I get the "anti-politically correct" mindset but

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Old 01-18-2016, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Keeping with the theme of the thread,

To liberals, if it is not PC then it is hate speech.

O'Malley during last night's debate, insisted that the other candidates not use the term "boots on the ground" because he said it is not politically correct. It offended someone he knew, so it is not a good term and must not be used.

'To liberals, if it is not PC then it is hate speech." Does that mean that Clinton, and Sanders are not liberals, because they used the term "boots on the ground"? If they candidates can't say anything, because it may offend someone, then they won't be able to talk at all. That sounds like a great idea. They will all have to be mute. The person that can dance, juggle, make people or things disappear, or do a balance act will be our next president. Their first act will be to balance the budget, and juggling the books is not acceptable. They will have to make Congress disappear first, or they will not be able to balance the budget. All of our problem are gone. Go PC! Go!
Old 01-18-2016, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
'To liberals, if it is not PC then it is hate speech." Does that mean that Clinton, and Sanders are not liberals, because they used the term "boots on the ground"? If they candidates can't say anything, because it may offend someone, then they won't be able to talk at all. That sounds like a great idea. They will all have to be mute. The person that can dance, juggle, make people or things disappear, or do a balance act will be our next president. Their first act will be to balance the budget, and juggling the books is not acceptable. They will have to make Congress disappear first, or they will not be able to balance the budget. All of our problem are gone. Go PC! Go!
Great idea! Automatically appoint the person that can make Obama disappear to the presidency. WHo knows, it might be Trump.
Old 01-18-2016, 11:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Keeping with the theme of the thread,

To liberals, if it is not PC then it is hate speech.

O'Malley during last night's debate, insisted that the other candidates not use the term "boots on the ground" because he said it is not politically correct. It offended someone he knew, so it is not a good term and must not be used.
O'Malley's comments are very telling, very progressive, very naive' and very dangerous

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Old 01-18-2016, 11:48 AM
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Don't get me wrong, but what is the point of declaring that you are an Independent? They have no primary voting rights, and anyone can vote any party they wish in the general election. So, what's the point? Is it fear of someone associating another with a particular party stigma? I asked my brother (registered Independent) and all he could say is that he is neither Republican nor Democrat, but yet he has ALWAYS voted Republican. I am a Republican but I can vote Democrat (bite my tongue) in the general if I wish.
Old 01-18-2016, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
'To liberals, if it is not PC then it is hate speech." Does that mean that Clinton, and Sanders are not liberals, because they used the term "boots on the ground"? If they candidates can't say anything, because it may offend someone, then they won't be able to talk at all. That sounds like a great idea. They will all have to be mute. The person that can dance, juggle, make people or things disappear, or do a balance act will be our next president. Their first act will be to balance the budget, and juggling the books is not acceptable. They will have to make Congress disappear first, or they will not be able to balance the budget. All of our problem are gone. Go PC! Go!
Dear guest:

I saw what you did. However just because Clinton and Sanders can say it doesn't necessitate that they are capable of actually carrying it out.

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Old 01-18-2016, 11:51 AM
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If Trump becomes the next President, God help us all. Please, please we think the whole idea of Trump being the ONLY solution for America! Other nations are already balking at the idea of Trump as our leader. Ugh!
Old 01-18-2016, 11:53 AM
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Default Bad Idea

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If Trump becomes the next President, God help us all. Please, please re-think the whole idea of Trump being the ONLY solution for America! Other nations are already balking at the idea of Trump as our leader. Ugh!
Maybe Rubio
Old 01-18-2016, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
'To liberals, if it is not PC then it is hate speech." Does that mean that Clinton, and Sanders are not liberals, because they used the term "boots on the ground"? If they candidates can't say anything, because it may offend someone, then they won't be able to talk at all. That sounds like a great idea. They will all have to be mute. The person that can dance, juggle, make people or things disappear, or do a balance act will be our next president. Their first act will be to balance the budget, and juggling the books is not acceptable. They will have to make Congress disappear first, or they will not be able to balance the budget. All of our problem are gone. Go PC! Go!
It worked for the current incompetent in chief!!!!
Old 01-18-2016, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Don't get me wrong, but what is the point of declaring that you are an Independent? They have no primary voting rights, and anyone can vote any party they wish in the general election. So, what's the point? Is it fear of someone associating another with a particular party stigma? I asked my brother (registered Independent) and all he could say is that he is neither Republican nor Democrat, but yet he has ALWAYS voted Republican. I am a Republican but I can vote Democrat (bite my tongue) in the general if I wish.
Dear Guest: You comments brought a smile to my face. I recall a conversation with a guy from Iowa. I remarked that my politics were in the middle. His response was " the only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and skunks

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Old 01-18-2016, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I totally agree with you. Rule one is politics is say anything or do anything to get elected. Then, run for reelection on your record. If you have the best ideas in the world, they are worthless, if you don't get elected.

