John McCain and Sarah Palin

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Old 09-09-2008, 10:32 PM
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Default John McCain and Sarah Palin

I am very new to this forum and over the last few days read all the political tripe one can handle. Seems to me Republicans and conservatives get very little air time. So I thought that I would start a new topic for folks who appreciate John McCain and Sarah Palin as much as I do. I think they ran a conservative convention and it was a huge success. Just a stage with our American Flag flying in all her glory. No props, no stadiums but many more viewers. It has taken its toll.
As I watch Obama over the last few days on his stump all I hear is Sarah Palin. Why? What could he possibly fear from such a lady who has zero experience, can't raise her family properly, knows nothing about anything and can't even get on Oprah. I know we vet the Presidential nominee quite vigorously but the VP? Did anyone question Joe Bidens church or his 30 years of mis-steps (I am sure there must have been some). Sarah Palin has class. Plenty of it. She has experience, plenty of it. She will excel. McCain will be a mentor, a real mentor. The polls have shifted. The people have spoken. The crowds have been massive of late. These two people will change Washington for the better. Bring on the debates.
Old 09-09-2008, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Good post Starduster. I look forward to hearing more of your input.
Old 09-09-2008, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Finally the quiet majority is 'heard'. Keep it going.
Old 09-09-2008, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin


I feel like there are more conservatives here than it appears. Maybe they dont like to post but they are here. As usual the lefties are the loud angry ones and prolific in there posts, but for me , over the last few of months I have posted here , I have come to realize that there are at least as many and maybe even more conservative repubs and independants who are fair minded and dont just rant and post links to left wing blogs as proof of there ideas. They are very scared of Sarah Palin as proven by their unfair and biased comments on her, her family, her religion ect ect .

Here is the good news....NO MORE PANT SUITS...GO SARAH GO.

Old 09-09-2008, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

AMEN to all of the above !!!!!
Old 09-09-2008, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Good post starduster and very timely on this forum. Thanks for taking the lead on this issue. I've been quietly reading other posts and staying on the sidelines because of the heated remarks written here.

Thanks again. :bigthumbsup:
Old 09-10-2008, 12:16 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

I know better than to get involved in this but:
Can I get in this line please??
Handie :joke:
Old 09-10-2008, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

I was thinking if there was a way we could speak to the issues so if someone meandered into the post they might find some interesting reading.
If I may bring up a concern, it would be taxes. Obama is for income redistribution. No matter how he dresses it up, under Obama taxes will increase. Under McCain, he will cut taxes, do away with earmarks and curb spending. He will do away with programs that do not work. I am sure he will not be cutting Meals On Wheels, but rather wasteful spending on programs that have a track record of failure. McCain promised if earmarks were added to bills he would make public the names of the authors. Obama is owned by George Soros and the left wing; period. McCain is owned by no one. Obama will have to answer to Soros and the left wing. McCain will answer only to the American people. Biden has many ties over 30 years and I am sure owes many favors. Sarah Palin knows no one and owes no one. I am more than sure that McCain will put together a formidable cabinet to assist him and Sarah Palin run this great country but the best part about the Republicans is they will start out with a clean slate. No one will have to be appeased or answered to on day one. Any other topics to speak to? Health care, energy, illegal aliens, security. Maybe point out some differences between the parties.
Old 09-10-2008, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

I'm sorry...but do you really think the Bush tax cuts were not about income redistribution?

I am not an Obama fan but John McCain is not a good candidate for women's issues.

John McCain voted against equal pay for women.
John McCain voted for Viagra for men but against Birth Control for Women.
John McCain voted 90% with the Bush White House...and look where that has gotten us.

How do you think we will be able to pay for the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae bailouts? By cutting taxes? Did you see how much those CEO's got in their package?

It's really not about left or right these days....something has to get done or we will all be in the dumps.
Old 09-10-2008, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

cologal, a lot of those votes were for everyday people business. Giving out certificates of recognition, or making SuperBowl resolutions for everyday sports teams and brave cops. McCain did not vote with Bush on a number of bigger issues. Make your own decision on the voting record.

Bush increased taxes on the rich and gave back checks to the taxpayers. Obama wants to increase the tax on the rich again which will cause an economic disaster. The tax issue is really important and I do not have all the answers or the rates. I do know Obama confirmed he would raise taxes. I support McCain reducing spending and earmarks.

On the women issue, it was bad legislation which would have given trial lawyers the right to go after big business. The man is not against equal pay for equal work. Sometime the devil is in the details. With Palin, he may be able to put together a common sense bill for equal pay for women which everyone really wants.

