Is impeachment in potus future?

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Old 07-17-2017, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Prove it...prove she's smart...lets hear her words. Or don't you have anything worthy of posting? Can't find anything you can support with facts? Is this like you can't find the black villages or black Harvard?

She's being judged...then I'll criticize her. Will you not allow me to judge her worth?
For what it is worth, I do detest your judging of anyone because of what it is based on.

I especially detest an outsider intruding here spouting propaganda.
Old 07-17-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Abbey is a smart lady and certainly does not need to be criticized by a complete stranger to The Villages.
Thank you for that - very kind of you. Currently I'm on the road but will get back to you later today to respond to your previous post.
Old 07-17-2017, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thank you for that - very kind of you. Currently I'm on the road but will get back to you later today to respond to your previous post.
Abby10 seems to be one of the more intelligent posters on the Political Forum on TOTV.
Old 07-17-2017, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Abby, must call you on this post.

First, the media reports the news. They allow or disallow nothing. Trump has you convinced, with absolutely no logic at all, that they lie.

They are NOT painting a picture that is not true. If you were able to see my posts previous, Trump has ALWAYS LIED...ALWAYS PUT HIMSELF FIRST. I know I gave you some links to his past and you obviously did not read them.

His entire reputation is as a liar and a Trump first and everybody else last.

You mention the National Enquirer. You do know that is Trumps favorite paper, read daily by him and they assist him and have always tried to help him. THAT is all fact.

As far as all the stuff coming out, let me explain, but I suspect now that your always saying you want to learn is pretty much the same as Trump saying Fake news. You want to learn what is good for Trump, not facts.

The Washington Post and the New York Times and the CNN investigative area has ALWAYS,not just since Trump, been proud of investigative journalism. The post led the charge with Watergate. THIS IS NOT FAKE NEWS.....IT IS FACTUAL REPORTING THAT TRUMP WILL NOT ALLOW HIS SUPPORTERS TO EVEN READ. His attacks on the 1st ammendment and these people are all intended to brainwash a group already brainwashed.

Are they perfect ? Hell no, who is but every time I ask for an example of fake news all I get is crickets. You would think you people would be sick of him saying this over and over with no proof, but you say you come here for facts...right ?

Leaks, not good, but did you know that the main source of leaks is the White House ??????

Are you really happy with a President who is a proven liar of a compulsive nature ? Are you really happy with a White House whose words you cannot trust ?

Media reports all those lies and the day will come when it is vital to this country (getting truth from the WH) and you will welcome it.
So just to explain further where I'm coming from - my disappointment with the media goes back way before Trump for President was even an idea. My thinking is that had the media not become so biased, there would never had been a need for Fox News, and it certainly would not have been so successful. Now, do I believe everything on Fox news? Of course not. I think it is difficult to decipher the truth, or at least get the whole story no matter which channel you watch, which again was probably the reason for the rise of the likes of Fox - to at least be able to hear the other side. Like my husband always says the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. So here is what I do take special note of and that's people being interviewed, one-on-one, to at least get some first hand perspective on the situation that's up for discussion. I'm surprised that you are so trusting of the media. Has it not been aparent to you the difference between the way they have treated Obama vs Trump, or any Republican for that matter vs Obama or the Clinton's? This is one area that I have to agree with Don B - although he thinks it's all propaganda, i do believe anymore that most of it is, and unless you are reading between the lines you are just feeding into what it is they want you to believe.

Now onto Trump, I have read about him - the good, the bad, and the downright ugly, and I did know about the connection between him and the National Inquirer. I know your distaste for him is palpable as you have voiced it on here over and over. I agree with you that he lies, or at the very least changes his story quite a bit. But like so many other Presidents (and by the way, didn't many of them lie too?) I tend to pay more attention to what they do than what comes out of their mouths. People's actions often say a lot more about them than their words in my book. So far I have been pretty happy with some of what has occurred since Trump took office.

