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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
The Impact of Cap and Trade on the US Economy
This is a link to an op-ed written by Sarah Palin and published in The Washington Post today. IMHO, Governor Palin is correct in her assessment. I encourage everyone, regardless of their political leanings, to read this piece. |
Some flipping and flopping going on here.
During her VP campaign debate, she stated emphatically that she was in favor of cap and was for it before she was against it? |
Yoda A member of the loyal opposition |
Quote: |
As far as cap-and-trade goes: - How many jobs will it create and when? What's the proof? - How much will it raise domestic prices? - Will countries which ship goods to the US be bound by the same energy restrictions? If not, will tariffs equal to the economic impact on domestic goods production be imposed on goods imported from countries not under the same restrictions? If not, why not? - How will this affect government revenues? If there is a reduction due to reduced domestic production or job loss, how will any loss of revenues be resolved - less spending or higher taxes? - How does this affect national security, as the national critical infrastructure is impacted? It would be nice to see the answers to questions such as these, as these ar non-partisan questions. If cap-and-trade is supposed to be a good deal for America (and not just a particular party), then the answers to these questions would resolve the debate. All of these questions are the minimum information necessary for a responsible law to be passed. Has ANYONE seen this information? |
The quote ran. FILL: We do need to keep within our two minutes. But I just wanted to ask you, do you support capping carbon emissions? PALIN: I do. I do. She had already explained the need for USA energy independence and the need to use domestic resources including oil, natural gas and clean coal to get there. Biden's response was typical of him, first pretend to not understand the question being asked and then to go on for some time when clearly a simple and honest yes or no would have sufficed. |
Never? Must be some sort of imaginary campaign promise. Or the pdf file. |
Well, for one thing their program is different then Obama's and second..this was McCain's thing..Sarah just signed on to be his Vice President, remember. I don't think she has had the time to develop her own since she is new to the national scene.
The Republicans nailed Kerry using the phrase "I was for it before I was against it."
This is the second time Palin has been for something before she was against it. The bridge to nowhere and now Cap and Trade. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. |
He said....she said...more Democrat against Republican head-hunting.
The real question is whether cap-and-trade is really suffocate-and-tax. Where's the good news within all this? |
Come on, do not be a party pooper...what would these folks do if they couldnt take shots at Sarah Palin ? Or her family ? |
How did you and kayaker turn this into a Palin bashing? There must be another thread where you can dump your hatred for Ms. Palin.
Why don't you and Bucco and your minions just start a thread "We hate Obama" and vent all your BS in one thread so everybody else can be spared paging down the threads seeing the same old stuff recycled on a daily basis by the same cast and crew. Nothing like seeing you start a thread and then be the first one to respond. Sit back, and face reality, you lost the last election. Get used to it, it won't be the only time! |