It's Going To Be Tough

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Old 08-05-2009, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
Be careful, Keedy. Michelle Obama said something like that and was pilloried for months.

But if you're not running for office or married to someone who is, don't worry about it.
Yes, it was satire....but I don't think she was "pillloried" by the mainstream media, although I think she acted "stupidly" by making that statement.
Old 08-05-2009, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna;
But we know quite well what [I
doesn't[/I] work. Our current healthcare system costs roughly twice as much as those of the other developed countries and still leaves 40-50 million people without healthcare insurance. That cost is growing at a rate that will require that money be spent on healthcare in the future that otherwise should be invested in growing our economy. The cost is high now, and will be impossible to afford in a decade. Having said all that, our system has produced health of the population that ranks around 25th among the developed countries, even though it costs twice as much! We know what doesn't work.
If you think health care is expensive now...what till it is free.
Old 08-05-2009, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
Hmmmmm.....Your back..I thought your alter ego was through with us?
Oh, I've been here all of the time. I've decided to take away all of your fun and NOT give the satisfaction of participating in the game. You'll have to admit, - pretty good profiler aren't I?
Old 08-05-2009, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Xavier View Post
This should be interesting, getting even for what?
I was wondering about that too.
Old 08-05-2009, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Xavier View Post
Oh, I've been here all of the time. I've decided to take away all of your fun and NOT give the satisfaction of participating in the game. You'll have to admit, - pretty good profiler aren't I?
Don't know where you are coming from but I advise that you get some serious help.
You seem more of a "baiter" then a participant.
Old 08-05-2009, 01:16 PM
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Default Truer Words Have not been SPoken!

Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
Yes, it was satire....but I don't think she was "pillloried" by the mainstream media, although I think she acted "stupidly" by making that statement.
Keedy's absolutely right. The extreme right wing media and talking heads jumped all over this comment- not the legitimate media.

No different than flag pins, birthers, **********, and no different than the current group of neo-nazis disturbing town hall meetings about health insurance reforms.

They have no interest in creating a better life for their children or the rest of America. Their only interest is in stereotyping and petty pick-a-parts, since they have no agenda of their own, only the agenda of the corporate lobbying groups they unknowingly shill for.

They still don'g get it. Americans, real Americans are tired of the politics and party of "NO"
Old 08-05-2009, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Keedy's absolutely right. The extreme right wing media and talking heads jumped all over this comment- not the legitimate media.

No different than flag pins, birthers, **********, and no different than the current group of neo-nazis disturbing town hall meetings about health insurance reforms.

They have no interest in creating a better life for their children or the rest of America. Their only interest is in stereotyping and petty pick-a-parts, since they have no agenda of their own, only the agenda of the corporate lobbying groups they unknowingly shill for.

They still don'g get it. Americans, real Americans are tired of the politics and party of "NO"
1) Why do you use that expression "tea-bagging?" "teabagging" is a derogatory term to belittle legitimate anti-tax protesters and I'm surprised that someone on this forum would use that term. The original Tea Parties was a protest against taxation without representation. It was the foundation and rallying call to form this once great Nation. Tea-bagging is a sexual term that the media thought was cute but the "inside joke" is that it is predominately used by the homosexual community.
2) Are you saying that the founding father's were "neo-Nazi's"? Are you saying it is anti-american to wear the American flag. (flag pins)
3) No interest in creating a better life for their children? Is creating the biggest deficit ever for the next generation to pay..a better life for them?
4) More name calling by the left. Neo-Nazi disturbing town meetings. You people throw that word around real loosely. Let me remind you of a charismatic leader of the 30's who promised "change" The resemblance is frightening.
It seems to me that Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, especially the one where "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" is alive and well on TOTV.
Old 08-05-2009, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post

They still don'g get it. Americans, real Americans are tired of the politics and party of "NO"
Real Americans don't want to be railroaded into a government health care system. Real Americans are proud, independent, and interested in the strength and stability of our great nation. There is NO strength in debt to China for liberal spending, NO stability in a Socialistic leaning government. No pride in apologizing for Americas strengths and NO stability in our Nation if it doesn't have secure boarders. If that's what you mean by the party of "NO" , then your right.
Old 08-05-2009, 02:54 PM
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Default The real weakness...downfall....deterent of America is the ever prevelent

party first philosophy.

Until such time as we the people return to the founding fathers intents of of the Constitution, return to majority rules and put America first, there will be no progress and a continuation of the ongoing tit for tat, derogatory, non thinking, partisan school yard bantor.

Old 08-05-2009, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
Real Americans don't want to be railroaded into a government health care system. Real Americans are proud, independent, and interested in the strength and stability of our great nation. There is NO strength in debt to China for liberal spending, NO stability in a Socialistic leaning government. No pride in apologizing for Americas strengths and NO stability in our Nation if it doesn't have secure boarders. If that's what you mean by the party of "NO" , then your right.
Right on!!!
Old 08-05-2009, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
party first philosophy.

Until such time as we the people return to the founding fathers intents of of the Constitution, return to majority rules and put America first, there will be no progress and a continuation of the ongoing tit for tat, derogatory, non thinking, partisan school yard bantor.