Much of what I say and believe may in fact be proven wrong in time, but for now I prefer to proceed with caution on all fronts. Although I did not care for Obama, I accepted that he was our President and prayed for him and our country. I will do the same for this President.
Old 07-17-2017, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So just to explain further where I'm coming from - my disappointment with the media goes back way before Trump for President was even an idea. My thinking is that had the media not become so biased, there would never had been a need for Fox News, and it certainly would not have been so successful. Now, do I believe everything on Fox news? Of course not. I think it is difficult to decipher the truth, or at least get the whole story no matter which channel you watch, which again was probably the reason for the rise of the likes of Fox - to at least be able to hear the other side. Like my husband always says the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. So here is what I do take special note of and that's people being interviewed, one-on-one, to at least get some first hand perspective on the situation that's up for discussion. I'm surprised that you are so trusting of the media. Has it not been aparent to you the difference between the way they have treated Obama vs Trump, or any Republican for that matter vs Obama or the Clinton's? This is one area that I have to agree with Don B - although he thinks it's all propaganda, i do believe anymore that most of it is, and unless you are reading between the lines you are just feeding into what it is they want you to believe.

Now onto Trump, I have read about him - the good, the bad, and the downright ugly, and I did know about the connection between him and the National Inquirer. I know your distaste for him is palpable as you have voiced it on here over and over. I agree with you that he lies, or at the very least changes his story quite a bit. But like so many other Presidents (and by the way, didn't many of them lie too?) I tend to pay more attention to what they do than what comes out of their mouths. People's actions often say a lot more about them than their words in my book. So far I have been pretty happy with some of what has occurred since Trump took office.

Much of what I say and believe may in fact be proven wrong in time, but for now I prefer to proceed with caution on all fronts. Although I did not care for Obama, I accepted that he was our President and prayed for him and our country. I will do the same for this President.
When I respond to you, I need to be careful. I get in a mode with all these smart mouth trolls where I feel on the defensive.

So....the media.

Is or has there been a media bias. YEP, I agree and always have. I hope I remember what I am thinking near the end of what I want so say, but yes, there has been a bias to the left on the media for sure.

It is tough to decipher the truth, and harder today than a year or so ago. I have always advocated on here insuring you get your facts and get them straight and that can be difficult in this age.

I never said I TRUSTED the media as you say. Never...I simply said that the main stream media does not lie, and there is a huge difference in that, and one that Trump plays on. I have said it many times......we have a responsibility to insure we understand both sides and that takes some time and work. LYING by the media would be simply not telling the truth or making things up...they, despite what our President says do not do that, and I welcome anyone to disprove that.

HE KNOWS very well that he must keep attacking the media because that keeps most of his followers, who will not take the time to check on facts, in line and believing he is being mistreated. He did it during the campaign and does it today. They report what he says....he is the President...he cannot call it fake news when he tweets it, but he does and that is for his followers.

The fake news began with the Russia move back a few years ago and on this forum we have people linking to places like ZEROHEDGE which is a Russian backed site that comes across as a conservative web site,but it is fake in the sense that they are leading you down THEIR path, not a path of truth.

Fake news is NOT when you dont like it......calling a journalist a liar who quotes you is indefensible, yet the President has done it a number of times with no consequences. He knows what he is doing and until that 38% wake up and call him on it, he will continue and to have a President who will lie to the american public and have them accept it is beyond scary frankly.

I would like you to link me to the next news that is news and not commentary that you feel is propaganda or fake. it and let me read it and we can discuss.
NOT commentary but NEWS that is fake.

Baldwin is an idiot as are most who feel they are being lied to. This little gambit of calling the media liars and my truth is the only truth has been played before in our history, a number of times and many times by guys just like Baldwin. History reveals a number of people who did EXACTLY the same thing....attack those who report what you are doing

HOW can the President lying to the American public not be a big deal to you ? HOW ? The american citizens, especially in the case of national emergency are completely dependent on him telling us the truth.

