administrations. The Republicans only get religion about wasteful spending when there is a Democratic president. I have no doubt that this waste didn't bother the original poster when it occurred under Bush, and Reagan etc. I call that being a hypocrite.
Old 09-13-2010, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by actor View Post
the bill. However, I know something had to be done to get the economy moving after the Bush disaster. Remember we almost went into a depression with a complete breakdown of the banking system, etc. Maybe if some Republicans had supported a more moderate bill, there could have been some compromises that would have resulted in a better bill. But please don't tell me the Republicans aren't party to this type of wasteful pork. It's been going on for decades under both Republican and Democratic administrations. The Republicans only get religion about wasteful spending when there is a Democratic president. I have no doubt that this waste didn't bother the original poster when it occurred under Bush, and Reagan etc. I call that being a hypocrite.

Ok...again you bring up party.....this is not about party really.

You said that "Maybe if some Republicans had supported a more moderate bill, there could have been some compromises that would have resulted in a better bill. " I would submit to you that not ONE Republican has the chance to read this bill, and as far as I know, neither did the President of the United States. I know that even Democrat legislators admit they never had a chance to modify or come up with anything better or new.

The subject of this thread is THE STIMULUS BILL. I, for one, have never heard anyone defend, for example, the spending of the last administration.

NOW, I also will remind you did exactly what you have attacked others, going after a poster instead of the subject..."I have no doubt that this waste didn't bother the original poster when it occurred under Bush, and Reagan etc. I call that being a hypocrite I was under the impression we wanted to stay away from calling names.

You also said that "something had to be done to get the economy moving after the Bush disaster"
I submit that TARP put together and passed with President Elect Obama's approval would have done the job without more pork being thrown on top of it. I submit that if you reveiw the unemployment figures during the last 2 years, you will find a direct correlation in most cases between unemployment and the housing collapse (another good topic for us to discuss). And I will ignore the continued Bush bashing and hope you will discuss what is ACTUALLY in the stimulus bill.

Now I am sorry if some of the things I have said seem a bit pointed, but it behooves me to point use the word hypocrisy.....of the criticisms aimed at this board when the criticizers do the most of it.


Thanks again for posting and PLEASE, I am not being sarcastic...please post and tell everyone how you feel.

As another poster has pointed out, I find it educational and it has stimulated me to do a lot more research on many issues !

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