The Impact of Cap and Trade on the US Economy

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Old 07-16-2009, 05:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by bimmertl View Post
Let us get this straight. You turn a post on health care into a bash Kennedy thread, and now you get on your high horse and accuse others of turning this into a Palin bashing thread and suggest they go elsewhere? And of course Bucco manages to throw her family into it, even though no one has ever mentioned her family.

Why don't you and Bucco and your minions just start a thread "We hate Obama" and vent all your BS in one thread so everybody else can be spared paging down the threads seeing the same old stuff recycled on a daily basis by the same cast and crew. Nothing like seeing you start a thread and then be the first one to respond.

Sit back, and face reality, you lost the last election. Get used to it, it won't be the only time!

You are correct...nobody in this thread mentioned her family !!!

Now...go back and during the campaign they were butchered on here...the husband, kids...not sure about pets...but they all took their share. Sorry I had not forgotten that trashing !!!

On Obama....I started when he was not even the candidate and folks who now support him were rooting for Sen Clinton.; that time they called him names...."empty suit"...made fun of his ears....NOW that he is President his policies are off base ? HMMMMMM....wonder how that works !

Now if you agree with what is happening to this country...if you agree with what President Obama is doing...then PLEASE come on and say something. ONly time we hear from you is in this context. If you feel the critique is unfair, join in....that is the idea you know !!!!

I would be that you would enjoy a bash Bush thread....we should start one just for you.

This is not partisan politics....this is OUR COUNTRY. Those who now support him but were against him...well, that is party politics.

It is not wrong to talk about issues you dont care for......NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY....and if you REALLY support him then you would make your self aware of what is happening and come on and defend him. I would think if you do come on and defend him, then you DO support him. If youdont I would think you are a party person and just dont have the time to learn what is going on !
Old 07-16-2009, 06:05 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by bimmertl View Post
Let us get this straight. You turn a post on health care into a bash Kennedy thread, and now you get on your high horse and accuse others of turning this into a Palin bashing thread and suggest they go elsewhere? And of course Bucco manages to throw her family into it, even though no one has ever mentioned her family.

Why don't you and Bucco and your minions just start a thread "We hate Obama" and vent all your BS in one thread so everybody else can be spared paging down the threads seeing the same old stuff recycled on a daily basis by the same cast and crew. Nothing like seeing you start a thread and then be the first one to respond.

Sit back, and face reality, you lost the last election. Get used to it, it won't be the only time!
Yes, I don't know why Cologal brings that out in me. It seems you only come around when you feel that you have something obnoxious to say. I got news for you...almost half the population didn't vote for Obama and the other half didn't vote to see him turn this great country into a banana republic. And guess what Bimmer...there are more and more people every day that are turning into our minions.
And don't forget that it is Obama that gives us his face and speeches every day. Everything is about Him.
Old 07-16-2009, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default From a casual observation the only thing that has changed is the party and the man in

the WH.
The criticism/etc. is now coming from a different group about that different POTUS and some of his actions.

Those who bashed the opposition and the POTUS regularly prior to the Obama election every single day, on every single subject related or express exasperation with the current discussions.

Very Democratic....we may bash your guy but ye shan't say nary a word about your guy.

The other common denominator from those who ragged regularly about the last 8 years and the same about their candidate who is now POTUS....never ever a discussion of issues....only regurgitation of the past and thou sahlt not speak against my man or party.

How very narrow minded and un American.

The heat in the kitchen must be too much for

Aren't we lucky to have the 1st amendment on our side (for now anyway).

Old 07-16-2009, 07:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
the WH.
The criticism/etc. is now coming from a different group about that different POTUS and some of his actions.

Those who bashed the opposition and the POTUS regularly prior to the Obama election every single day, on every single subject related or express exasperation with the current discussions.

Very Democratic....we may bash your guy but ye shan't say nary a word about your guy.

The other common denominator from those who ragged regularly about the last 8 years and the same about their candidate who is now POTUS....never ever a discussion of issues....only regurgitation of the past and thou sahlt not speak against my man or party.

How very narrow minded and un American.

The heat in the kitchen must be too much for

Aren't we lucky to have the 1st amendment on our side (for now anyway).