WE have to disagree about anything you think he has accomplished. Signing EO's is not accomplishing anything....they will simply be the subject of reverse EOs when the next guy gets in. He has changed every single thing he promised to do, and let me be clear....much of his program was ok with me....HE WILL NEVER BE......we flat out do not need a liar in the White House. Let me step back....not a liar on Obama saying that you can keep your doctor if you want...many Presidents have done that and most not in the most intentional of ways, but feeling accusing our past president of a felony with no facts, claiming voter fraud with no facts, firing 3 good honest justice department employees...for what....because they were investigating HIM. Speaking with scorn of our justice system...why...because they did not agree with him...and on it goes and ALL OF THIS DONE on a WORLD WIDE STAGE.

He actually mocked the German leader when she was here and on a world stage once again used Fox as his source for things...NOT the USA intelligence agencies but FOX and it was proven wrong.

I said on here when he was elected that I could support much of what he says, but he has not changed. Not even tried....

I consider him to to be the most unamerican man ever in the WH....imagine.....having Russian spy head in the WH where prior he was not welcome...and having nothing but the Russian government press there and them alone. This is unamerican no matter how you cut it...we can debate what he said to them but it does not matter.

The most recent example with his son....have no idea of what was talked about, but even responding to the Russian GOVERNMENT who said they would give you material on your opponent is dispicable. His entire story has been debunked totally...not the content because that is secondary now. They lie and continually change stories and you explain why that is...why do they lie when discussing Russians.....why have they all "forgotten" about meetings with Russians...why do they change stories and only when they get CAUGHT?

Sorry....ABBY I honestly tried but I read a lot......I am not conned by any media....I read both sides of the story always. I flat out do not trust chronic and compulsive liars...not in my personal life and more importantly, not in our White House.

Sorry if scrambled...doing this in a hurry.
Old 07-17-2017, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When I respond to you, I need to be careful. I get in a mode with all these smart mouth trolls where I feel on the defensive.

So....the media.

Is or has there been a media bias. YEP, I agree and always have. I hope I remember what I am thinking near the end of what I want so say, but yes, there has been a bias to the left on the media for sure.

It is tough to decipher the truth, and harder today than a year or so ago. I have always advocated on here insuring you get your facts and get them straight and that can be difficult in this age.

I never said I TRUSTED the media as you say. Never...I simply said that the main stream media does not lie, and there is a huge difference in that, and one that Trump plays on. I have said it many times......we have a responsibility to insure we understand both sides and that takes some time and work. LYING by the media would be simply not telling the truth or making things up...they, despite what our President says do not do that, and I welcome anyone to disprove that.

HE KNOWS very well that he must keep attacking the media because that keeps most of his followers, who will not take the time to check on facts, in line and believing he is being mistreated. He did it during the campaign and does it today. They report what he says....he is the President...he cannot call it fake news when he tweets it, but he does and that is for his followers.

The fake news began with the Russia move back a few years ago and on this forum we have people linking to places like ZEROHEDGE which is a Russian backed site that comes across as a conservative web site,but it is fake in the sense that they are leading you down THEIR path, not a path of truth.

Fake news is NOT when you dont like it......calling a journalist a liar who quotes you is indefensible, yet the President has done it a number of times with no consequences. He knows what he is doing and until that 38% wake up and call him on it, he will continue and to have a President who will lie to the american public and have them accept it is beyond scary frankly.

I would like you to link me to the next news that is news and not commentary that you feel is propaganda or fake. it and let me read it and we can discuss.
NOT commentary but NEWS that is fake.

Baldwin is an idiot as are most who feel they are being lied to. This little gambit of calling the media liars and my truth is the only truth has been played before in our history, a number of times and many times by guys just like Baldwin. History reveals a number of people who did EXACTLY the same thing....attack those who report what you are doing

HOW can the President lying to the American public not be a big deal to you ? HOW ? The American citizens, especially in the case of national emergency are completely dependent on him telling us the truth.

WE have to disagree about anything you think he has accomplished. Signing EO's is not accomplishing anything....they will simply be the subject of reverse EOs when the next guy gets in. He has changed every single thing he promised to do, and let me be clear....much of his program was ok with me....HE WILL NEVER BE......we flat out do not need a liar in the White House. Let me step back....not a liar on Obama saying that you can keep your doctor if you want...many Presidents have done that and most not in the most intentional of ways, but feeling accusing our past president of a felony with no facts, claiming voter fraud with no facts, firing 3 good honest justice department employees...for what....because they were investigating HIM. Speaking with scorn of our justice system...why...because they did not agree with him...and on it goes and ALL OF THIS DONE on a WORLD WIDE STAGE.