It is a given, that almost all candidates, whether they are questioned on TV, or in a debate, will do everything to avoid answering the question. A lot of the questions are pointed to either make them look bad, or go into detail something that they that said that made little sense, and were only made to get someone's vote. We are getting what we paid for dishonesty at its highest.

Sanders said that he has never gone negative in his campaigns. Right now, he doesn't have a choice. Hillary knows that she may not be the Democratic nominee, if she doesn't go negative on him. Since she is a real bitch, she is right at home going negative. If Sanders win both Iowa, and New Hampshire, another Democrat will enter the race probably someone, who has run before. If either Sanders or Clinton get elected, things in DC will get worse.

Trump is holding true to form by calling Cruz abrasive. He hit the nail on the head with that one. It was pointed out on Morning Joe this morning that Cruz, who is really hated in DC, couldn't get one Senator to bring something to the floor for discussion. How the hell is he going to get anything done , when both parties in DC don't like him.

Right now, we have the worse of all worlds. Trump, Cruz, Sanders, or Clinton being our next president would mean stop watch news programs on TV, and stop buying the newspaper. Nothing good will come out of any of these four.
It doesn't matter who gets elected. Not one person on these forums has said they will have to move from TV because Bush or Obama was President.
Thinking that a democrat or republican president will ruin America is idiotic. All they do is give us something to argue about until our next feeding time.
Old 01-18-2016, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It doesn't matter who gets elected. Not one person on these forums has said they will have to move from TV because Bush or Obama was President.
Thinking that a democrat or republican president will ruin America is idiotic. All they do is give us something to argue about until our next feeding time.
You are either naive or blind, or possibly just not informed. A liberal in the White House right now, will get the chance to appoint at least three liberal supreme judges, making the whole court unbalanced and biased. They nothing limiting them, no governor so to speak.

If we get another liberal in there at this delicate time in our history, we will be part of Europe in a couple of years.....a failed ideology, a clone state of Europe. America will not fall, it will morph into something ugly....no longer America other than possibly the name.

Doomsday speech? I welcome a different scenario. To me, Free has nothing to do with benefits, but an element of Liberty.
Old 01-18-2016, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If Trump becomes the next President, God help us all. Please, please we think the whole idea of Trump being the ONLY solution for America! Other nations are already balking at the idea of Trump as our leader. Ugh!
That is one of the best reasons for me to change my vote to vote FOR him. That is an excellent reason to vote for him, in itself.
Old 01-18-2016, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It doesn't matter who gets elected. Not one person on these forums has said they will have to move from TV because Bush or Obama was President.
Thinking that a democrat or republican president will ruin America is idiotic. All they do is give us something to argue about until our next feeding time.
Who said that they will ruin America? The parties are so far apart that nothing will get down. Listen to what Rand Paul terms as "empty politics".Rand Paul Celebrates Hostage Release, Decries Partisanship

Did he hit the nail right on the head when he said we must appose everything Obama says or does as a matter of politics even though we may agree with him on some things.
Old 01-18-2016, 01:56 PM
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I honestly cannot understand how otherwise intelligent, rational people can support a Trump candidacy. He is a totally empty suit, a self promoter, and canny marketer who has built a following based on marketing slogans that have no substance, but seemingly resonate with a large portion of people's basest instincts. Please tell me how he will build a wall across the southern border AND MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR IT? Just as small example of taking a crazy simplistic idea, that appeals to zealots, and doubling down on it, sending into the twilight zone. Would you really feel good about the prospect of a president trump conducting foreign diplomacy? There are so many things wrong with this man as a human, much less as the prospective leader of the free world, that I cannot take this phenomenon seriously.

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Old 01-18-2016, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I honestly cannot understand how otherwise intelligent, rational people can support a Trump candidacy. He is a totally empty suit, a self promoter, and canny marketer who has built a following based on marketing slogans that have no substance, but seemingly resonate with a large portion of people's basest instincts. Please tell me how he will build a wall across the southern border AND MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR IT? Just as small example of taking a crazy simplistic idea, that appeals to zealots, and doubling down on it, sending into the twilight zone. Would you really feel good about the prospect of a president trump conducting foreign diplomacy? There are so many things wrong with this man as a human, much less as the prospective leader of the free world, that I cannot take this phenomenon seriously.

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Actually, after last night's debate YES. Yes, I would prefer Trump over any of the idiots that I witnessed last night on the democrat-socialist debate. After listening to them squabble over who is the most socialist and who is going to give the most free stuff, Trump suddenly looks smarter than he did the day before.

correct, mindset, anti-politically

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