I love the First Amendment

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Old 01-25-2010, 09:40 AM
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Default Why

Why do those who object to the courts decision on free speach not understand that Unions have been allowed to give money to Democrats all along but not other Corporations.

Unions have individuals who are members. Corporations have individuals who are stockhollders. The court corrected this farce finally.

Liberals are against fairness when it gives conservatives equal treatment.
Old 06-25-2010, 04:58 PM
Posts: n/a

Just an update... Is this just the beginning... the House voted on and passed their version of the controversial bill (HR5175) that would ban certain government contractors, corporations, and nonprofit organizations from engaging in any political speech. The democrats are going to try to push this thru the Senate by July 4th. The real purpose of the "DISCLOSE" Act (which is an acronym for Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections) is to impose restrictions on speech by corporations, nonprofit groups and others who express themselves through political campaign advertising. Of course UNIONS would be exempt from most of the provisions of the bill since unions support Democrats almost exclusively. Please call or write your US Senators and tell them to vote NO!
Old 06-26-2010, 10:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
I ask all who do not agree with this decision by our highest court; where have you been? Why have you not objected to the Unions giving millions of dollars to elect Obama?

The Unions are corporations.
There is one and only one way to alter this practice legally and that is to "Amend The Constitution".

So if you really feel strongly on this issue (this means you ijusluvit) badger and beseech your representatives to make this as precious an issue as it is to you and organize support to pass an amendment.

That is the only legal way to alter the rights of U.S. citizens under our Constitution.

Or, you can just appoint more left-wing progressive justices to arbitrarily set themselves up higher than the Constitution provided, and they can say that the way they read the Constitution they can do pretty much as they please.

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