He actually mocked the German leader when she was here and on a world stage once again used Fox as his source for things...NOT the USA intelligence agencies but FOX and it was proven wrong.

I said on here when he was elected that I could support much of what he says, but he has not changed. Not even tried....

I consider him to to be the most unamerican man ever in the WH....imagine.....having Russian spy head in the WH where prior he was not welcome...and having nothing but the Russian government press there and them alone. This is unamerican no matter how you cut it...we can debate what he said to them but it does not matter.

The most recent example with his son....have no idea of what was talked about, but even responding to the Russian GOVERNMENT who said they would give you material on your opponent is dispicable. His entire story has been debunked totally...not the content because that is secondary now. They lie and continually change stories and you explain why that is...why do they lie when discussing Russians.....why have they all "forgotten" about meetings with Russians...why do they change stories and only when they get CAUGHT?

Sorry....ABBY I honestly tried but I read a lot......I am not conned by any media....I read both sides of the story always. I flat out do not trust chronic and compulsive liars...not in my personal life and more importantly, not in our White House.

Sorry if scrambled...doing this in a hurry.
Although I agree with most of your post (I'll disagree with some of Trump's original policy statements), the parts I've highlighted...SHOULD be a concern to ANY American who calls themselves a patriot.

The fact that there is a core of Trump supporters who simply don't care that we have the most Un-American POTUS in history, currently residing (part-time anyway) in the White house..says it all.

Part of the reason for Nixon's resignation, was the fact that he actually respected the office he held and didn't want it to be sullied further.

Trump only cares that he can make a few bucks and that he receives the adoration and praise...that his massively insecure and fragile ego requires.

I could never have even imagined, that there would be another POTUS who made Nixon look like he had at least a little integrity...but Chump has managed that heretofore impossible task.
Old 07-17-2017, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Although I agree with most of your post (I'll disagree with some of Trump's original policy statements), the parts I've highlighted...SHOULD be a concern to ANY American who calls themselves a patriot.

The fact that there is a core of Trump supporters who simply don't care that we have the most Un-American POTUS in history, currently residing (part-time anyway) in the White house..says it all.

Part of the reason for Nixon's resignation, was the fact that he actually respected the office he held and didn't want it to be sullied further.

Trump only cares that he can make a few bucks and that he receives the adoration and praise...that his massively insecure and fragile ego requires.

I could never have even imagined, that there would be another POTUS who made Nixon look like he had at least a little integrity...but Chump has managed that heretofore impossible task.
Current concern....

The White House is slowly shutting down press briefings.

Why is that important....that is the ONLY way to have a record on camera of quotes from the White House.

As I said history...this kind of media attacks are a common thread in a few governments through history.

Let's see.....advocating white only, Native American only, shut out the media and call them fake news, run a family business from the seat of government (advocating manufacturing in America while making millions doing otherwise is some touch)....,we are heading in some direction.
Old 07-17-2017, 08:07 PM
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An interesting opinion piece on this very subject.

What is fascinating is the quotes from just about the only person to actually predict Trumps victory, Allan Lichtman.

"The American University historian Allan Lichtman, famous for his lonely prediction of Trump’s electoral victory, has followed up that feat with The Case for Impeachment, a book-length forecast of Trump’s doom. The impeachment, he writes, “will be decided not just in the halls of Congress but in the streets of America.” I’d go further to speculate that Trump’s implosion is more likely to occur before there’s an impeachment vote on the floor of the House — as was the case with Nixon. But where Nixon’s exit was catalyzed by an empirical recognition that he’d lost the votes he needed to survive a Senate trial, in Trump’s case the trigger will be his childish temper, not the facts. He’s already on record as finding the job to be more work than he bargained for. He’ll tire of being perceived as a loser by nearly everyone except the sort of people he’d never let in the front door of Mar-a-Lago — and of seeing the Trump brand trashed to the point of jeopardizing his children’s future stake in the family kleptocracy. When he’s had enough, I suspect he’ll find a way to declare “victory,” blame his departure on a conspiracy by America’s (i.e., his) “enemies,” and vow to fight another day on a network TBA."

