Is impeachment in potus future?

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Old 07-17-2017, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A bit off topic, but you seem to be interested in research, history, and movies. So I was wondering, have you watched the documentary Hillary's America? I'm just curious what you think of it. If you are a history buff, you should love it. The creator of the documentary also did one on Obama back in 2012 and it is amazing how accurate it proved to be.
That looked more like fiction than fact as much of that Director's work is. Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

I am not a big fan of entrenched special interest controlled BRAND name politicians though like the Clintons. I thought that Trumps might be different but they are just bringing more dangerous creatures into that new swamp. Which is a version of the same old swamp in DC.
Old 07-17-2017, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A bit off topic, but you seem to be interested in research, history, and movies. So I was wondering, have you watched the documentary Hillary's America? I'm just curious what you think of it. If you are a history buff, you should love it. The creator of the documentary also did one on Obama back in 2012 and it is amazing how accurate it proved to be.
Reviews were wonderful...

"Just over a year ago, not long after being released from the confinement center where he spent an eight-month sentence, author, filmmaker and convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza took to Twitter to offer up his followers a photograph that purported to show a young Hillary Clinton with a Confederate flag prominently displayed behind her. Even a glaucoma victim could tell that it was a fake—a doctored version of a photo of her as a student as Wellesley in 1969 that ran in Life magazine—but somehow this managed to get by him. When he did eventually post a vague correction, he instead advised his followers to make fun of her glasses and hairdo, neither of which appear to be especially outrageous for a Wellesley student in the late ‘60s. Now imagine that photograph—dubiously sourced, factually questionable and suffused with nasty personal cracks instead of any legitimate insight or criticism—and you have D’Souza’s latest film, “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party,” a work that almost makes his previous cinematic efforts, “2016: Obama’s America” and “America” seem lucid and well-reasoned by comparison. Little more than an extended version of the kind of political screeds that can be found online with only a minimum of effort, this is just a terrible movie, and, depending on the conditions that were set forth, there is a chance it could be considered a parole violation as well."

Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party Movie Review (2016) | Roger Ebert

WHY do people get totally sucked into and believe any movie like this FROM EITHER PARTY ?????

The election is OVER....maybe not in the White House but it is over and posts and people who post them simply contribute to the ongoing stupidity that is happening. WE NEED to govern our country....we need to complete the investigations which grow each day.
Old 07-17-2017, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Personally Allegiance is the worst of the bunch. Let's get him off of here ASAP. He breaks the law of Florida often with his harassment of me on TOTV. This should not be encouraged by anyone. If he posts anything offensive on the Regular Forum COMPLAIN so that is the end of his posting privileges. He deserves to be kicked off of TOTV.

I do not like Donald Baldwin's racism but he does have a First Amendment right to say stuff that makes him look like an ignorant man. But Allegiance's persistent harassment of me is breaking the laws of the State of Florida.
Ignorant? So you KNOW where the black villages is? The black CalTech? Anything 99% black that doesn't suck? Where is it?

Only when you produce do I become ignorant. So produce.
Old 07-17-2017, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ignorant? So you KNOW where the black villages is? The black CalTech? Anything 99% black that doesn't suck? Where is it?

Only when you produce do I become ignorant. So produce.
Perhaps others do not mind, but I find your posts on The Villages to be offensive and especially since you do not live here.

Take it back to your other hate site or sites.
Old 07-17-2017, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
That looked more like fiction than fact as much of that Director's work is. Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

I am not a big fan of entrenched special interest controlled BRAND name politicians though like the Clintons. I thought that Trumps might be different but they are just bringing more dangerous creatures into that new swamp. Which is a version of the same old swamp in DC.
You were anti trump from the very beginning. What you said is another complete lie.

