How one story can demonstrate so many problems...

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Old 02-09-2010, 02:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default How one story can demonstrate so many problems...

This is just unbelievable... The local paper picked this up from the Portsmouth (NH) Herald..

I knew this story would be something when I saw this pop up when I hovered over the link:

A Boston grandmother had been smoking crack Friday night before the car she was riding in crashed into a Seabrook police cruiser, sped up Route 1 at 100 mph, then crashed into a tree on Elwyn Road, police allege.
Ok. You have my attention. A *grandmother* on crack?

The grandmother, Monique Sadberry, 40, of 16 Akron St., Roxbury, Mass., was one of three Boston women arraigned Monday
Age 40? I'm trying to imagine the decisions this woman has made in her life.

Police allege that after the car crashed into a tree in front of 1380 Elwyn Road, Sadberry was found walking in the area by Officer Rich Brabazon. When interviewed at police headquarters by Officer Nicole Mercer, Sadberry is alleged to have said she and two men had been smoking cigarettes laced with crack.
....because "ordinary" crack just doesn't have that nicotine kick!

But the story gets better...

Sadberry is charged with two felony counts of drug possession, and Class B misdemeanor counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and false reports to law enforcement.
Sounded like she confessed..

prosecutor Karl Durand told the court Sadberry has nine known aliases and a criminal history, including convictions for larceny, drug possession and auto theft.

Sadberry requested the services of a public defender, said she is on probation and resides with her two teenage children and a grandchild. She said she has no job and collects Social Security.
NINE aliases, TWO teenage kids, a grandchild, no job (what a surprise) AND COLLECTS SOCIAL SECURITY?!?!?!?!

Judge Sawako Gardner maintained the $25,000 cash-only bail previously set by a bail commissioner
Sounds low to me.

Also arraigned Monday was codefendant Linda Estrella, 44, of 15 Chase St., Dorchester, Mass. The court learned that both Sadberry and Estrella had previously given police wrong addresses.
Oh, wait.. Sadberry is just Chapter One of this story?

Police allege Estrella was riding in the back of the car during the Friday night pursuit, fled the scene after crashing in Elwyn Park, then hid under a resident's porch. After another resident told police someone had run across his front lawn, a police dog tracked Estella to the porch and she was found with her hands in the air, according to a police affidavit.
Umm.. If you were a passenger, why did you flee? Oh yeah - crack-laden butts in the car...

During a police pat-down, Estrella was found in possession of a $5 bill folded around a quantity of cocaine, according to police. She is charged with a felony count of drug possession and a Class B count of resisting arrest.
Drugs, resisting arrest.. Wait - I've seen this script before.. Isn't this where the suspect starts trying to portray themselves as a victim?

During her Monday video arraignment, Estrella said she lives with her three children and fiance and is unable to post high cash bail.
Gee.. Another surprise...

Prosecutor Rena DiLando told the court Estrella had an ID card and checks under a false name, has 10 aliases, four Social Security numbers and a criminal history involving thefts and drugs.
Hmm.. 10 aliases and a real name? She can field her own football team!

Gardner maintained Estrella's $25,000 cash-only bail
Sanity lives.

The alleged driver, Jacqueline Trottman, 43, of 3 Stockton St., Dorchester,
Oh look! Chapter Three!

is charged with a felony count of drug possession and misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest, disobeying an officer, conduct after an accident and possession of drugs in a motor vehicle.
What a hit parade of charges! I wonder what she does for an encore?

She is also charged with violation-level counts of reckless operation and driving after suspension.
...I had to ask...

Police allege she drove through "several" red lights at speeds up to 100 mph with her headlights out, while a police cruiser was behind her with a siren and blue lights activated.
For the record, Portsmouth NH is nothing like Liberty City in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV.

Prosecutor Karl Durand told the court Trottman has criminal records in four states, eight aliases, five Social Security numbers and two dates of birth. Her criminal history includes convictions for forgery, fraud, larceny and drugs, he said.
Oh this is an all-star cast where the hits just keep on coming...

I wonder what she has to say for herself?

"I wasn't the only one in the motor vehicle, and I wasn't found inside the motor vehicle," Trottman said. "My codefendants are detoxing, and I'm not detoxing."
I haven't seen a defense that weak since Iraqi soldiers were surrendering to news crews in Gulf War I.

Trottman asked for low bail so she could be released to care for an ailing parent. Gardner denied the request,
Chutzpah, followed by sanity. Maybe she could loan those four Social Security numbers to that 'ailing parent'. Why would anyone believe anything coming out of her mouth?

Not exactly Thelma and Louise..

I just have to wonder, if the cops knew all that stuff about those three, why were they out on the streets? Having multiple Social Security numbers IS A CRIME. 40-year old grandmother.. Crack. Crack cigarettes. Long list of priors. 100mph chase at night with no headlights.. On the public dole. (Social Security at 40?!?!?)

I haven't had this kind of reaction to a story like this since the infmaous Ventura case in Boston from 1994.

A 1994 column by Jeff Jacoby (a conservative) about it:

A 2004 article that has a summary and is written from a more sympathetic point of view (that, to me, seems to gloss over the horrors that Claribel Ventura committed)
Old 02-09-2010, 04:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Sorry, I only see the result of 40 years of liberal policies.

Nothing to see here people, move on.
Old 02-10-2010, 07:17 AM
Posts: n/a

As I was showing this story to my fiancee last night, another thought occurred to me.

THIS is the road to hell that was paved with good intentions. I mean, when I did some research into welfare programs, at least in Massachusetts, they started out in the 1960s for war widows so that they could raise their kids. One clause was that, if the widow remarried, the aid would stop - since she was now getting support from somewhere else.

The Law of Unintended Consequences took over and you had people living together to keep the checks coming since getting married would stop them.

Just one piece in a huge quilt of shame.
Old 02-10-2010, 10:24 AM
Posts: n/a

Do you mean LBJ's failed policy of War on Poverty didn't start the ball rolling?
Old 02-11-2010, 07:55 AM
Posts: n/a

I think LBJ added fuel to a fire that was started not long before.

There's a basic principle in government that I've yet to see disproven.

When you subsidize something, you get more of it.

So, subsidizing poverty makes more of it, even though they SAID, at the time, they were fighting it. Nobody every looked at the 'endgame' of welfare. They just assumed that people would eventually find jobs and get off public assistance. Assuredly, some did. A lot did not - and started generational welfare.
Old 02-11-2010, 08:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Amen

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
I think LBJ added fuel to a fire that was started not long before.

There's a basic principle in government that I've yet to see disproven.

When you subsidize something, you get more of it.

So, subsidizing poverty makes more of it, even though they SAID, at the time, they were fighting it. Nobody every looked at the 'endgame' of welfare. They just assumed that people would eventually find jobs and get off public assistance. Assuredly, some did. A lot did not - and started generational welfare.
Good article and I agree with you on this one.

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