James T. Hodgkinson, Poster Child

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Old 06-15-2017, 04:11 AM
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Default James T. Hodgkinson, Poster Child

Shooter James T. Hodgkinson is the poster child for the radical left.

The irrational movement created by the radical left gave paternity to this event.

Witness Celebrities from Madonna to Kathy Griffin who have fed this taste for blood .

Witness The left's political leaders who encouraged it.

Witness There are some 16 political Talk threads and all speak to the issue of hate for all things Trump and for conservatives.

Now that a political leader has been shot liberal Democrats cry out assault on one is an assault on us all. well self preservation has a tendency to jolt people to reality

Is this the event that will break the fever called Trump Derangement Syndrome????????????????

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-15-2017, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Shooter James T. Hodgkinson is the poster child for the radical left.

The irrational movement created by the radical left gave paternity to this event.

Witness Celebrities from Madonna to Kathy Griffin who have fed this taste for blood .

Witness The left's political leaders who encouraged it.

Witness There are some 16 political Talk threads and all speak to the issue of hate for all things Trump and for conservatives.

Now that a political leader has been shot liberal Democrats cry out assault on one is an assault on us all. well self preservation has a tendency to jolt people to reality

Is this the event that will break the fever called Trump Derangement Syndrome????????????????

Personal Best Regards:
And just who allowed him to have a Assault weapon. Just like Gabby Gifford, 6 killed 13 injured. Many more, the worst, Sandy Hook 20 children. Nothing done!

Yet you still don't want sensible gun control. Yah, blame the democrats. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Old 06-15-2017, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Shooter James T. Hodgkinson is the poster child for the radical left.

The irrational movement created by the radical left gave paternity to this event.

Witness Celebrities from Madonna to Kathy Griffin who have fed this taste for blood .

Witness The left's political leaders who encouraged it.

Witness There are some 16 political Talk threads and all speak to the issue of hate for all things Trump and for conservatives.

Now that a political leader has been shot liberal Democrats cry out assault on one is an assault on us all. well self preservation has a tendency to jolt people to reality

Is this the event that will break the fever called Trump Derangement Syndrome????????????????

Personal Best Regards:
Expected post from this poster.

A few mouths on Fox, and Gingrich were the only folks making this disaster political.

The only break in the "fever"

.....release taxes
......complete the various investigation leveled at the President, now some from Republicans

Your world where one group of millions is even, and YOUR group represent all the good is something Trump invented according to HI biographers......ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND ALTERNATE FCTS
Old 06-15-2017, 06:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Moron Maureen
And just who allowed him to have a Assault weapon. Just like Gabby Gifford, 6 killed 13 injured. Many more, the worst, Sandy Hook 20 children. Nothing done!

Yet you still don't want sensible gun control. Yah, blame the democrats. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Alert - emotional basket case post above!

It was reported that he used a semi automatic hunting rifle...What ASSAULT rifle?

Sensible gun control?? Please define what you believe would be sensible.

Currently a firearm purchaser has to fill out a form that is reviewed by the state and federal government agencies, there is a waiting period before the purchaser can pick up the firearm, and the firearm has to be delivered thru a Federal Firearms License (FFL) Dealer.

There is little more that can be done to prevent violence. Even if you took this nutjobs guns away, he would figure out another way to cause harm (rent an RV and drive over the republicans while they ate lunch in the dugout, strap a bomb to himself and blow up a movie theater on opening night of Star Wars, take up flying lessons and fly a private plane into a nuclear power plant, etc.).

The media has more power in reducing these events, they should stop drumming up the villain card, don't even give the perpetrator's name, instead of talking about the perpetrators childhood - spend that time talking about the lives of the victims. Give the victims the fame, not the nut job. They should take cue from Trump when he denounced those behind Ariana Grande concert bombing as ‘evil losers’. If a nut job had a choice to go out as a villain or a loser, he will pick villain. If a nut job had a choice to go out as a villain or a coward, he will choose villain. These nut jobs want to go down in history, they want to be remembered in a powerful way. We need to stop giving the nut jobs the fame they want.
Old 06-15-2017, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockface
Expected post from this poster.