"I thought the trumps might be different "
Old 07-17-2017, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That looked more like fiction than fact as much of that Director's work is. Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

I am not a big fan of entrenched special interest controlled BRAND name politicians though like the Clintons. I thought that Trumps might be different but they are just bringing more dangerous creatures into that new swamp. Which is a version of the same old swamp in DC.
Did you watch it? Could you tell me what is fiction? I would really like to know. It seems that he interviewed some very well informed individuals including a female African American Vanderbilt professor who certainly seemed to know what she was talking about. Could you give me some points that you found to be fiction?
Old 07-17-2017, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That looked more like fiction than fact as much of that Director's work is. Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

I am not a big fan of entrenched special interest controlled BRAND name politicians though like the Clintons. I thought that Trumps might be different but they are just bringing more dangerous creatures into that new swamp. Which is a version of the same old swamp in DC.
Sorry, meant to comment on your last statement regarding Trump also. IMO, here is the problem with not being able to see Trump as different - it seems that the media will not allow that, due to their biased coverage and their constant barrage of rumor mongering instead of waiting for the truth to come out. They are painting their own picture of Trump that they want us to believe. I don't buy it until there is more evidence. I find much of the media to be shameful in the manner in which they are engaging. To me they are all lowering themselves to the level of Star, National Inquirer, and the like as far as reporting goes. I wouldn't hang my hat on any of them.
Old 07-17-2017, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Perhaps others do not mind, but I find your posts on The Villages to be offensive and especially since you do not live here.

Take it back to your other hate site or sites.
The truth is often "offensive". It doesn't make it untrue. We're killing ourselves by lying to ourselves.

Originally Posted by Guest
Did you watch it? Could you tell me what is fiction? I would really like to know. It seems that he interviewed some very well informed individuals including a female African American Vanderbilt professor who certainly seemed to know what she was talking about. Could you give me some points that you found to be fiction?
Seemed to know... Post something she's written and I'll tear it apart.

Equality is a LIE...they are NOT us. You see the 1% and they have you fooled. The 99% live in the inner cities, they live on MLK Blvd. Go visit them some Saturday night...see how "equal" they are to us.
Old 07-17-2017, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sorry, meant to comment on your last statement regarding Trump also. IMO, here is the problem with not being able to see Trump as different - it seems that the media will not allow that, due to their biased coverage and their constant barrage of rumor mongering instead of waiting for the truth to come out. They are painting their own picture of Trump that they want us to believe. I don't buy it until there is more evidence. I find much of the media to be shameful in the manner in which they are engaging. To me they are all lowering themselves to the level of Star, National Inquirer, and the like as far as reporting goes. I wouldn't hang my hat on any of them.
Soooo, we are to believe you as the truth from a higher being???????
Old 07-17-2017, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The truth is often "offensive". It doesn't make it untrue. We're killing ourselves by lying to ourselves.

Seemed to know... Post something she's written and I'll tear it apart.

Equality is a LIE...they are NOT us. You see the 1% and they have you fooled. The 99% live in the inner cities, they live on MLK Blvd. Go visit them some Saturday night...see how "equal" they are to us.
I knew right after I posted this that I was either going to be called out for being a racist by someone on here (why did you have to mention her race, etc?), or you would be on my case because she is not only black but a female too, God forbid! Well, in retrospect I should not have said anything except "a Vanderbilt professor" because it really doesn't matter. The point is - was the material she presented fact or fiction? Although my question was specifically directed at Tal since he is researcher of all things, I would be happy to hear from anyone what their take is on the material presented in the documentary.
Old 07-17-2017, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Soooo, we are to believe you as the truth from a higher being???????
Why? Because I come on here and ask questions and want further information before deciding to throw someone under the bus? Better take a long look in the mirror, ma'am.
Old 07-17-2017, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sorry, meant to comment on your last statement regarding Trump also. IMO, here is the problem with not being able to see Trump as different - it seems that the media will not allow that, due to their biased coverage and their constant barrage of rumor mongering instead of waiting for the truth to come out. They are painting their own picture of Trump that they want us to believe. I don't buy it until there is more evidence. I find much of the media to be shameful in the manner in which they are engaging. To me they are all lowering themselves to the level of Star, National Inquirer, and the like as far as reporting goes. I wouldn't hang my hat on any of them.
Abby, must call you on this post.