The problem here is that majority rules doesn't mean actual majority, but simply political majority. Right now the political majority is close to a 50/50 split, so the urge to weight ones positions needs to be strong to move the political scales. Politicians by nature are self serving, putting getting elected/ vote gathering before "Country First" As far as tit for tat, derogatory, non thinking, partisan banter, IT"S FREE SPEECH. Not everyone is an intellectual, heavy thinking, somber, perusing knowledge seeker. A lot of people just want a release of their frustrations about government and political forums provide that release. It doesn't mean that they don't have real concerns about the governance of our country, just that they are testy about what they feel are slights against their party or beliefs. POST ON EVERYONE!
Old 08-05-2009, 03:58 PM
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Polls show the American people don't want this and yet the people we employ want to ram it through anyway. 78% of Americans are happy with their current plans. What is BO getting even with? America. He is no patriot and he does not believe in American exceptionalism, capitalism or anything else American. Ever hear him say anything good about the American people?

He is a liar and is breaking every single one of his promises that got him elected.

They are meeting a tremendous about of opposition not only from the GOP but their own constituents. And still they ram rod as fast as they can.

Now they are running ad spots against Americans who oppose his forced takeovers and call them organized mobs… those would be some of his employers… American tax payers.

IMO the government is totally and completely out of control. They no longer represent the will of the people, only the will of themselves. They are not doing what’s best for America, only what’s best for them. Government of the people, by the people, for the people is for the moment is dead. They talk about health care costs must be brought under control. How about bringing government costs back under control first? Sorry, that’s way too logical.

There is a provision in the Constitution to deal with an out of control government.

Does this not worry anyone? No red flags? The government is broke? Not doing anything to create jobs? Everone ok here?

Old 08-05-2009, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
Polls show the American people don't want this and yet the people we employ want to ram it through anyway. 78% of Americans are happy with their current plans. What is BO getting even with? America. He is no patriot and he does not believe in American exceptionalism, capitalism or anything else American. Ever hear him say anything good about the American people?

He is a liar and is breaking every single one of his promises that got him elected.

They are meeting a tremendous about of opposition not only from the GOP but their own constituents. And still they ram rod as fast as they can.

Now they are running ad spots against Americans who oppose his forced takeovers and call them organized mobs… those would be some of his employers… American tax payers.

IMO the government is totally and completely out of control. They no longer represent the will of the people, only the will of themselves. They are not doing what’s best for America, only what’s best for them. Government of the people, by the people, for the people is for the moment is dead. They talk about health care costs must be brought under control. How about bringing government costs back under control first? Sorry, that’s way too logical.

There is a provision in the Constitution to deal with an out of control government.

Does this not worry anyone? No red flags? The government is broke? Not doing anything to create jobs? Everone ok here?

So now we know

More Debt
More taxes
More Welfare
More Regulation
More Government
More Wasteful Spending
More Corruption
Thanks Mr. President.
Old 08-05-2009, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
The problem here is that majority rules doesn't mean actual majority, but simply political majority. Right now the political majority is close to a 50/50 split, so the urge to weight ones positions needs to be strong to move the political scales. Politicians by nature are self serving, putting getting elected/ vote gathering before "Country First" As far as tit for tat, derogatory, non thinking, partisan banter, IT"S FREE SPEECH. Not everyone is an intellectual, heavy thinking, somber, perusing knowledge seeker. A lot of people just want a release of their frustrations about government and political forums provide that release. It doesn't mean that they don't have real concerns about the governance of our country, just that they are testy about what they feel are slights against their party or beliefs. POST ON EVERYONE!
Very true. Last breakdown of registered voters I saw, in late 2008, it showed something like nationally 37% Independent, 36% Democrat and 27% Republican. So for me as a registered Independent it is disheartening, especially now where one party has total control and is basically dictating their beliefs.
Old 08-05-2009, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
Assuming that our principal purpose here is to understand more about what is going on politically, your response, Steve, is very valuable. It is essentially what the doctors on the CNN show were saying, and they were both salaried physicians.

The doctor-panelists did say that there were some "legal impediments" to moving from a fee-for-service physician business model to a salaried model. I'm assuming that would have to do with "forcing" physicians who were "sole proprietors" or had only 1-2 partners in a practice to become salaried. That wouldn't be a small problem, but I suspect it could be resolved with a payment schedule that would essentially force physicians into a salaried form of business organization.

But it's good to hear confirmation of something we've all suspected from a doctor who knows first-hand what the potential savings might be.

One question: would the "salaried doctor" model be what is meant by "paying for quality, not quantity"? I've heard people discuss needed reforms and use a term like that and I have no idea what they mean.

equates to employees. Every physician I know is an employee of an LLC or PA or INC already. So, the question is going to be how will the LLC, PA or INC be compensated for services rendered? The staffing within the LLC, PA or INC is a business decision for the entity, and how the LLC, PA or INC distributes moneys within itself is going to be darned difficult to legislate into any fixed model. I don't know if it's even going to be possible without total nationalization and all licensed medical personnel becoming federal or state employees.

Most medical practices have a significant net worth. Nationalization zeroes that value. I can already imagine the court cases on that.

These are indeed "interesting times." and there will be unexpected (and expensive) consequences.

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