Frank Rich: Nixon, Trump, and How a Presidency Ends
Old 07-17-2017, 08:22 PM
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Let's get predictions from those that correctly called the election.

Mmmm... let's see there was like 2 or 3 of us.

Put your money on two Trump terms. People who even mention that Peach word are morons.

Old 07-17-2017, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let's get predictions from those that correctly called the election.

Mmmm... let's see there was like 2 or 3 of us.

Put your money on two Trump terms. People who even mention that Peach word are morons.

Plus Alan Lichman who now predicts his downfall, but why read. I am sure you have found reading AND especially comprehension a problem your entire life.

Old 07-17-2017, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When I respond to you, I need to be careful. I get in a mode with all these smart mouth trolls where I feel on the defensive.

So....the media.

Is or has there been a media bias. YEP, I agree and always have. I hope I remember what I am thinking near the end of what I want so say, but yes, there has been a bias to the left on the media for sure.

It is tough to decipher the truth, and harder today than a year or so ago. I have always advocated on here insuring you get your facts and get them straight and that can be difficult in this age.

I never said I TRUSTED the media as you say. Never...I simply said that the main stream media does not lie, and there is a huge difference in that, and one that Trump plays on. I have said it many times......we have a responsibility to insure we understand both sides and that takes some time and work. LYING by the media would be simply not telling the truth or making things up...they, despite what our President says do not do that, and I welcome anyone to disprove that.

HE KNOWS very well that he must keep attacking the media because that keeps most of his followers, who will not take the time to check on facts, in line and believing he is being mistreated. He did it during the campaign and does it today. They report what he says....he is the President...he cannot call it fake news when he tweets it, but he does and that is for his followers.

The fake news began with the Russia move back a few years ago and on this forum we have people linking to places like ZEROHEDGE which is a Russian backed site that comes across as a conservative web site,but it is fake in the sense that they are leading you down THEIR path, not a path of truth.

Fake news is NOT when you dont like it......calling a journalist a liar who quotes you is indefensible, yet the President has done it a number of times with no consequences. He knows what he is doing and until that 38% wake up and call him on it, he will continue and to have a President who will lie to the american public and have them accept it is beyond scary frankly.

I would like you to link me to the next news that is news and not commentary that you feel is propaganda or fake. it and let me read it and we can discuss.
NOT commentary but NEWS that is fake.

Baldwin is an idiot as are most who feel they are being lied to. This little gambit of calling the media liars and my truth is the only truth has been played before in our history, a number of times and many times by guys just like Baldwin. History reveals a number of people who did EXACTLY the same thing....attack those who report what you are doing

HOW can the President lying to the American public not be a big deal to you ? HOW ? The american citizens, especially in the case of national emergency are completely dependent on him telling us the truth.

WE have to disagree about anything you think he has accomplished. Signing EO's is not accomplishing anything....they will simply be the subject of reverse EOs when the next guy gets in. He has changed every single thing he promised to do, and let me be clear....much of his program was ok with me....HE WILL NEVER BE......we flat out do not need a liar in the White House. Let me step back....not a liar on Obama saying that you can keep your doctor if you want...many Presidents have done that and most not in the most intentional of ways, but feeling accusing our past president of a felony with no facts, claiming voter fraud with no facts, firing 3 good honest justice department employees...for what....because they were investigating HIM. Speaking with scorn of our justice system...why...because they did not agree with him...and on it goes and ALL OF THIS DONE on a WORLD WIDE STAGE.

He actually mocked the German leader when she was here and on a world stage once again used Fox as his source for things...NOT the USA intelligence agencies but FOX and it was proven wrong.

I said on here when he was elected that I could support much of what he says, but he has not changed. Not even tried....