A few mouths on Fox, and Gingrich were the only folks making this disaster political.

The only break in the "fever"

.....release taxes
......complete the various investigation leveled at the President, now some from Republicans

Your world where one group of millions is even, and YOUR group represent all the good is something Trump invented according to HI biographers......ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND ALTERNATE FCTS
If this is the best you can do, no wonder you consistently post paragraphs of other peoples words...
Old 06-15-2017, 06:47 AM
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James Hodgkinson’s long descent into rage - POLITICO

He looks like someone the government should have kept a close eye on.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And just who allowed him to have a Assault weapon. Just like Gabby Gifford, 6 killed 13 injured. Many more, the worst, Sandy Hook 20 children. Nothing done!

Yet you still don't want sensible gun control. Yah, blame the democrats. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
The bad guys are armed and we heard the governor of a large state saying TERRIBLY inaccurate things yesterday. 93 million people die every day from guns??????

The main stream media, every last man jack of them, has abandoned ethical journalism and so we are subjected daily, all of us, to propaganda that some accept as Gospel and others are inflamed by.

Some people read and want to take action; marching, burning, breaking windows and shooting and the others do what they have always done, standing firm, trying to reason. The president is adding to it with his constant inappropriate reactions and misinterpretations and his inability to communicate.

The last President swung the pendulum too far to the left and this president doesn't know when to shut up.

I am sick at heart and worried to death.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The bad guys are armed and we heard the governor of a large state saying TERRIBLY inaccurate things yesterday. 93 million people die every day from guns??????

The main stream media, every last man jack of them, has abandoned ethical journalism and so we are subjected daily, all of us, to propaganda that some accept as Gospel and others are inflamed by.

Some people read and want to take action; marching, burning, breaking windows and shooting and the others do what they have always done, standing firm, trying to reason. The president is adding to it with his constant inappropriate reactions and misinterpretations and his inability to communicate.

The last President swung the pendulum too far to the left and this president doesn't know when to shut up.

I am sick at heart and worried to death.
And some have all their followers chant loudly..."lock her up


Encourage followers at rallies to stop any protests


Publicly and internationally accuse a President of wire tapping


Spout LOUDLY and internationally that the media sucks and lies. About his own justice department is crooked, how his own intelligence agencies are stupid...one accusation after another.

Yep..both sides talk too much, but wonder why you do not mention the venom our President,.....the President....spews daily.

He calls everything a hoax.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The bad guys are armed and we heard the governor of a large state saying TERRIBLY inaccurate things yesterday. 93 million people die every day from guns??????

The main stream media, every last man jack of them, has abandoned ethical journalism and so we are subjected daily, all of us, to propaganda that some accept as Gospel and others are inflamed by.

Some people read and want to take action; marching, burning, breaking windows and shooting and the others do what they have always done, standing firm, trying to reason. The president is adding to it with his constant inappropriate reactions and misinterpretations and his inability to communicate.

The last President swung the pendulum too far to the left and this president doesn't know when to shut up.

I am sick at heart and worried to death.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockface
And some have all their followers chant loudly..."lock her up


Encourage followers at rallies to stop any protests


Publicly and internationally accuse a President of wire tapping


Spout LOUDLY and internationally that the media sucks and lies. About his own justice department is crooked, how his own intelligence agencies are stupid...one accusation after another.

Yep..both sides talk too much, but wonder why you do not mention the venom our President,.....the President....spews daily.

He calls everything a hoax.
Now that has a lot of laughs in it...