Maybe some other posters might clear up some of your questions and concerns. Thanks

Old 09-10-2008, 05:11 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Originally Posted by Starduster
cologal, a lot of those votes were for everyday people business. Giving out certificates of recognition, or making SuperBowl resolutions for everyday sports teams and brave cops. McCain did not vote with Bush on a number of bigger issues. Make your own decision on the voting record.

Bush increased taxes on the rich and gave back checks to the taxpayers. Obama wants to increase the tax on the rich again which will cause an economic disaster. The tax issue is really important and I do not have all the answers or the rates. I do know Obama confirmed he would raise taxes. I support McCain reducing spending and earmarks.

Bush believes in Trickle Down economics...He gave a huge tax cut to the rich...His father called it Voodoo economics. We have a big deficit, financed by the Chinese, the war is costing us millions of dollars a day and now we have to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And they are talking about tax cuts..... I have to balance my budget.

I am one of the really lucky ones out might have gotten a check but I didn't. So I missed the tax cut and the stim package

On the women issue, it was bad legislation which would have given trial lawyers the right to go after big business. The man is not against equal pay for equal work. Sometime the devil is in the details. With Palin, he may be able to put together a common sense bill for equal pay for women which everyone really wants.

To me it is simple....if I have the same job as a man then pay me the same. The Supreme Court said you had to file within 60 days....the bill McCain voted against changed that. It tells me McCain is not for women and not for the little guy.

I will check your link...but I know myself... I supported John McCain when he ran against Bush in 2000. But when he dove to the right he lost me.

We cannot take 8 or even 4 more years of this economy. John McCain looks like Bush 3 to me.

Maybe some other posters might clear up some of your questions and concerns. Thanks

Take Care...
Old 09-10-2008, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Perhpas you have heard this analogy about redistribution.

A daughter in college was talking to her Dad about Obama. She was questioning her Dad as to why he wasn't supporting Obama...because she thought he is great, and everyone should be helping those less fortunate. The daughter didn't understand her Dad's thinking. He switched the conversation to her and college. Asking how she was doing. She replied, her grades are really good, she studies all the time, rarely goes to parties, because she is studing. But she is proud of the grades she has earned. Then the Dad asked about her best friend. The daughter said...that her friend was having a blast - she was the party girl. Always having dates, going to every party, very popular in that circle. What about her grades? the Dad asked....Oh, she is barely getting D's. She doesn't study much, because she is enjoying the college life. Her Dad then offered a suggestion. Why not go to her advisor and have them 'give' some of your grade points to your friend....since she is less fortunate in getting excellent grades. That way you both will have high C averages. The Daughter said. NO WAY that isn't fair. I work hard for my grades....she parties. Her Dad said....Welcome to the Republican Party.
Old 09-10-2008, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Welcome Starduster.
I am amazed the thread has this many responses without being yet being assailed or hijacked.
I find the focus on Palin to be significantly distorted.
Where are all the pundits who after Biden was named VP, touting, the election is about who will be President, not VP.
And as anyone who can read or hear one would think that premise has changed with the ongoing, pick the fly specks out of the pepper, dirt digging, daily slander report.
Now just why has the emphasis shifted and all the concern about who is the VP candidate.
The good cop bad cop routine is also waning...the slander mill goes for the juggler with incidentals (fly specks) while the candidate touts...leave family out of it! Leave religion out of it!

The pendulum has swung and we all know it can again. Whether it does or does not will be very contingent upon all Americans wanting the issues revealed and their belief in which candidate truly has the tools to make it happen.

I believe in hope and I think that is what has shifted.

Old 09-10-2008, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

billethkid, I don't think this thread will be hijacked because it is for people who like John McCain and Sarah Palin and what they stand for.

I think cologal has some legitimate questions although she borders on attack. It seems to me her mind is already made up. What we are trying to do is discuss issues but at the same time keep it Republican and Independent. If liberals have questions they can ask and one of us will give them our answer. The name callers will never post here as they do not know how to discuss real issues in a mature manner.

About your reflection on Biden when he was picked is absolutely correct. It allowed Obama to come out saying the election is about me and BTW I have picked a great VP who knows much more about Washington and National Security than I ever could. McCain is saying the election is about me and BTW I have picked a great VP who is young and is willing to grow with the party. She will do her job and do it well.
Obama swore to us all those months ago how he was a person of change and how politics as usual won't fly with him in the race. Look at him now, talking Lipstick. The Dem's are on the run, the Rep's have won. The debate will seal the fate of Obama.
Old 09-10-2008, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: John McCain and Sarah Palin

Amazing. A political thread without name calling, attacks and people trying to slam one another. Seems most of those bring out the worst in people. Very glad to read at least one political thread without all that.

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