I consider him to to be the most unamerican man ever in the WH....imagine.....having Russian spy head in the WH where prior he was not welcome...and having nothing but the Russian government press there and them alone. This is unamerican no matter how you cut it...we can debate what he said to them but it does not matter.

The most recent example with his son....have no idea of what was talked about, but even responding to the Russian GOVERNMENT who said they would give you material on your opponent is dispicable. His entire story has been debunked totally...not the content because that is secondary now. They lie and continually change stories and you explain why that is...why do they lie when discussing Russians.....why have they all "forgotten" about meetings with Russians...why do they change stories and only when they get CAUGHT?

Sorry....ABBY I honestly tried but I read a lot......I am not conned by any media....I read both sides of the story always. I flat out do not trust chronic and compulsive liars...not in my personal life and more importantly, not in our White House.

Sorry if scrambled...doing this in a hurry.
Appreciate your response. It's a lot to digest and I'm beat tonight as I had a very long day. I will take the time to re-read tomorrow when I have a break in the day to do so. I like the back and forth and no need to feel sorry for questioning me as it helps not only to clear my own thoughts but to understand better those who may not agree with me. I know I've been called out by some on here for "engaging with the enemy", but that is my independent streak. I never was much for following the crowd and I truly would like to be able to converse civilly with people of all beliefs. You may not change my mind and I may not change yours, but understanding one another or agreeing to disagree can bring a modicum of peace that beats name-calling and angry outbursts. To be continued........
Old 07-17-2017, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
Plus Alan Lichman who now predicts his downfall, but why read. I am sure you have found reading AND especially comprehension a problem your entire life.

See, if you believed what you say you would bet on the Peach, just like I bet and won HUGE on Trump's landslide victory! You are an old man full of hot air. Long stupid posts.
Old 07-17-2017, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
See, if you believed what you say you would bet on the Peach, just like I bet and won HUGE on Trump's landslide victory! You are an old man full of hot air. Long stupid posts.

Unfortunately, many think verbosity equals proof, when actually it creates boredom.

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Old 07-17-2017, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Unfortunately, many think verbosity equals proof, when actually it creates boredom.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
They are NOT us.

Pithy enough for you?
Old 07-18-2017, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When I respond to you, I need to be careful. I get in a mode with all these smart mouth trolls where I feel on the defensive.

So....the media.

Is or has there been a media bias. YEP, I agree and always have. I hope I remember what I am thinking near the end of what I want so say, but yes, there has been a bias to the left on the media for sure.

It is tough to decipher the truth, and harder today than a year or so ago. I have always advocated on here insuring you get your facts and get them straight and that can be difficult in this age.

I never said I TRUSTED the media as you say. Never...I simply said that the main stream media does not lie, and there is a huge difference in that, and one that Trump plays on. I have said it many times......we have a responsibility to insure we understand both sides and that takes some time and work. LYING by the media would be simply not telling the truth or making things up...they, despite what our President says do not do that, and I welcome anyone to disprove that.

HE KNOWS very well that he must keep attacking the media because that keeps most of his followers, who will not take the time to check on facts, in line and believing he is being mistreated. He did it during the campaign and does it today. They report what he says....he is the President...he cannot call it fake news when he tweets it, but he does and that is for his followers.

The fake news began with the Russia move back a few years ago and on this forum we have people linking to places like ZEROHEDGE which is a Russian backed site that comes across as a conservative web site,but it is fake in the sense that they are leading you down THEIR path, not a path of truth.

Fake news is NOT when you dont like it......calling a journalist a liar who quotes you is indefensible, yet the President has done it a number of times with no consequences. He knows what he is doing and until that 38% wake up and call him on it, he will continue and to have a President who will lie to the american public and have them accept it is beyond scary frankly.

I would like you to link me to the next news that is news and not commentary that you feel is propaganda or fake. it and let me read it and we can discuss.
NOT commentary but NEWS that is fake.

Baldwin is an idiot as are most who feel they are being lied to. This little gambit of calling the media liars and my truth is the only truth has been played before in our history, a number of times and many times by guys just like Baldwin. History reveals a number of people who did EXACTLY the same thing....attack those who report what you are doing

HOW can the President lying to the American public not be a big deal to you ? HOW ? The american citizens, especially in the case of national emergency are completely dependent on him telling us the truth.