"Lock her up" is the reason the nut job shot the Republicans...LOL

Scott Foval and Robert Creamer paid people to incite violence at political rallies and that is what caused the nut job to shoot the Republicans...LOL

Rice unmasked Trump in surveillance recordings from Trump tower and that is why the nut job shot republicans...LOL

The voters are fed up with the inaction and seriously stupid $hit the life long politicians have been doing the last 8 years and that is why the nut job shot the republicans...LOL

The media is not getting the respect it wants (not to be confused with deserves) and that is the reason the nut job shot the republicans...LOL

You are an old fool who wasted his vote on Dopey Smurf for president...LOL
Old 06-15-2017, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you hitting on someone here?
Old 06-15-2017, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Shooter James T. Hodgkinson is the poster child for the radical left.

The irrational movement created by the radical left gave paternity to this event.

Witness Celebrities from Madonna to Kathy Griffin who have fed this taste for blood .

Witness The left's political leaders who encouraged it.

Witness There are some 16 political Talk threads and all speak to the issue of hate for all things Trump and for conservatives.

Now that a political leader has been shot liberal Democrats cry out assault on one is an assault on us all. well self preservation has a tendency to jolt people to reality

Is this the event that will break the fever called Trump Derangement Syndrome????????????????

Personal Best Regards:
I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

Paul Ryan is a liberal Democrat! He is the one that said an assault on one of us is an assault on all of us. Ryan's policies surely are liberal. Too funny.

What did the Republicans do for eight years under Obama? They opposed everything that he did. They even questioned whether he was born in the US or not. Trump led this charge, and he still won't admit that he was wrong. Who is deranged?

What are the Republicans now saying? We should work together. What are they doing? Going into a closed door meeting to put forward a repeal of Obamacare. Not only aren't Democrats welcomed in this meeting, They are not letting Republicans in this meeting.

What did they say about Obamacare? That is was rushed through. There were over 100 open meetings to discuss the plan. There were over 170 Republican amendments to the plan. They didn't dance around the filibuster rule.

This is the Republican's idea of working together. It certainly is. Like the republican said, "give us everything we want and we will call that a compromise."

The Republicans have people like you looking the other way for every hypocritical action they take. They should be so proud.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:58 AM
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I am done here, I think. This forum is for men only and probably those fueled by booze and/or testosterone pills. There are a few reasonable posts but most are just bullying, taunting, irrational HATE.

Bucco keeps telling everyone to read to the end but he doesn't...he just gets ready to say the same thing again.

There are no answers. The main stream media is goading us on, young and untried people are writing the articles and polls think they are keeping the pulse of opinion.

Many of us don't talk, don't march, don't shoot, don't behave badly or irrationally, but by God we can still vote and we will.

I still would rather have Trump than Obama.

Except...selling weapons to Qatar? Can anyone tell me how that is going to help??? I think I spelled it wrong. Is the government steady enough? Isn't that the hotbed of radicalized Islamic militants???

Please let's use this forum once in awhile for a place to discuss rather than to posture and to taunt.
Old 06-15-2017, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am done here, I think. This forum is for men only and probably those fueled by booze and/or testosterone pills. There are a few reasonable posts but most are just bullying, taunting, irrational HATE.

Bucco keeps telling everyone to read to the end but he doesn't...he just gets ready to say the same thing again.

There are no answers. The main stream media is goading us on, young and untried people are writing the articles and polls think they are keeping the pulse of opinion.

Many of us don't talk, don't march, don't shoot, don't behave badly or irrationally, but by God we can still vote and we will.

I still would rather have Trump than Obama.

Except...selling weapons to Qatar? Can anyone tell me how that is going to help??? I think I spelled it wrong. Is the government steady enough? Isn't that the hotbed of radicalized Islamic militants???

Please let's use this forum once in awhile for a place to discuss rather than to posture and to taunt.
Although I understand your thoughts, and now and again I take a break, we can't let them run us out!
Old 06-15-2017, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Although I understand your thoughts, and now and again I take a break, we can't let them run us out!
We need reasonable people on this Political Forum and some who do more than just call one another names. I do get upset with constant harassment by some so have used some vulgar language myself but to try to get debate going via links to usually but not always reliable sources.

event, political, poster, child, hodgkinson

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