First, the media reports the news. They allow or disallow nothing. Trump has you convinced, with absolutely no logic at all, that they lie.

They are NOT painting a picture that is not true. If you were able to see my posts previous, Trump has ALWAYS LIED...ALWAYS PUT HIMSELF FIRST. I know I gave you some links to his past and you obviously did not read them.

His entire reputation is as a liar and a Trump first and everybody else last.

You mention the National Enquirer. You do know that is Trumps favorite paper, read daily by him and they assist him and have always tried to help him. THAT is all fact.

As far as all the stuff coming out, let me explain, but I suspect now that your always saying you want to learn is pretty much the same as Trump saying Fake news. You want to learn what is good for Trump, not facts.

The Washington Post and the New York Times and the CNN investigative area has ALWAYS,not just since Trump, been proud of investigative journalism. The post led the charge with Watergate. THIS IS NOT FAKE NEWS.....IT IS FACTUAL REPORTING THAT TRUMP WILL NOT ALLOW HIS SUPPORTERS TO EVEN READ. His attacks on the 1st ammendment and these people are all intended to brainwash a group already brainwashed.

Are they perfect ? Hell no, who is but every time I ask for an example of fake news all I get is crickets. You would think you people would be sick of him saying this over and over with no proof, but you say you come here for facts...right ?

Leaks, not good, but did you know that the main source of leaks is the White House ??????

Are you really happy with a President who is a proven liar of a compulsive nature ? Are you really happy with a White House whose words you cannot trust ?

Media reports all those lies and the day will come when it is vital to this country (getting truth from the WH) and you will welcome it.
Old 07-17-2017, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I knew right after I posted this that I was either going to be called out for being a racist by someone on here (why did you have to mention her race, etc?), or you would be on my case because she is not only black but a female too, God forbid! Well, in retrospect I should not have said anything except "a Vanderbilt professor" because it really doesn't matter. The point is - was the material she presented fact or fiction? Although my question was specifically directed at Tal since he is researcher of all things, I would be happy to hear from anyone what their take is on the material presented in the documentary.
She's got 2 strikes against her...women in general are hardly open minded or logical...and blacks are even less open minded and logical.

It DOES matter. If the speaker is biased, you need to know.

Post some of her thoughts, I'm not wasting my time watching her. I'll tear them apart. They just make stuff up and call it a fact. It's not.

Want to be treated as an one. Where is the black villages, black top school, etc etc... Saying you're an equal doesn't make it so. The proof of inequality is the continued NEED for quotas. IF they were equals, they'd be hired as equals. The NBA and NFL are full of blacks because THAT is something they're actually good at. We don't hire them for other things because they suck at other things.
Old 07-17-2017, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
She's got 2 strikes against her...women in general are hardly open minded or logical...and blacks are even less open minded and logical.

It DOES matter. If the speaker is biased, you need to know.

Post some of her thoughts, I'm not wasting my time watching her. I'll tear them apart. They just make stuff up and call it a fact. It's not.

Want to be treated as an one. Where is the black villages, black top school, etc etc... Saying you're an equal doesn't make it so. The proof of inequality is the continued NEED for quotas. IF they were equals, they'd be hired as equals. The NBA and NFL are full of blacks because THAT is something they're actually good at. We don't hire them for other things because they suck at other things.
Abbey is a smart lady and certainly does not need to be criticized by a complete stranger to The Villages.
Old 07-17-2017, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Abbey is a smart lady and certainly does not need to be criticized by a complete stranger to The Villages.
Prove it...prove she's smart...lets hear her words. Or don't you have anything worthy of posting? Can't find anything you can support with facts? Is this like you can't find the black villages or black Harvard?

She's being judged...then I'll criticize her. Will you not allow me to judge her worth?


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