WE have to disagree about anything you think he has accomplished. Signing EO's is not accomplishing anything....they will simply be the subject of reverse EOs when the next guy gets in. He has changed every single thing he promised to do, and let me be clear....much of his program was ok with me....HE WILL NEVER BE......we flat out do not need a liar in the White House. Let me step back....not a liar on Obama saying that you can keep your doctor if you want...many Presidents have done that and most not in the most intentional of ways, but feeling accusing our past president of a felony with no facts, claiming voter fraud with no facts, firing 3 good honest justice department employees...for what....because they were investigating HIM. Speaking with scorn of our justice system...why...because they did not agree with him...and on it goes and ALL OF THIS DONE on a WORLD WIDE STAGE.

He actually mocked the German leader when she was here and on a world stage once again used Fox as his source for things...NOT the USA intelligence agencies but FOX and it was proven wrong.

I said on here when he was elected that I could support much of what he says, but he has not changed. Not even tried....

I consider him to to be the most unamerican man ever in the WH....imagine.....having Russian spy head in the WH where prior he was not welcome...and having nothing but the Russian government press there and them alone. This is unamerican no matter how you cut it...we can debate what he said to them but it does not matter.

The most recent example with his son....have no idea of what was talked about, but even responding to the Russian GOVERNMENT who said they would give you material on your opponent is dispicable. His entire story has been debunked totally...not the content because that is secondary now. They lie and continually change stories and you explain why that is...why do they lie when discussing Russians.....why have they all "forgotten" about meetings with Russians...why do they change stories and only when they get CAUGHT?

Sorry....ABBY I honestly tried but I read a lot......I am not conned by any media....I read both sides of the story always. I flat out do not trust chronic and compulsive liars...not in my personal life and more importantly, not in our White House.

Sorry if scrambled...doing this in a hurry.
So getting back to you on this, I see we do agree on some things. Media bias and not trusting without verifying to name 2. I don't think I alluded to fake news, but was attempting to state how the whole story is often not told because it tends to lean toward one side or another. News today is often presented in a way in which it leads viewers to a certain way of thinking - from wikipedia: Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

You asked me about the President lying. All I can say is that if the condition for selecting a President is that he not be a liar, then I guess my choices would be slim to none. As far as selecting between him and Hillary, I can only say my justification would be better the liar I don't know than the one I am sure of. Not voting in this election was just something I could not do, and voting for anyone else IMO was the same as not voting - why waste my time? What I knew about Trump prior to the election was mostly about his achievements, and of course his divorces. IMO what we needed most at the time was someone who could drive our economy in the right direction. Without confidence in that arena, again my opinion, we were doomed to fail.

He has done more that the EO's that you have stated. He picked an excellent Supreme Court justice for one thing. Maybe because so many on here are living the retired life, but I for one am not, and I can tell you there is MUCH more confidence out here where jobs and hiring are concerned. I have seen many positions that were put on hold for years now being filled. Many more people are now being bumped up from part-time to full-time employment. Many business owners are more optimistic after years of discouragement. And this is not just in one sector, but in many. To me, this is not only vital to the "health" of our economy, but of our country as a whole.

So pardon me for being a little optimistic about our President. Of course, only time will tell the whole story, but I see a President who is making things happen despite the worst odds. And by that, I mean the terrible press coverage and the ugliness expressed by the populace that opposes him. Compare that to Obama's coronation by the press and the meekness of the revolt by his dissenters. I'm not saying that Trump doesn't create his own drama by the things he says and tweets at times. But if you remember, Obama had his own way of causing drama as well with how he treated Republicans, police, and his provocation of racism. Neither are perfect and both are liars. I would some day love to vote for that perfect President. Unfortunately, we are all human and the bad comes along with the good. It all comes down to the question - which would you choose? And the bottom line is that in making that choice we are all different, which leads one to the conclusion that the only answer to getting along sometimes is the acceptance of the premise to agree to disagree.


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