Old 07-16-2009, 08:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by bimmertl View Post
Let us get this straight. You turn a post on health care into a bash Kennedy thread, and now you get on your high horse and accuse others of turning this into a Palin bashing thread and suggest they go elsewhere? And of course Bucco manages to throw her family into it, even though no one has ever mentioned her family.

Why don't you and Bucco and your minions just start a thread "We hate Obama" and vent all your BS in one thread so everybody else can be spared paging down the threads seeing the same old stuff recycled on a daily basis by the same cast and crew. Nothing like seeing you start a thread and then be the first one to respond.

Sit back, and face reality, you lost the last election. Get used to it, it won't be the only time!
Deleted Post.......Not worth responding to personal attacks.
Old 07-16-2009, 08:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Personalities aside, the real question is do you agree with:

Cap and Trade, the Health Reform bill, the bailout, and what all of these things are going to do to an already sagging economy, rising unemployment, probable increase in taxes, and rising cost-of-living?

All of this "my candidate won, your's lost, live with whatever happens next" is as high schoolish as it gets. We're talking about the nation, not a personality contest. Taxes, the economy, jobs: these are important things, and everyone - Democrat, Republican and Independent - should be concerned when we keep spending money we don't have by just printing it like counterfeiters do.

Our manufacturing base has already gone East to communist nations. We keep raising the cost-of-doing-business on domestic companies without providing them protection from communist-made goods and services based in countries paying folk $20 a day. We're losing taxpayers at a high rate due to unemployment and age, while at the same time our government increases spending.

When will this joint Democrat-Republican sniping and defense take second billing to whether we will still HAVE a nation? We're not that far from economic meltdown. While having concern for social welfare is nice, unless there is a stable country (low unemployment, high productivity, limited/no warfare, standard-of-living getting better), adding more spending while economically downtrodden is nationalistic suicide.

When up to your butt in debt, getting more credit cards and running them up to the limit will not improve your financial status. In other words, you cannot spend yourself out of debt! Yet, that's what is happening right now at the federal level.

We can continue Bush-Obama-Palin-whoever else sniping or realize that these politicians will not pay our personal health care costs, or pay our tax bill, or hire us or our kin. The issues are more important than any politician.
Old 07-16-2009, 08:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
Personalities aside, the real question is do you agree with:

Cap and Trade, the Health Reform bill, the bailout, and what all of these things are going to do to an already sagging economy, rising unemployment, probable increase in taxes, and rising cost-of-living?

All of this "my candidate won, your's lost, live with whatever happens next" is as high schoolish as it gets. We're talking about the nation, not a personality contest. Taxes, the economy, jobs: these are important things, and everyone - Democrat, Republican and Independent - should be concerned when we keep spending money we don't have by just printing it like counterfeiters do.

Our manufacturing base has already gone East to communist nations. We keep raising the cost-of-doing-business on domestic companies without providing them protection from communist-made goods and services based in countries paying folk $20 a day. We're losing taxpayers at a high rate due to unemployment and age, while at the same time our government increases spending.

When will this joint Democrat-Republican sniping and defense take second billing to whether we will still HAVE a nation? We're not that far from economic meltdown. While having concern for social welfare is nice, unless there is a stable country (low unemployment, high productivity, limited/no warfare, standard-of-living getting better), adding more spending while economically downtrodden is nationalistic suicide.

When up to your butt in debt, getting more credit cards and running them up to the limit will not improve your financial status. In other words, you cannot spend yourself out of debt! Yet, that's what is happening right now at the federal level.

We can continue Bush-Obama-Palin-whoever else sniping or realize that these politicians will not pay our personal health care costs, or pay our tax bill, or hire us or our kin. The issues are more important than any politician.

Good Post Steve !

I can get caught up at times responding to some of the personal remarks and shouldnt but you are right.

AND there are a few threads about the house proposed bill and that scares me to death as they talk about reducing Medicaire and jacking up Medicaid or at least covering more folks with it !

This country may have already gone by the proverbial crossroads !
Old 07-16-2009, 08:59 PM
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Default Pert Preluutsky

Just a few thoughts from a good guy.

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